Joe chapter 11

Things changed over the next few weeks, Cynthia was still my unofficial girlfriend. But her sister, Bella, and I became more and more exclusive. I got caught by my parents sneaking back into the house after a night with Bella. I had finally told Mark about Cynthia so I was sure he’d cover for me … Read more

Across Eternity: Book 1

A rare find, that beautiful crimson hair. That color was usually the result of cheap dye and a childish personality, desperate to prove individuality by opposing normality. It was a rare gift from nature, every strand like melting rubies, when most so-called redheads possessed only a diluted orange hue. But hers was like blood, drawing … Read more

Weird Kid

This is my first REAL attempt at a story. I’m going to take my time with this one; if you don’t like the lack of sex in it then I’m sorry. If all goes well I’ll post some more of it. Be Gentle. Weird Kid I was never really accepted by my peers. I was … Read more

(Harry Potter) – Ron Blackmailed to fuck

She looked at him from the green satin armchair next to the window. His handsome body was hit by the faintest rays of the moonlight, but she didn’t need her eyes to see him through the dark. She knew where his muscles and his bones were; she knew where he liked to be touched when … Read more

Brittany and Me part 5

Again, if you want the story to make more sense, read the previous chapters. Justin’s phone buzzed inches from his ear, dragging the teen unwillingly into consciousness. His eyes pried themselves open as his focus turned to the noisy pest resting on his pillow. It was Brittany. Justin looked at the clock, soon informed that … Read more

A New Day, The Other Me chapter 11

And at this moment I’m saving lives. Some are lives I do not care for; one is a life I care for greatly. What I’m doing goes against everything I’ve learned and experienced over my time on this planet. I am doing this to save lives from each other and from themselves because war doesn’t … Read more

Coming Home_(0)

Click. I was finally out. After so long I had really left. My parents would panic and do everything they could to find me when they woke up in the morning, but by then I will be 18, and I could hide, and they could not do anything leagally to come after me. I got … Read more

The Angel Next Door_(0)

— Okay, so this is my first story. It’s a simple, the-girl-next-door type of thing, so let me know what you think! Sorry if my English isn’t all that great.  …………………………………………………………………………….. I first saw her when she had just moved in. Long, blonde hair, deep blue eyes, and a smile that just melted me. … Read more

New england summer, pt 5

Chapter 5: Ashley and Paul I’d met Kari two weeks ago now and it was getting on to the end of July. Meadow was off on a vacation in Europe with her parents for a week. Dena had started dating Rick and was spending a lot of time at his place. Kari and I were … Read more


Persuasion: the epic of a regular teen Clay wasn’t normal on any standard. He was growing up in a two-bedroom apartment with four siblings, his parents both working full time to provide for them. Well for his siblings. Clay was the only one with a job, a well paying job. He had a car, and … Read more

School Life 4

“Jessica! I’m sorry! Please, I have to explain to you! She forced herself on me-“ “I don’t want to hear it Aaron!” Here is the girl of my dreams, me at her doorstep, apologizing and trying to explain to her how in the hell she saw me fucking the lead bitch of our school after … Read more

Cheesy Gordita

Me, My boyfriend Bert, and some of our friends were out together. Just cruising around in my friend Brandon’s car, not going anywhere in particular. My friend James was shot gun, Brandon was driving, and Alex was enjoying the trunk with Kathy (there was six of us in a four seat car). Bert and I … Read more

One day after school_(0)

Ryan couldn’t believe his luck when he found out he was partnered with Jessica for a project in their 10th grade geography class. He had heard recently that Jessica had fooled around with a couple guys. Most girls in his grade didn’t put out at all – maybe some kissing and over-the-clothes stuff, but nothing … Read more