Invisible Dead Prologue (Revised)

Episode 1 (Prologue) A man stands at a row of complex machines, typing data into a computer. The machines take up two of the walls in the small room, which is cut in half by a wall of sturdy glass. The man is of about average height with brown hair, accented by grey at the … Read more

Raping Ru

I opened the door to my room in my college dorm and gestured for Ruby to enter. Ruby took off her leather jacket and threw it on the bed then sat on my chair. I closed the door behind us and opened the bedside cupboard that contained a bottle of tequila. I had just been … Read more

Moonshadow. Ninja Spy_(1)

As Moonshadow crouched down low, a group of guards exited the castle. Moon’s eyes probed the darkness to make sure he was alone. Once he knew he was alone he thought of a plan. When Moon looked up again he hung his head and groaned more guards? They wern’t taking any chances.As Moon let his … Read more

Maria’s Favor to a Geek – Chapter 9

CHAPTER 9 Maria nervously picks up her phone. It takes her several minutes just to dial the number. It starts to ring, and she takes a deep breath. “Y’ello!” a man’s voice answers. “Hi Daddy.” “Maria, good to hear from you! How is everything?” “Pretty good… ummm… well… the reason that I called is because, … Read more

The Oddball Out

Oddball. That’s what people call me, well mainly my brother but I guess he has a reason to. I don’t really fit in anywhere I go. If you look me over a thousand times you would never find anything normal about me. I’m not the average 11yr old girl. I’m short around 4’3, I’m skinny … Read more

Is She Worth It? -Chapter 3

I know that people want me to make the chapters longer, but due to college, if I did that, it would take me at least 3 weeks per chapter, so for the next month or so, smaller chapters will be coming, but don’t worry, they’ll be coming at a little faster pace. Anybody telling me … Read more


Karen hated Thursdays. She hated it because the last period was P.E, forcing her to take a shower afterwards (she hated the school showers, and always waited until all the other girls were gone before showering herslef) She hated her P.E. teacher. She hated her class. Karen was not one of the “popular” girls, although … Read more

Isabelle Chapter 4

In the weeks that followed that night in my room not much happened. We were definitely changed people (emotionally), but basically it was the same routine that we had: School during the week, with a few make out sessions afterwards, weekends consisted mostly of my mom and dad taking us out to do tourism things … Read more

Summer after college

His hand stroked furiously. The pressure was building and he began to feel the tingles deep in his chest. He clenched his jaw and his ass cheeks. Tight. His left hand held the windowsill for support. The only way to keep upright. A small grunt escaped his lips and he forced his mouth closed. He … Read more

Carly and I skip class

Carly and I skip class Tragedy Towards the end of my junior year, the absolute worst thing ever happened. My beautiful wonderful girlfriend Jamie decided it was time we started seeing other people, and by “we” she meant “she”. I couldn’t believe it! Here I thought we were rolling happily along and then she just … Read more

Amanda (Chapter 1)

Her name was Chelsea; she was a junior at my school, a year ahead of me. We had been friends since my freshman year. She was about 5’2” and had beautiful red hair. She was a little chubby, but not so much as to detract from her natural beauty. She had a very nicely shaped … Read more

The Crash, part 1

“Could I have a diet coke please?” I looked at my iPod, and skipped to the next song. I took a look at the ticket, which read “ARR 2030” on the side. I was flying home for the holidays from school, finally break was here. Home in Chicago was boring, but I loved the family … Read more


She was just as beautiful as ever today. She was wearing a blue skirt, it was pretty short, and a green t-shirt. She was pretty short herself, only about 5’4”. She had medium length, brown, slightly curly hair, it reached to about her shoulder. Her breasts were average sized, probably a C cup. She had … Read more

Masturbating with Amy, Chapter Two

For the rest of the day, I couldn’t stop thinking about Amy and what we had done. Watching her masturbate under the blanket was, by far, the most erotic experience of my life to date. This morning, I would have been mortified at the idea of masturbating in front of a girl, but now that … Read more