Taken Chapter 2

“C’mon darling, time to go!” I sat up slightly confused and disoriented. The previous day rushed back to me in a tidal wave. I looked around frantically, all senses on high alert. “Skye? Calm down, it will be okay,” Clyde sad down beside me and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. I hugged myself tightly … Read more

Bloodsport Fairytale

I feel I should mention that this is my first attempt at writing a story so I would really appreciate any and all feedback you can give me. So once you have finished reading then please take the time to rate it whether your opinion is positive or negative, and if the story is crap … Read more

Punishing Rachel, Part One

(The.Aftermath) “I shouldn’t have liked it… There must be something wrong with me…” Rachel stares off into space, the person complaining in her ear about her cell phone fading to an incoherent mumble as she’s swept up in thoughts of what happened over the weekend. Flashes of memory assault her senses, bringing back even the … Read more

My Lover, My Master, My Vampire

I was laying there on my bed. I glanced over at the clock; 3 AM. I rolled over on my back and sighed. Some nightmare I couldn’t even remember had freaked me out and woke me up. I over on my side, adjusting my night shirt over my braless, panties body, so that I was … Read more

The Taking of Elizabeth: Chapter 4

The blonde girl slept for most of the day after her session with Kurt. Her body ached from his abuse and longed for more of the pleasure she’d only ever received from him all at the same time. She’d used the alarm clock on her side table to set an alarm for herself. The tone … Read more

Dark Nights and Darker Sins

Elise stirred from her sleep, pulled from the warm comfort of slumber by the nagging pressure of her bladder. She groaned, pushing the covers off her and shivering in the cold of the room. She walked down the short hallway of her corner apartment to the bathroom, her bare skin puckering into goosebumps from the … Read more

The Man of Sin: The Series_(0)

Chapter 1: Berlin, Germany: The young man climbed up out of the bed, leaving the naked woman to silently cry. He looked out the window at the rainy city, chuckling to himself in both satisfaction and anticipation. “What in God’s name are you?” the woman hissed as she curled up in the fetal position. She … Read more

Orpheus in Hell

Orpheus loved a woman named Eurydice. Eurydice was a total cum slut, and had always been one, but she was Orpheus’ cum slut, and no one else’s. Orpheus also sang the blues, and carried a Marine Band harmonica in his back pocket. For the most part, he was famous for playing the flute. Orpheus was … Read more

The Champion’s Companion 4

In the morning when Kaarthen awoke, her bindings were loose. Checking them, she realized they had actually been untied. She grateful stretched and rubbed her joints and limbs feeling for all the world a suddenly old achy Shield Mistress. She looked around for a shapeless black shadow but could not see the ‘That Man’ anywhere. … Read more

Taken Chapter 1

Taken: I hurried along to the tune of my ipod, my knee still hurting from volleyball practice, but I ignored it. I’d made a dive for the ball and landed too hard. The sun was out for the first day in 2 weeks. The warmth was a nice change. I occasionally shifted my backpack around,the … Read more

Lovely Intruder part 2

If you haven’t read the first part of this story then please go and read it! I found no reason why I should object to his demand, even though I frantically searched for one inside my head. I reluctantly laid myself on my back and hung my head off the side of the bed. I … Read more

The Conquerer – Parts 1 & 2

Chapter 1: The sky was quiet. Tor Endril stood, unmoving in the cold winter air. He felt the wind’s icy breath on his skin, but it was more annoyance than nuisance. He idly wondered what the Broodmother might be doing. He longed for Her touch, but the icy wind prevented him from imagining Her warm … Read more

The Immortal Kiss

It was supposed to be a trip home that would make me forget. All we had to do was drive home from Seattle where we attended college at the University of Washington. It was around a 4 hour drive that had a few detours thanks to the storm that had just passed through. My best … Read more

The Fall of Brooklyn – ch05 – Breakfast

Choking, she awoke as his cock started to stiffen in her mouth. Without the benefit of the numbing spray she started to gag and tried to pull back but his hand prevented her escape. “Good morning my little fuck toy.” She froze as the memories of last night came flooding back to her. “I hope … Read more

Taken chp 3

As we stepped onto the back porch I slowly came back to myself. “Where are you taking me now?” I asked bravely. My stomach dropped at the thought of it, I’d let my anger get the best of me. My parents used to do that all the time, especially when arguing. I wasn’t their daughter … Read more

Facility For Helping suicidal People

To start off, the facility is created to take the cases of people who have been in treatment for wanting to take their own life for a long time, or in and out of places for such treatment, such that they’re considered to be unlikely to want to live from any amount of traditional help. … Read more

The Captive part 1.

I was waiting patiently. He was never this late coming down. I had been sitting there for hours-infact I’d been there for two years. I remember it like it was yesterday, he’d bundled me into the car. I’d just left my friends house and the air was warm and the sun was just setting in … Read more

Ellie 2

This is Ellie’s second day… A short introduction to it at least. I am looking for ways to develop it, so leave me ideas in the comments section and I will choose my favourite to finish the story. Ellie and the Octopus Blinking slightly eyes adjusting to the dim light, Ellie took in her surroundings. … Read more

The Fall of Brooklyn – ch02 – The Last Choice

Looking down at his knees trying to avoid looking at his large round belly, and the large bulge in his pants. Slowly she lowered herself to her knees, hanging her head as low as she could. Almost as if she could avoid thinking about her fate if she didn’t look. She was suddenly aware of … Read more