Family Trip to Jamaica Part 3

“Hi kids! How was the class?” My mom was as cheerful as ever. All I could do was blush, but Lily came to the rescue, “It was great. Seeing everyone do a normal activity like painting while nude made us a lot more comfortable with being at the resort.” Phew. I don’t know what I … Read more

Growing up on a plantation

Before you decide if you want to read this story I want to tell you that it is degrading to blacks and women and the “N” word and other terms that few use now are used often, as it would have been at the time this story happened. It is just fiction and intended to … Read more

Jon and Mel and Jody and Mike — Re-posted

It was Jon’s first day at his new college. He had been upset about transferring here for his junior year, but with his father’s new job, there had been no choice but for the family to move. Money was a little tight, so he decided to transfer to a college near his new home and … Read more

Special Bond-Long Weekend at the Lake 4-8

A SPECIAL BOND Long Weekend at the Lake ___________________________________ This is a work of fiction. Of fantasy. It’s called ‘My Right of Free Speech.’ If you do not approve of youngsters engaged in various sexual acts . . . or if you live in one of the God-forsaken States that bans possessing/reading such material . … Read more

Potential 11

About the author, Bistander: I started writing because my regular life fell apart. I was already paralyzed, but the wheels came off the train because of a woman and I had to start over. Unfortunately, I grew up with a severe learning disability that went untreated, so not only do I have a lot to … Read more

Alexa Gets A Girl Off

Alexa sat beside Derek, each of them in a separate folding chair, with her body pivoted and leaning as she jerked him off. Alexa is a high school senior and Derek is a Sophomore. They had found that the small sound proof practice rooms in the Band Dept were great for an afternoon hand job … Read more

Vampire Chronicles Pt. 1

extended intro: Ok so this is my first story ever so keep that in mind. I got a big thing for vampires so that is why this is based on vampires. I hope you will all comment with advice and constructive criticism. I intend to continue this story either way so if you like it … Read more

Camped out_(1)

This is an edited repost of a story I had on this site sometime ago I hope you enjoy it. ______________________________________________________________________________________________ I live in the country on ten acres: a few acres of woods, 5 acres of pasture with my house and a small yard nestled in the middle. My mother in law lives a … Read more

Dad’s Porn Magazines: Chapter 4: Carrie loses her virginity

Carrie looked up at Karen, wide eyed, slowly nodding, and then back at her sister’s leaking pussy. “He… he shot his cum inside of you,” Carrie stammered out, slowly standing up. Karen giggled lightly and smiled at Carrie. “Mmm yes he did, and it felt incredible,” she moaned. Carrie slowly shook her head. “Bu… but … Read more

Amanda Likes Japanese Girls, Part 3

Amanda Likes Japanese Girls, Part 3 Amanda opened her eyes and looked at her sleeping friend. It was late, but it was Saturday, so there was no problem having a lazy morning. Even with a little drool hanging from the corner of her mouth Amanda thought Hina looked like an angel and was dying to … Read more

Irish Fresh part 2

Terry McKing walked out the main office. She had made it there earlier then expected, despite her late night activities. At seven thirty in the morning she was already familiarizing herself with the school. She couldn’t help but notice the amount of students already there, especially since classes didn’t start until eight thirty. The ones … Read more


Before we begin: I am not going to describe in narcissistic detail what I look like, the size of my breasts, the colour and/or length of my hair, and all the other rubbish that the usual so-called “erotica” online is usually filled with. You can imagine whatever you want from these basic details: I’m in … Read more

The Wife Next Door ch. 5-Angela & Lisa part 2

CONTINUED from part 1……………. I waited downstairs and after about 45 minutes the two girls skipped down the stairs holding hands. I let out a little wolf whistle in appreciation for their efforts in dressing up for our dinner out. They giggled in unison and Angela used her hand to gesture towards their outfits and … Read more

Bus Ride Home Part 3

“I’m your teacher and your elder, so you have to listen to what I say. Got that cunts?” said Miss Robbins. Being fast learners, Leigh and Jasmine only nodded their heads with understanding. Their lips slightly parted, eyes – nervous. Jasmine could feel goose bumps run up her body, from both cold and shear pleasure; … Read more