The Benson Farm 2

The day after I fucked Mrs. Benson, was the weirdest day of my life. I did not know how to act. I knew I could not act any different or there would be suspicions. I had to get Heather back on my good side. It was Thursday, and whatever happened on Sunday’s, I wanted her … Read more

Emma at the Beach

Emma at the Beach Finally, junior year was over and summer had arrived. I was officially a senior now! I had so many plans for the summer. My friends and I already had tickets to a bunch of summer concerts. We planned on spending our days at the local amusement parks and beaches, and our … Read more

Yoga Pants Suck!

Her eyes wandered his face for a few moments taking in thethree day stubble. The effect of his oh so very blue eyes was not lost on her. After her “lost signal” moment, as her mom would call it since her brain would disconnect from mouth in a day dreamlike stupor, she managed to squeak … Read more

Surviving Dawn Part 2

I’m startled awake, one of the girls’ begins to rustle in the hay. It feels like the sun should be coming up soon, until I look at my watch and realize that it’s only 3:30. Luckily, the moon is bright and I can see the fog rolling in off of the hills; Stephanie steps out … Read more

Becoming The Favorite (Formatting Fixed)

Posting this over because the first time the formatting was so jacked you could barely even read it. I couldn’t figure out what it said and I was the one that wrote it. Hope you enjoy this new unmarred version. Becoming Big Brother’s Favorite Afraid of coming in second place to oldest sister, Lizzy seduces … Read more

My Hot Dorm Mate – Part 3

I woke up with the sun brightly in my eyes. Mark was gone, Lisa was peacefully curled up against the wall — both of us still naked under a bed sheet. I blinked a few times to get my bearings, and then to try desperately to remember all the amazing details of last night’s sexcapades. … Read more

A new day, a new me part 12

After way too much rewriting and a month of personal and technical bullshit, I present the final chapter to this possible first volume of A New Day, A New Me. The rest of Tuesday went by fairly uneventful save for Katy being really quiet around me for the whole night. Wednesday morning started normal, I … Read more

Special Bond – Long Weekend at the Lake 1-2

A SPECIAL BOND Long Weekend at the Lake ___________________________________ This is a work of fiction. Of fantasy. It’s called ‘My Right of Free Speech.’ If you do not approve of youngsters engaged in various sexual acts . . . or if you live in one of the God-forsaken States that bans possessing/reading such material . … Read more

A Hate Fuck with Emma_(0)

********** According to Urban Dictionary, a hate fuck means “to have sex, especially in a rough manner, with someone whom one finds finds physically attractive but personally loathsome.” One Wednesday after school, my drama teacher, Mr. James, called me into his office. “Greg,” he said before pausing to phrase his next words carefully. “I have … Read more

Desire her or fear her, Part 01: Rejection and payback

————————————– Part 01: Rejection and payback. ————————————– Denise was relaxing at the pool, as she often did after her workout in the gym. She enjoyed a bit of peace and quiet, especially after spending half the day being visually raped by horny men, as she trained on different machines that made her all sweaty. Not … Read more

The Cheerleader Blues

Julie Osborne was one pissed girl. If you’d just looked at her for the first time, you would have wondered what in the world this girl had to be pissed about. She was beautiful, smart, had nice clothes, and lots of friends. She was a cheerleader – the head cheerleader in fact – and one … Read more