Innocence Enslaved Chapter 2: What Comes After

Innocence Enslaved part 2: What comes after ***** The two boys couldn’t believe their luck. If Jakes brother hadn’t given them the bottle of whiskey they would have stayed home playing playstation and skipped the party completely. They figured it would be boring simply because of the loser who was hosting it, and if they … Read more

I Fucked My English Teacher #2_(1)

  The next day, I walked into my Media Lit class and sat down. My back still hurt from the day prior. I waited for my friend Jackie to come in.   “Woah Meg, are you okay?” she asked me when she sat down.   “Jackie…I need to tell you something but I don’t know … Read more

The Big Time–Michael K Smith

I was lying on a lounge chair out by the pool when my kid sister’s sort-of-boyfriend scared the crap out of me. I mean, I was half asleep, just letting my mind drift and feeling the warm July sun bouncing off my body, when this piercing voice behind me suddenly said, “Hi, Angela — do … Read more

Audrina and Serena (Part 1)

I’m Audrina. 15, with red curly hair, brown eyes. I’m short, only about 5’3. I’m curvy, with big breats and a round, firm ass. But my middle has a bit of flab, and my thighs are bit meater then I’d like…but whatever. I look better then most. This story is about me and my bestfriend … Read more

My Roomate

Elaine, or Lanie as her friends called her had been a sorority friend of mine since college. She always had a way with the guys, and didn’t spend too many weekend nights alone if you know what I mean. She was witty, had a dangerous look in her eye, and was drop dead gorgeous. I … Read more

I had No Choice 3.5

IHNC 3.5 (These events are from the viewpoint of Becky Whitman, the student/adulteress of Edward Font) I love Edward Font! I know I say that to myself like a thousand times a day, but I just cannot help it. I have no choice but to accept that he is a happily married man, and now … Read more

Kathy Becomes a Human Breeding Slave P.1

(This is my first story and criticism is highly welcome. There may be a part 2 if this gets positive reviews. it’s a fantasy of mine that I really enjoy and I hope you do too. I must admit it begins slow but then it quickly heats up.) Kathy Becomes A Human Breeding Slave (part … Read more

Love is Deaf? Part 3

Ashley’s heart was racing with anticipation. Here she was, dressed up with all the fixings for her senior prom, and she couldn’t have been happier. Finishing the final touches on her best friend Katie’s make up, the two decided that they were finally ready for the big dance. Ashley’s boyfriend Josh, and Katie’s date Alex … Read more

Sheer Envy part 1: Things that go bump in the night

*This is my first story, I hope to write more if people like it* “Could you please wear a bra when my dads around?” Tara asked. The question wasn’t directed at me, of course. I’m the conservative one. The innocent one. No, the question was directed at Claire. “Why?” the blonde girl asked. We all … Read more

Hermione Granger, Chapter 3: Unexpected Assistance

Hermione had been gone much longer than the previous evening and both of her dorm mates were apparently already asleep. She couldn’t believe what had just happened to her. She thought she must be in shock because normally she would be crying and panicking about getting in trouble. Now though, she felt oddly calm. She … Read more


MY SISTER & THE EXCHANGE STUDENT PART 8 THE ARRIVAL My beautiful sister Rachel had fed me dinner in our, soon to arrive, guest’s new bed; her kind ministrations, an attempt to make up for her previous molestation. Rach had left me to go return the tray of dirty dishes to the kitchen. I could … Read more