Stormy Night

It was a cold and rainy day. So there was nothing we could really do out side. The only ones home at the time was my sister Alicia, my boyfriend Ryan, and my self (Amy). So we stood around and watched tv inside. Alicia being 13 at the time was a very devoloped young lady. … Read more

The Kid Cut From Different Cloth

Quick announcement, there’s no sex in this story because I like to give some depth to characters more. If you like it, and want to see it evolve, please leave a comment and a thumbs up! The Kid Cut From Different Cloth – Chapter 1 Once upon a time, there was a country, in the … Read more

Harry’s Final Year at Hogwarts Chapter One

Chapter one: New Pets and Big Surprises Harry Potter was sitting at his desk inside his new bedroom at the burrow trying to write a letter to Fred Wesley, unable to find any words that would be fitting to put on the paper he simply gave up. Harry still felt responsible for Fred’s twin brother … Read more

The sexual adventures of a young man. (Revised)

nahht If you’re looking for a raunchy, nasty sex story, Leave. This story involves underage characters, if you’re not into that, Leave Otherwise, please stay and give it a read! ____________________________________________ revision #1 Beeep Beeep Beeep Beeep, It’s 6:15 on a cool Maine spring morning, I climb out of bed, with my 7 inch, 15 … Read more

Saving Sophie

It’s the middle of the day, and business is pretty slow. There are a few customers browsing throughout the store, but otherwise, it’s a typical dead Wednesday afternoon. Most of the staff is hanging out in the home theatre area for some excitement. I’m walking through the gaming department, straightening products and cleaning up shelves, … Read more

Moonshadow. Ninja Spy_(0)

As Moonshadow crouched down low, a group of guards exited the castle. Moon’s eyes probed the darkness to make sure he was alone. Once he knew he was alone he thought of a plan. When Moon looked up again he hung his head and groaned more guards? They wern’t taking any chances.As Moon let his … Read more

Back Country Tales: The Beginning

The bonfires were almost ethereal, smoke curling thickly up higher and higher, vainly trying to obscure the moon. But nothing could cover the moon that night. It was full and bright, casting shadows that grew taller and more proud than the people they were made from. I sat on Slicker’s tailgate, taking a deep a … Read more