My American Virgin part 3

She showed up at four o’clock dressed in a pale yellow halter top that emphasized her breasts and matching shorts that highlighted her well formed thighs and calves. I could smell her light perfume as I kissed her. She returned the kiss with enthusiasm. I said, “Let’s walk along the beach.” We walked hand in … Read more

I won’t tell if you don’t Part 2 Aftermath

The following story picks up from the end of the edited /reposted Part 1. Thanks to everyone for the feedback for improving my writing-please continue to do so. This part of the story is more about my getting discovered and how we dealt with it, leading to our closer relationship. To get Beth’s help in … Read more

Naruto: Slave for You

“Hey, what are you doing here?” asked Shikamaru as Naruto entered the room. Naruto pointed to his forehead protector with a grin. “I managed to pass after all,” said Naruto. “Troublesome,” said the lazy Nara as he set his head down to take a nap. Naruto was about to say something when Iruka entered the … Read more

The Jeff and Ellie Archives . . . Episodes 3 & 4

Episode 3: Sibling Tender Touches Ellie is really quite stunning. She hasn’t started getting any real women-like curves yet, but despite her always complaining about having “a boy’s body” she is very feminine. She has long blonde hair and blue eyes and even though she’s only about 5 foot 2 she has the build of … Read more

Truths and Betrayals of a Young Man’s Heart Chapter 1 ( Repost )

This is a repost of the original as I felt I didn’t give this story justice. I have changed a few words here and there to make it sound better the it did. The comments that were given made me think for months as to if I should redo some of the story. Things have … Read more

Abducted on a School Trip

Let me tell you a bit about myself. Alan Riley, 38. Originally from Matlock, but I moved down to London after University. I got a job as a Geography teacher at a local secondary school, where I’ve been ever since. It was a fairly normal teaching job; annoying kids, annoying parents, and annoying co-workers, but … Read more

Derby, Chapter 1

“It’s strange being on your own,” Derby thought. “I could hardly wait to get away from home, away from my asshole parents, my stupid cunt sisters, and my fat shithead brother. Now I’m here. Now what?” Derby was surrounded by a mess of boxes and suitcases in the stark dorm room. Anxious to see what … Read more

Falling In, Part 4

I lay there quietly for some time, Jacky next to me, her breath competing with the volume from the tv that I was just now realizing was still playing. My breath came in pants and gasps. I was tired in the same way that I was after a football game, or a particularly grueling wrestling … Read more

Goodnight Daddy Part 1

Ever since my daughter Cora was very young we started the nightly ritual of me tucking her into bed and kissing her goodnight. As she grew into an older teen for whatever reasons we maintained that routine. Though over that time she has changed into beautiful young woman and the once innocence has since been … Read more

Celia, the perfect slut

To put things into perspective, I’ll start off by introducing myself and the various characters involved in this segment of my life. My name is Ethan Parker and I am 17 years old. I am currently a junior attending high school in a northern US state. I am goal oriented and a bit hyperactive and … Read more

Bible Belt – Part 3 (FINAL)

“I’m going to a Christian camp,” Anne announced at breakfast one day, about two weeks later. Our nightly visits were still on-going, but the longer we continued, the more resolute I was that it had to stop. I responded to my sister by almost choking on my Cheerios, but managed to cover it up with … Read more

The Young Wizard–Part 1

This story was posted several years ago and was removed from the site because it originally described sexual activities between under-aged teens. It was written to be a coming-of-age story and I wasn’t thrilled when it was deleted because there was nothing pedophilic about it. However, I don’t own the site so I don’t make … Read more


Bobby Jo We first met just after I started junior high school. I had entered the seventh grade like many others, in that I was awkward, felt alone and out of place most of the time. Miss Bobby as she was called singled me out on my first trip to the library in search of … Read more