The Adventures of Samantha Pt. 2 – Girl Talk

Samantha Pt. 2 A word of warning before we get going: This story involves a theme that I have not touched on in the first two stories (as you can see from the themes listed). I would advise you to read this chapter, even if you don’t enjoy this particular theme. It is not all … Read more

Bailey and Jade part 3

        The next day their mom had off of work. Bailey invited her boyfriend over, her mom had told her she didn’t care what they did, but the new rule was no clothes in the house for the three of them, unless it’s lingerie (not sure if spelled right sorry) they all decided against it … Read more

Visiting My Girlfriend’s Family

This should be an interesting weekend, Chris thought as he pulled the car into Claire’s parents’ driveway. Claire gave him a reassuring smile as he turned off the car. “They’re going to love you. Trust me,” she assured as they walked toward the front door. Chris knew that she was probably right. But the question … Read more

Daddy’s Little Girl Part 4

Chapter Seven The next two weeks seemed to fly by. Lindsey met up with Ellie whenever possible to fuck. She was becoming more and more needy when it came to her love life. Now she was sitting on the side lines of the football field as the other boys and girls played soccer. She was … Read more

Daddy’s Little Girl Part 5

Chapter Ten Joseph slammed his car door as he got out. Lindsey was on his ex’s porch, crying as Brian held her. David was sitting in the back of police squad car. Instead of rushing to his little girl, he went for the car. An officer jumped in his way, but Joseph wanted to get … Read more

Going Nova ch. 12: Back to School

The next day, Brie awoke. She groaned to herself, realizing that it was Monday; a new week, and a new day of classes. She tossed around in bed as she attempted to sleep through multiple hits of the snooze button. There under her blanket, the miserable girl resigned to block out the world for as … Read more

Exhibitionist Sister – Chapter 12 – Friday Evening

Author’s Note: Hello all! I apologize for yet another extremely long lapse between the release of the previous story and this one. I’ve been extremely busy. I genuinely appreciate the continued support and interest in my stories, though. I hope you all are doing well, and I very much hope you enjoy this next chapter. … Read more

Yukio’s Adventures Part 3

*** Hi All! Thank to everyone for their positive feedback and desire to see me continue this series. A special thank you to Widegarth2112 for kicking me in the butt to continue this series again. I hope you enjoyed this third instalment. To shadowreaper267, thanks for all your comments and inspirational diversions. To Ghostrider939 thanks … Read more

Ranch Hand ch.4

Ranch Hand ch.4 By: ldtexas “So Amy, you and momma get that errand taken care of?” Jackie asked her youngest sister. “Yup, sure did!” “Cool! Why don’t you go with Cris and help with the trailer while Liz and I go get cleaned up.” Jackie suggested. Amy jumped up in the truck with with me … Read more

My Sisters’ Gift 1

Note from the author: So this is my first story and if I get enough up votes I’ll write/publish more. All comments are appreciated, if you vote it down please tell me how I can improve in a comment. Disclaimer: This story includes some themes that may not be your cup of tea. If you … Read more

Exhibitionist Sister – Chapters 7 – 8

Chapter 7 – Anal Ashley Madison finally sees every part of her sister’s body. As far as I know, nobody played with each other for a few days after that. We were all busy with work or school so we just weren’t all available at the same time. A few days later, however, Ashley and … Read more

Solomon’s Daughters: Megan’s Chapter

Author’s Note: To answer several pm’s I am not going to stop writing Solomon’s Daughters or Fall of Paradise series. Last weekend I didn’t have time to write one for SD so I didn’t post one. I am currently writing a story for a few of my friends so until that is finished the FoP … Read more

Team Photos 3: Caitlyn_(0)

Team Photos 3 – Caitlyn What was that? I was still riding the waves of bliss after cumming so hard, but I could swear that I saw the bathroom door closing. Did Alex just come in? Was he watching me? That dirty perv! Can’t a girl get off in private? I didn’t know whether to … Read more