Fucking Sleeping Leah 3. Alternate

Being the huge lesbian I am, I’ve amazed myself with the fact that I’ve gone so long, and have never been, without having myself fucked. My sleeping friend is just not enough for me anymore. Again, we were having a sleep over at her house. I packed my dildo, I packed duct tape (just incase … Read more

The Rush pt. 6

Melanie walked down to the living room and gently kissed her mother and sister good-bye, kissing both of them three times each. Once on the lips, and once on their breasts, taking quick drinks of their milk as she did so. Kayla whimpered quietly when Melanie sucked from her second breast, and she stirred before … Read more

Close Friends_(0)

Chapter One: Best Friends Sarah sighed as she shut the door of her black Dodge Ram. Finally. The weekend. No college classes, no work this weekend. And better yet, she was taking a vacation soon. She leaned back in the charcoal grey seats and shut her eyes, relaxing for a moment. Suddenly, someone flicked her … Read more

A mother’s indecent gift – Part 1

This story involves a divorced woman I’d been seeing for a while. I’ll be posting more stories about her later, but I wanted to start with a day that occurred after we’d been seeing each other for quite some time. You may disagree, but I always considered this to be one of the hottest things … Read more

Harry Potter “That” Need Part 3

And so Hermione sat, anxiously waiting for Ginny to arrive. The older they’d all gotten, the harder it was for a girl to be the best friend of the two hottest guys in sixth year (at least, that’s how Hermione saw Harry and Ron). And today, even though the Quidditch season had ended, the weather … Read more

Teen Titan Chronicles 2

Introduction: What those kids really get up to I have been reading some graphic novels lately for one of my graphic design classes at university and one of the major novels studied is DC comics Teen Titans. While reading them it occurred to me that the writers had made it too unrealistic. It’s not the … Read more

Derrick’s Revenge 1: Sam and Whitney

Disclaimer: The following story is graphic and extreme, featuring disfigurement, incest, rape and a whole host of other perversions that would offend ordinary senses. I would never do anything in this story to anyone, but a little fantasy now and then isn’t a bad thing. If you don’t like that sort of thing, though, you … Read more

Two Sisters, One Bed

——– Part 1 ——– Living in a cramped apartment wasn’t easy, and as a girl, sharing almost every aspect of my life was tremendously complicated. Since we lived in the downtown area of a large city, space was hard to come by; my mother, my sister, and I had to share two bedrooms, one bathroom, … Read more


When I was 17 we moved to a town where I had 5 cousins, all girls, ages from 16 to 18. Right after we moved there, I called the oldest one Wendy and asked her if she could throw a welcome party for me with the other girls. She said she would be happy to … Read more


Prologue The conversation was carried on in a language few people would have been able to understand, let alone speak. Translated into colloquial American English, it might have sounded something like this: “But it is possible? Originally you said it could not be accomplished at all.” “Possible, yes. Feasible — who knows? It is a … Read more


It was a thoroughly modern mix-up – something that couldn’t have happened a generation ago. It was at school, one Monday during the lunch-time break between classes, that I turned the corner into a corridor just as another girl came around it rapidly from the opposite direction. We probably could have avoided a collision if … Read more