Middle America

All characters in this story are 18+ Any constructive criticism is greatly appreciated. My name is Jack and I was born in a small town in Kansas. My dad owned and ran his own store which kept him away from home a lot but I’d usually spend lazy summer days helping him out around the … Read more

Anton Station.

Sorry peopels taking a break from Link as i am TOTALLY stumped and thought of a new idea for a story, Kai, with her long brown, curly hair with help from the breeze, whipped at the back of her neck. Her long eyelashes, whihc almost hid her sky blue eyes, kept the dirt out of … Read more

Such Good Friends

SUCH GOOD FRIENDS Chapter three—Teeny “Mark! Tina! We’re ready to go. Come down and say good bye,” Mark’s mother Susan yelled up at her children. Mark’s parents were going off on a weekend trip and were leaving him and his sister Tina alone for the first time. “Be very careful. No strangers. No parties while … Read more

Sex With My Sister (Book 5 Chapter 1)

Meaning they are made up. The characters, though sometimes loosely based on a real person, are fictional. Why did I find the need to change my introductory note? Because people seem to not know what fiction is. Disclaimer: The following story is a work of fiction. It in no way reflects actual events that I … Read more

A Saturday of Cheerleader Pleasure Ch. 06

It was a cloudy Friday afternoon when we pulled up the driveway that led to Becca’s parent’s house. “We’re here,” Becca announced, as she parked her car and unbuckled her seatbelt. I unbuckled my seatbelt and started to get out of the car, but Becca grabbed my left shoulder and motioned for me to remain … Read more

A Dream Of A Night by

My name is Dean and I am 18. I have dirty blonde hair with deep brown eyes. I have an average body. I must say I am a bit out of shape but I am still me. My life changed after a magical night with a very special person. We lived in a normal suburb … Read more


Hi, my name is Charlie and I am currently a senior in high school. This story takes place during spring break, when my mother decided to leave for the week leaving me home alone. When she told me her last minute travel planes I was so happy, I would finally have time to myself and … Read more

My Lovely twin Part 2

I got up as Kelly went to the bathroom. I put on some underwear and went to my phone which I left on a counter so I could spy on what they would say when I left. I played the recording. “I thought you told him after you told me.” Kelly said “Why should I … Read more

Lifelong Exhibitionist 3

i’d like to continue to tell you more about with my times with the beautiful Sinead. You would need to be familiar with the previous stories to catch on. As mentioned, Sinead and I were sharing an exhibitioinst/voyeur experience, two or three evenings a week I would say. About 4 months after we started our … Read more

Dear Diary ~ 9.23.2016

Poor Bean is in love. We emailed back and forth a lot that first Friday night, well into the morning hours. We talked about his life, I shared some aspects of mine… almost nothing, really… privacy and secrecy is a well-ingrained habit. It turns out I actually am the first girl to ever make him … Read more

The night_(1)

Taylor, carey and i are all 15, and this is the night: They made me cum 18 times. The first 11, I was active, or I was alert. For the rest, I just laid there and took it. In order: 1: Taylor caught me masturbating in the bathroom because her bathroom door doesn’t lock. I … Read more

A chance at a new sex life; Part 11

My eyes are still wide. ‘Does mom really know?’ I say to myself. I get up and run through to Stacey’s room who is just out of the shower. “Robbie what the hell??” She shouts at me and tries to cover herself up. “Oh please, I’ve seen it all. We have more important things to … Read more

Heavenly dreams_(1)

loosing my virginity, where do I begin… This story happened when I was in 10th grade. I had recently moved from upstate NY to NC and was making new friends. From going to my community pool, I met people throughout the summer and was lucky when I met Jonny. When I first met his family … Read more

A Hero (In Bed) I

AUTHOR’S NOTE: This is my first story…so do please give me some leeway. It’s also worth mentioning that this is much more story driven, and while plenty of sex is there, it kind of takes the back seat (especially early on-there’s basically nothing in this chapter). Other than that, feedback is appreciated and suggestions for … Read more

Hitting the Curve (Chapter 2)

If you see any spacing or formatting errors along with any missing characters, please forgive me. The text editor here is giving me issues. I did my best to fix them all but I may have missed a few. This chapter is a good bit longer than the first one, in fact it should be … Read more