Kiera the Lonely: Chapter 1

Kiera couldn’t sleep; not with that incessant desire clawing at her consciousness, an impulse strong enough such that it could not be ignored. She couldn’t force the image out of her head, regardless of how hard she tried and how tired she was. The events of the past few days continually replayed in her mind. … Read more

Love you more….. Brother

Katherine picked herself up off her bed. Her breathing was still heavy, but it was slowing down considerably. She picked up a hand mirror and glanced in it. The redness was leaving her pretty, youthful face. Bending down, she grabbed her underwear and short shorts and pulled them up. “Katherine?” came a call from outside … Read more

The Brother and Sister Next Door (8-9)

The Brother and Sister Next Door (8-9) They all ate dinner together. Dad made an announcement. The company was sending him out of state for two weeks, and he had to leave right after dinner. “Awwww, we’ll miss you dear.” mom said. Brad got a burning feeling right in his gut. Mom smiled at Brad. … Read more


I have done some work on MY SISTER & THE EXCHANGE STUDENT (THE SCHOOL YEAR). If you’d rather I skip ahead to after high school, please let me know so I can put my effort where you want it. I thought you might want a visual approximation of what the girls look like. CHECK THE … Read more

Red Wine and Medics

Christ, but how was I supposed to stand it? It’s bad enough when you want someone from afar, and when you see them from time to time you get this longing in the pit of your stomach. But when every day you are around someone who makes your stomach do somersaults, it’s enough to tax … Read more

The Curse of Magic Mansion: Part 1

It was a dark and stormy night…. But that’s skipping ahead. The day had actually been quite pleasant. The Wilder family’s station wagon was parked on the side of the road, and Howard took a knee by the passenger-side wheel. “Yep,” he said. “Definitely a flat.” “Howard, we’re in the middle of nowhere,” his wife … Read more

First Glance

My first story so hopefully you all will like it=] My name’s Robert and I am a fifteen year old boy with about an eight inch cock. Now as a fifteen year old it’s my job to check out almost every girl, and my hormones go crazy. Meg is Melissa’s fourteen year old friend that … Read more

Bailey and Jade part 8

        Jade and Bailey sat in Bailey’s room, both bored. But Jade came up with the perfect idea. “How was Alex?” She asked. Bailey grinned. “A beginner, but he tries hard, and he’s enjoyable” that was all she needed. She texted him, and made sure to add a winky face at the end.         Alex … Read more

Morning wake up call

At the age of 16 I decided that I decided that I couldn’t stand to live with my family anymore, so I moved out. I moved in with my friend, Kevin who was my same age and went to high school with me, I had known him for a couple of years now and considered … Read more

Gym Lovers Part I

Gym Lovers Part I It was a quiet night at the gym. Megan always liked to workout in the evening because the gym was less crowded and she could get more work in. She was standing in front of the mirror doing her dumbbell curls with her 20 pound weights. Another reason she came this … Read more

Me, my sis, her friend and the police women.

Well my sister was 12 light brown her and blue eyes, she was small and skinny but not anerixic and was extremly cute and her names Sarah and i think she is bi. I was 15 Bleached blonde hair and brown eyes skinny but not anerixic and tanned my name is Kelly an im bi. … Read more

Slutty Best Friends

“Jenny? Jenny, wake up.” Jenny’s little brother, Kevin, quietly tried waking up his sister from her bedroom doorway. “Huh? What?” Jenny sat up in her bed. She was dressed in what she usually slept in, a thin nightie and panties. Jenny was 14, about a year older than her brother. She had long black hair, … Read more