The sexual adventures of Lacey and Ricky – Chapter 13

Chapter 13: Lacey starts Tiffany on the path to sexual enlightenment Upstairs in his office, Lacey’s dad reviewed the history of his new security camera. There were few break-ins out in the country where we live, but there were rumors about a neighbor who was missing some jewelry and that freaked out Lacey’s mom. So … Read more

My many tales: Part 1 & 2

My Many Tales Part 1 Michelle and I were talking after Science one day. “Hey Michelle!” I shouted. “You wanna come see a movie with me this Sunday?” “Yeah, yeah I would like that,” Michelle responded. Her blue eyes lit up with excitement and her luscious, red lips parted into a smile. I got her … Read more

Rh’aan…the beginning…

The evening sun shined through the room’s window down upon her crossed legs, casting a golden hued shine upon an already richly browned tan… Now then, just like you have been first taught…settle the breathing and focus to clear my mind… Eyes the color of richest honey-mead slowly eased their way closed, beholding for a … Read more

The sexual adventures of Lacey and Ricky – Chapter 5

Chapter 5: Continued adventures with uncle Steve We were a week and a half into our trip to visit uncle Steve, and I was already dreading having to leave. I had 10 more days left to try and get some more alone time with him. I was so horny all the time, and he knew … Read more

Who Hanna done next, Chapter 2

Chapter 2- Sunday 10am Hanna groaned as her alarm clock buzzed at 10am that morning. Not that the alarm clock was needed; she was awake already. In fact she had hardly slept at all. For hours, she had lain awake, mulling things over in her mind. Who had sent the note? Was it the same … Read more

The Banshee

“Though he had seen many specters and been more than once beset by Satan, he would have passed a pleasant life in spite of the devil and all his works if his path had not crossed a being that causes more perplexity than ghosts, goblins, and the whole race of witches: a woman.” -Washington Irving, … Read more

My little sister Lily, Chapter 2: Lily’s first lover_(0)

The sun came into the bedroom and I woke up and rubbed my eyes. I looked down beside me and there was my little sister. I got on my phone and ordered us breakfast then pulled her into my arms. She woke up just a little and rubbed my chest as she laid there. Her … Read more

Will’s new home: Part 2

“Draby, yall know very well of my stand on masturbation, am I correct?” “Yes, sir” “Good. Then you know that my harsh laws are for the benefit of the boys of Brownsville, ain’t ya?” “Yes, sir” “Good, good. Then this boy Will, I need ya to lead him to ‘salvation’. understand, Darby?” “Yes, sir, I … Read more


“I have watched you ogling boys and girls, much younger than us. I would love to share an attractive boy and girl, much younger than us with you,” he told me. “And the buzz you get watching porn clips of women your age seducing young girls, and young girls seducing women your age is a … Read more

Very Loving Family Chapter Two

George Charles awoke to a very strange feeling. He realized that it was coming from “down below” and when he fully awoke, he realized that someone was sucking his cock. Holy shit, it was his mother! At least, it looked like his mother. The woman giving him a blowjob had her long blonde hair down … Read more

Exchange trip to France

I’ll first describe myself: I’m a 17 year old Australian guy, I’m relatively tall, 6ft exactly, long brown straight hair that gets bleached by the sun to be blond and I’m a bit lighter than the average build. I keep fit mainly by just doing the odd run every few days, but I don’t work … Read more

Covid Gloryhole Ch1

Coronavirus really has messed everything up for my generation! I know it’s bad for everyone but having just turned 18 and had an amazing night out with my friends we were then forced to stay indoors, not see friends, no go out, not have any fun!! To make matters worse i lost my job but … Read more