Potential 9

This is a very long story and this is not the chapter to start with. You can, but you’ll be a little lost because many things have already happened. If you aren’t interested in a long incestuous family drama, turn back now. For those of you who only read my stories on this site, I … Read more

I discover the real me Part 03

Before you read this part I strongly suggest that you read the earlier parts before reading this. It will give you the background that will make this part a lot more enjoyable. Part 03 My alarm woke me at 7:45 am and I jumped out of bed. I was looking forward to being naked in … Read more

Amanda Gets What She Wants-Her Brother, Kyle

I was home alone and bored so I began rooting around my brother’s room (Aren’t sibling’s awful. I’m sure he’s been through my panties and bras; turnabout is fair play.) and I find a DVD under a bunch of stuff at the back of a dresser drawer. It’s unlabeled, which adds to the mystery, so … Read more

Catfish -Chapter 2-

Here’s chapter 2… Right on time! I haven’t gotten very much feedback on the first chapter, but what I have gotten is that people like my other story better… or that it’s really different, and you’re not sure where I’m going with it. Well, I hope you’ll all give it a chance. It’s gonna take … Read more

Did he just?

Enjoy: “What does my lame step brother want now?” I thought to myself as Tommy opened my bedroom door. I was in bed, wearing just a pair of red panties and a blue t-shirt and watching TV. I was laying on my stomach facing the TV at the edge of the bed, twirling a lock … Read more

The Girl Next Door_(7)

This all begins one night when I was getting home from a party after football. Of course I didn’t want my parents finding out I had a few “root beers” and a “salad” so I cut through the woods, to get to the back of the house so I could climb in my bed room … Read more

pokemon world ch 4

I could be sitting here telling you about a fake good time I had or I could tell you the truth of whats going on right now. The fucking truth, today I dont know what the truth is. It started early this morning about five. I had woken up early to some commotion out side. … Read more

A New Day, The Other Me chapter 4

I think I’m in love. Okay I hope its love but I will say for a damn fact there is a connection between Jenna and me. Not something as petty as likes and dislikes, we just get each other. The first two weeks of November we have been dating and people found out really quick … Read more

Kara, My Love -Part 2

I woke up at about 7ish, and having woken up just after a dream in which I had Kara spread out on my queen sized bed moaning my name as I licked her out, naturally, I had a massive hard on. I had been lying there for about 15 minutes waiting for it to go … Read more

Queen of Metal

PART 1 Abigail Williams or Abby as she was known to everyone was the queen of high school. She was the captain of the Volleyball, Basketball, and softball teams. She was a straight A student and was on the student consul. Every guy wanted to date her and every girl wanted to be her and … Read more

Teenage Tokyo Street Fighters & Fuckers: Part 1

Bzzzz..” Slap snooze button! “Zzzzzz “Bzzzzzzz…” Slap snooze button again! “Zzzzzzzzzzz…” “Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzz…” “Oh fuck, I’m going to be late!” This was the way most mornings at the Shannon family started, but this would not be a typical morning. I was at the second floor, most of my clothes already on for school, looking at my … Read more

Another Nerd’s First Time

The week after Alyssa and I had sex, my life changed. I went from being a nobody, to the center of the attention of almost every popular girl at school. I had went from dodging pesterous jocks to being surrounded by hot girls. The attention was not just at school. At work, it seemed every … Read more

A Clear Conscience II

I never saw Selena again, and for me, that wasn’t really that big of a deal. Though I had lost my virginity to her, she was just some girl my friend had set me up with. But, I did feel guilty afterwards for cheating on Lanie, and I decided I was going to be a … Read more