Dark Arts I: Words

I know Magic. You’re thinking I’m nuts, aren’t you? Yeah, I thought that too. For the longest of times. I guess part of me still does. But I know it. The Art, Kammeryn and friends call it. Well, I guess I’m his friend too. We’re all part of what us Gifted call a “cabal.” Fancy … Read more

Falling at the Johnson’s

Tasha was the most beautiful girl I had ever met. We became instant friends. We would talk at school, text until the wee hours of the night, and we spent every free minute together. Tasha was an all-around athlete. Her father had been transferred to the power plant that sat on the outside of town. … Read more

From Sex Deprived to Sex Addicted Pt. 9

Nick entered his home curiously optimistic. If Robert or his mother saw him with the goofy smile he had plastered on his face, especially after his rude exit this morning, they would probably send him to the nut house. Nick reflected on the last words his therapist said to him. He arrived at the conclusion … Read more

New Places, New Faces Pt. 2

Like before, please leave your criticism and feedback on the coments. All acts depicted here are done by people over the age of consent. All similarities between the characters depicted and real people are all purely coincidental. ——————————————————————————- Edward slowly rose from his slumber early the next day, his body tired from his nightly activities. … Read more

The Girl With The Pink Flowered Panties Ch. 02

I was at a restaurant, texting my girlfriend, Jessica, when it happened. I saw something that I could not and would not be able to forget. And I knew, at that precise moment, I needed to see more. I saw a cute girl walking in my direction, holding a bagel in her right hand. The … Read more


This story takes place in the 1960’s in rural Long Island, NY. It’s the story of two “relatives” who become a lot more than friends. NOTE: Some of the terms used would be politically incorrect today, but were appropriate then. Paul is a popular student who gets all the pussy he can handle. He knows … Read more

Maria’s Favor to a Geek – Chapter 3

“Steve!” Michael shouts, as he enters the room. “I totally forgot you were coming over today.” Mike walks over to them, and both Steven and Sarah’s mouths hang open as they notice Michael’s appearance. “Uhhh… wow, when did you get the new do?” (hairdo) Steve asks. “Oh, uh, a little while ago, that’s why I’m … Read more

Ron and Irene Learn Together

Ron and Irene Learn together I was a quiet young man who remained a virgin until well into my college years. Not that I wasn’t interested, it was just that I was a shy lad who had been raised on a farm in a very sheltered way. I was a respectful boy, who would not … Read more

Sister’s Surprise, Chapter 5

Sister’s Surprise, Chapter 5 Jessica was asleep, beside me on the couch, with her arm draped over my chest, and one leg over one of mine. We were both still naked, the evidence of our lovemaking still gooey smeared against our lower abdomens, its incestuous aroma wafting up to greet my still tired senses. I … Read more

Slave Game

It was the middle of the night when Missy woke up to go pee. The bathroom connected her room to her brother’s and his door was open, so she didn’t turn on the light. She just went in and pulled her panties down before sitting on the toilet in the moonlight coming in through the … Read more

Smug Sister Tania

For 18 years I suffered the pangs and pain of having a brat sister digging her claws into me every chance she got. The little bitch found out early that if she complained and cried loud enough that our parents would think I did her wrong and get on my case severely. I spent many … Read more