Sleepovers are good…

Secondary School. England. Winter. This was exactly what Hazel wanted at the moment. She didn’t like the summers that much. She had to wear skirts during summer, and with a body like hers, skirts were more dangerous than useful. Her rear end was heart-shaped and perfectly sized for her slim, athletic, 5 foot 8 body. … Read more

A Little More of a Surprise

A little more of a Surprise Note: This is part two of A Little Surprise. Hope you enjoy!! The Sun beamed through a small creak in the curtain. The warmth of the sun kissed my skin ever so softly. I rolled over and found an empty space, also the feel of a blanket of some … Read more

Loving friends

One night my friends and I were watching movies spread around the room on couches, air matresses and chairs as well as the floor. Slowly everyone was drifting off to bed when eventually it was just Sage and I in the room. Things started to get a little foolish we we’re tickling each other and … Read more

King High: Bathroom Break

King High Misses Oliver’s chemistry class sat huddled around a wooden table in the centre of her classroom, observing intently as she poured a mixture of liquids together to create smokes and fizzing sounds. The boys were wide-eyed with a teenage lust for destruction, broad grins sitting on their faces, whilst the girls sat and … Read more

Seduction of a Babysitter Part VI

Stacy pushed herself up and looked back at Melissa, “yeah.” She said excitedly, a huge smile on her face. Melissa smiled, regaining her strength and pushing herself up, feeling Nathan’s cum still leaking out of her pussy. “So how was your first orgasm?” Melissa asked with a smile. “Oh my god, it is indescribable. I … Read more

Stench Trench Teens

One day some hot young eighteen year old chicks were at the local mall talking about consensual sex between two consenting adults. “Last night Josh was feeling down, so I knelt down over him and evacuated my bowels into a glass mixing bowl for him. He just loves that. He has a real romantic streak … Read more

The Story of Jenny. Part One

While based on real events, this story is pretty much entirely fictional. This is my first story so any advice or critisicm is welcome. Jenny was your average teenage girl. She had slightly long, blonde hair, that ended somewhere between her shoulders and the middle of her back. Her nails were nearly always painted black, … Read more

Potential Part 3

Disclaimers: This is a creative, nonfiction story based on actual events. All names, locations and time-lines have been changed to protect the guilty. I have also added details and events to make it a good story while maintaining anonymity. Story note: Yes, the story starts slow. That is out of respect for anyone the story … Read more

Special Bond – LWATL Chap 1 – 2 (Rev)

A SPECIAL BOND Long Weekend at the Lake ___________________________________ This is a work of fiction. Of fantasy. It’s called ‘My Right of Free Speech.’ If you do not approve of youngsters engaged in various sexual acts . . . or if you live in one of the God-forsaken States that bans possessing/reading such material . … Read more

The Rush pt. 2

A few days later, Melanie was walking a few doors down to her best friend Carissa’s house. She and Carissa (or Kissa, as Melanie frequently called her), had known each other since they were toddlers, but they’d been fucking each other even longer than Melanie and Kayla had. They’d started when Melanie had first started … Read more

Lisa and Lucy (part 1)

I woke up to the sound of my mother screaming at me to wake up. “LISA GET YOUR ASS UP ALREADY!” “Fucking bitch” I muttered. “I HEARD THAT!” I slowly walked to my curtains and opened them to see the morning sky of Monday. I got ready and waited for my bus to arrive. When … Read more

Absolute Power 7

Chapter 7 Bailey was kneeling next to me with her cheek resting against my hip, her warm palm cupping my balls while she unhurriedly fisted my half engorged cock. Unconsciously my fingers combed Bailey’s soft curls, in time with her leisurely caressing. Hannah caught my eye as she pushed her sunglasses up into her blonde … Read more

Zero Chronicles ch. 1

The adventures of Zero Being summoned is a pain in and of itself, but being summoned for something retarded drives me a little insane. I’d much prefer to stay at home and relax. Unfortunately my life isn’t that easy. Sure there are perks to my job, but then again it the entirety of it that … Read more