Just a bus ride…Honest 4

My body began to stir, piece by piece, my brain was throwing back on all the switches, though it was my ears that came on first, and this is what I heard: “…ook I’m sorry, but we can’t keep him on life support for ever ma’am, I’m sorry but if we don’t see any recovery … Read more

Slave girl punished

Anisha was a pretty little slave girl. She had been born and was being raised on the plantation of James Brandywine. It was a large cotton plantation with many slaves to work the fields and serve James and his family of four in the big manor house. The Brandywine plantation was one of the largest … Read more

my friend matt part 1

The loud music was pounding into my head. I had escaped to this hell-hole of a college party after perhaps my biggest fight with long-term boyfriend, Tyler. It was my Freshman year at college, and Tyler and I had been together since Sophomore year in high school. I loved him with all of my heart, … Read more

Rachel’s Shaved Pussy III

After Kirsty’s party on Saturday, which had ended with a mess of glorious girl-on-girl fucking between me and her, I had gone home, and woken in the mid-afternoon, where realizing my younger brother was watching had added an extra fillip to my wake-up wank. That was Sunday, meaning Monday was right around the corner, and … Read more

The cursed boy _(1)

It started out as another day for me. My name is Damon. I’m about 5’11 and 14 with a long buzz cut that is brown with blonde natural highlights in the front with blue eyes.  I’m not skinny because I weigh 155 pounds but has a big natural chest and broad shoulder. I had an … Read more

First Time.

On Friday. I Saw Him In The Hallway & As Always He Grabbed My Hand & Hugged Me Tight. It Was Obvious He Liked Me. I Liked Him Back. He Was Sweet. Always Had A Contagious Smile. Then After We Hugged He Said, “What Are You Doing Tonight?” I Said, “I Dont Know Why?” He … Read more


6-6Everyone who has been bullied dreams that, when they leave high school, everything will change. Everyone lives in hope and likes feel good stories where the nerd gets the girl in the end. As we say at Victims Anonymous, “My name’s Sam, and here’s my story”: My last year at high school was a shit … Read more

Friends With Benefits_(2)

As a teenager, I was never really the best looking guy. At age 15 I was 6’3” and had built up a fair amount of muscle tone from all the sports I played. I wasn’t ugly, but nothing too special. I had grown up with both male and female friends, and was comfortable around both. … Read more

A Dish Best Served Cold or Bryan’s Revenge

My bleary eyes stared at the computer screen as I watched some Asian girl expertly sucking some guy’s cock. The moans sounded tinny to my ears though that was due more to the video’s poor production values than my sound system. For the past sixty hours since arriving from my family’s vacation cabin I’d alternated … Read more

A new day, a new me part 6

And onto part 6, still undecided on taking a break from the series. The rest of Sunday went by quietly in comparison to the earlier parts of the weekend. School and a steady stream of average and fairly uneventful days crept through from Monday to Thursday; all the while Korinna and I sat back and … Read more

Cello Muse

“What’ya doing?” The question startled me, jerking me out of my trance. I can slip into ‘the zone’ when I’m sketching and one inherent risk is being crept up on. I snapped out of it sharply, trying to discern the source of the floating voice. It sounded awfully close. Behind me perhaps. “Piss off!” Jim … Read more

Falling in love with Kyle by

As soon as I realized what would happen if I didn’t get out of that room, the panic set in. I didn’t see any other doors or windows than the one he had just left from and locked behind him. I quickly looked around the room and, realizing that I was definitely trapped, began frantically … Read more

What are best friends for Part 1

Chris and I have been friends nearly our whole lives. Together, we have seen many tragic events. When Chris was young, his father had left. Leaving: Nick, his older brother, him and his mother. His mother had turned to prostitution for money, home late, leaving early, never in a good mood. Nick, was only 10 … Read more