The Kid Cut From Different Cloth – Chapter 2 –

Little piece of announcement again, please give a positive vote so this story gets higher up and is viewed more! I need all the support you can give me guys to make this story happen! Thank you all! Now, enjoy… The Kid Cut From Different Cloth – CHAPTER 2- “Hello kids, this your new classmate, … Read more

2 guys in 1 night

My parents decided to go away for the weekend, so it was just my older sister, my little brother, and me. My older sister had to go to work one evening so I was babysitting my little brother. I intended to spend time with him but I got a call that I’ve been wanting for … Read more

Harry Potter and the Legacy of Hogwarts_(1)

Harry Potter and the Legacy of Hogwarts Chapter 1 – In the Beginning Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the actual Harry Potter series, its author, characters or book and movie franchises. This story has not been sold or created for profit. Story Codes: mmfff, exhib, grope, magic, unif, voy Harry Potter’s fifth year of … Read more

Seperation Ends

My phone rang as I waited silently in the noisy airport. I sat down sadly as I holstered my cell phone and looked up. An announcer confirmed the grim news that I had thought I would only have to hear once. “Flight 435 from Reno will be delayed approximately one hour due to weather conditions.” … Read more

Behind Those Glasses_(0)

So this is my first story. Please comment everything you feel necessary and vote fairly. If you have any questions or comments do not hesitate to post them. THANKS! 😀 Behind Those Glasses Prologue I breathed deep. I could not remember how I got here.. but it’s morning. I twist my head looking for some … Read more

Camping chapter 4

Ranma 1/2: Camping Fourth night Akane stayed awake watching while Ranma laid on the spare blanket, his sleeping bag being pretty smelly and all. She looked over his body. He was wearing only his boxers and muscle shirt again, which surprised Akane. She was positive he would be wearing some more clothing since he didn’t … Read more

Sarah 2

Recap: if you haven’t read the first part read it. the next day sarah and i went swimming but her parents were there so we couldn’t do anything. i told her, “my parents were at work so we could go over to my house.” with that i gave her a wink and she told her … Read more

Soccer Party

It’s hot, too hot for football. And yet, coach ain’t gonna let us end training early. It’s stamina practice, and the heat has worn everyone out. And the worst part is we can’t do a thing about it. Brad’s a nice guy, just a tad strict. He’s a great soccer player, he was selected for … Read more

Big Brother bodyguard ch.3

I woke up to our phone ringing. Crappy way to wake up in the morning. I carefully and slowly got out of the bed so I didn’t wake up Tracy or Katey. I got the phone and answered. “Hello?” I said. “Hey honey it’s mom I just wanted to tell you to clean up the … Read more

Slutty Best Friends

“Jenny? Jenny, wake up.” Jenny’s little brother, Kevin, quietly tried waking up his sister from her bedroom doorway. “Huh? What?” Jenny sat up in her bed. She was dressed in what she usually slept in, a thin nightie and panties. Jenny was 14, about a year older than her brother. She had long black hair, … Read more

Katha pt.4 – Training session for a future mistress

Some weeks had passed since the camp trip of our school classes. Meanwhile, we were in the second half of May, and it had been nice and warm outside for several days now. On such a nice pre-summer day, Katha, during the final lesson for this day, shot me one of her ‘letters’. Would you … Read more