Teenage Bus Trip

True Story: My choir took a two week choir trip every summer. We would go from town to town singing in churches, spending the night in someone’s home, and then getting back on the bus again. A few time we would stay in a motel, but not often. Sometimes we would ride the bus through … Read more

Playing House_(0)

When I was a child, I used to look forward to family reunions, because it was one of the rare occasions that I was able to play with other kids. Being an only child, the family reunions were a sure thing for me to have play mates. I had one cousin who was my favorite … Read more

My naughty family

My name is Isabel and I’m 17 now. I live with my older brother Alex, my mother Laura and my daddy John. We live in a small village, together with some other families, and luckily we have good neighborhood relations with them. My parents moved here soon after I was born, so we pretty much … Read more


MY SISTER & THE EXCHANGE STUDENT PART 3 CHURCH After dinner, as Rach helped mom clean up, I took the opportunity to pull up my shorts, close them as best I could, and excuse myself. I left the scrunchie on my dick, not knowing yet, where or when I was going to give it back. … Read more

Chronicles of One Big Horny Family: Series 1; Cunnilingus Cousins, Part 1

Chronicles of One Big Horny Family: Series 1; Cunnilingus Cousins, Part 1 It was a hot and muggy Sunday afternoon of May, 2005 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. My cousin, Jack, and I were out in our Grandmom Lisa’s yard. My Grandmom Lisa, who we call Nan, is 45 and takes care of her 7 grandchildren including … Read more

The Rush pt. 5

6 hours after she’d come home and embarked on her joint sexual relationship with her mom and sister, Melissa was standing in the shower, calmly washing the dried cum and milk off her body. Janice and Kayla were both still asleep, but Melissa had gently moved them onto the couch when she’d woken up, before … Read more

Jake’s Saga – Ch. 03 – Katie’s Punishment

As soon as the plane landed, Jake turned his phone on and checked his messages. A week later, and still nothing from Katie, “shit, I really fucked up.” he thought to himself, before scrolling through his remaining messages. Coach Hendricks had messaged him, he was pitching tomorrow. He was eager to show the scouts that … Read more

Aristocracy: Unexpected

My name is Ian Drake. I come from a long line of Italian aristocrats. My whole family has the same tanned skin, dark black short black hair that falls in our eyes most of the time, and piercing green eyes. I am 18 years old and home schooled. I’m about 6’1 and very muscular and … Read more

Moving On – Chapter 3

Moving On Chapter 3 Time seemed frozen. The look of shock and horror on Evelyn’s face was juxtaposed with the wet remnants of my cum on her cheeks and chin. My cock fell from my hand, and my head felt like it was moving through molasses as it slowly turned towards the bathroom entrance. “Looks … Read more

Singing Jasen’s Song: Part 5

The second she sat down, she reached for the knob to the heater, but pulled herself back wondering why she had. The first night had been the only time. Confused at herself, Kairi massaged her hands in her lap. “Don’t feel like breaking my car some more?” It was a tease to lighten the mood. … Read more

The Way I Dreamed It Part 1 Chapter 14

FINALLY the epilogue . . . it’s a bit small but don’t be mad. Sure things won’t end the same but remember they could always end . . . . . . Written by Dragon of the Underworld Revised by Evildart17/Darkcloud75 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx The Way I Dreamed It Part 1 Epilogue Chapter 14 Naruto was holding … Read more

Christian’s hot neighbour

This is my first story so I kept it a little shorter to see if it’s well received. Open to comments and criticism, both positive and negative. Let me know what you thought and enjoy the story. It was just another ordinary day for Christian. He woke up and jerked off thinking about his hot … Read more


When I was in high school I went to spend the summer with my mom who lived a Oklahoma. When I got there she took me to meet my cousins. I had never met any of them and was anxious about it. My aunt and uncle had four kids: Charlie, Clare, Gordy and Connie. I … Read more

Bruce and Selena

Selena Kyle had witnessed the murders of Thomas and Martha Wayne, and was thus a key to Detective James Gordon finding the identity of the person who committed that crime. Much of the police force was corrupt, so the only place that Gordon could think of to hide his young witness was at the Wayne … Read more

Jake’s Saga – Ch. 06 – Weekend with Katie

It was Saturday afternoon, Jake had just gotten home after from his baseball team’s double header and hopped in the shower. He cleaned off the sweat, dirt, and grime from the games, ensuring he was as clean as he could be before heading to spend the night at his girlfriend’s house. Her parents were out … Read more