Brother’s nighttime visit 2

When Sarah went downstairs to have breakfast, her heart was beating really fast. “Is he going to say something?”, she wondered to herself. To her surprise, he didn’t even react when he saw her come into the kitchen. “Good morning, sis,” he said. “Did you sleep well?” Despite him trying to act as normal as … Read more

Program Alpha-Omega 1 by

I am NOT the original author. The original author is “Eric Storm” Episode 1: Omega Finds Alpha “Mr. Griffin?” Zack shook himself into awareness as he realized the entire class was staring at him. He looked humbly up at his teacher, and said, “Yes, Mr. Parks?” “Mr. Griffin, I realize that you may be fully … Read more

The Pendant 1

The Pendant Chapter One Bobby found the box at the bottom of the pond we swim in. He had to dive down several times to work it free but finally swam to shore with it. We (Mike, Jake, Bobby, and I) sat there looking at it. It was wood bound with iron straps and it … Read more

Cassie and the Butler’s son

The phone rang at two in the morning. It was my Dad. He sounded half asleep. “His Lordship’s daughter just rang,” he said. “She needs a lift home, Can you get her do you think?” “She’s in town, twenty one A Braithwaite Street.” “Look I got lectures first thing and how’s she going to like … Read more

Me and My Brothers Chapter IX

IX. Sex Shows I no sooner returned to the kitchen and Marty and Donny arrived, very shortly after Louise and Bobby showed up. Almost at once we were eating and laughing as we all seemed to have something stupid to say. Louise said something about Bobby getting tangled in the sheet and it seemed so … Read more


MY SISTER & THE EXCHANGE STUDENT PART 6 SECRETS Rach told mom she wasn’t feeling well, and was skipping dinner and going to bed early. I felt guilty, thinking I pushed her too much at the mall. I checked the webcam; she had left it on, so I at least knew she wasn’t mad at … Read more

A new day, a new me part 7

Back to the writing and as always thanks for keeping up with the series. Ever get that waking up in a strange place feeling? I woke up groggy to a poster of some punk band and a body next to me breathing. It takes me a second to realize that I’m still at Katy’s place … Read more

The Neighbors Garden Grows

As you remember, Carol Wills had me working in her yard doing the mowing and several odd jobs, including servicing her wonderful pussy. My seventeen year old body was changing rapidly as I grew into manhood. The fact that I was fucking and sucking my beautiful neighbor and my hot as fuck little sister really … Read more

The Pendant 3

The Pendant Chapter Three At lunch the next day Bobby came right up to me and blurted out “Did you take it?”. I could have asked him what but I told him I had it. He paused for a moment and then asked me if I had used it. Again I said yes. Bobby seemed … Read more

I Knew She Was a Bitch

I Knew She Was a Bitch The year was 1970; three boys were at the drive-in theater when one meets up with an old acquaintance. He knows she was a bitch but didn’t think she would take it to the extreme. Katie stood in line behind me at the concession counter I hadn’t seen her … Read more

My First Time – first post

My First Time Call me Nicolas, that way I keep some sort of anonymity. I’m 20, from London, England and I’m probably, definitely a sex addict. Not that i’m complaining though, I mean it’s great. To give a bit of context, I’m 6’4, very athletic and blessed down there, if you know what I mean. … Read more

A Party with Sarah (Schoolyear pt. 2)

Hey everyone! This is BrianGuy here with another story. This is the 2nd part of A Schoolyear with Sarah. The final part will be out soon, and I have another great 6 part story in the making. The next one will be longer and about the rest of Brian’s 2nd summer. _____________________________________________________________________________________ Near the end … Read more