Needful Things

Part One – The artefact Diiinggg! The shop bell gave a resounding ring as Mrs Pennington pushed open the door of the dingy old shop. Amelia Pennington was the haughty national delegate of the Association of Towns Women’s Clubs and as such, she travelled around the country to various meetings. As a keen collector of … Read more

Sex on the itch…

It itches… A pleasant tickling in her pussy… She smiled reluctantly. Frank thought she was smiling at him. The boring accountant will now explain his boring work more eagerly. She met Frank on the date-app. This is the first date. A talkative man, over fifty, with wearing a suit. He apologized for writing twenty-five on … Read more

A Cock in the Hand Ch. 03

Tuesday morning, climbing into the cockpit. I hoped the familiar feeling of control would return, but even as I took the yoke in hand, a flash of the first moment I touched another man’s cock filled my thoughts. Three days ago, none of these thoughts even existed in my head. Now they filled it constantly. … Read more

Messing with a new girl… from jail?

I had recently started going to clubs. Being 15 and going to school in bay area, I had a lot of options to pick from. There was a rave clubs in San Francisco, a samba clubs over in Vallejo, or a hip hop club in Oakland. Since I didn’t really like raves because I wasn’t … Read more

Johanna Morgenthau and the Search for the Cinnamon Ice Cream Chapter 05

==== Chapter Five ==== == The Educatiоn оf Lisa == Meeting Lisa The week at school has become nothing but a blur. Johanna’s focus is barely there. Yet, her mind feels unusually clear, enabling her to often give a good answer, despite 90 percent of her thoughts being preoccupied with Michael, the villa, and Barbara. … Read more

Lady Lucille’s After Hour Game Night

Not very many bars in the U.S. can say they have been around for over a hundred years. And not very many bars can say that they have an After Hours Game Night like Lady Lucille’s. This is a relatively mild– for me– story that involves nudity, spanking, Sumo Wrestling and Oil Wrestling. This story … Read more


“She gave me a very specific brief, a discrete younger man, well hung, capable of satisfying any of her desires. She hasn’t stayed with us before, my contacts at other hotels tell me she has a reputation of being a bit kinky. She is just past forty, very attractive, a full size twelve and she … Read more

Girl on the Radio

“You’re listening to the Alt Rock session. My name is Ash and I will be with you for another hour or so. There’s more music on the way, so keep it here, you’re listening to WXXY, the number one spot for alternative music.” Ash did her signature line and pressed play on the CD machine. … Read more


Slave. I am a slave. I am owned, and happy to be so. I exist purely to please my Master, in every aspect of his life, and whatever I am doing I am always ready to serve him in whatever way he chooses. Around my neck is what appears, to the outside world, to be … Read more


This is my 2nd story, a continuation of the first. Hope you like it and comment. Mom took us to Mexico when I was about 5. We went to my grandparents house to visit a few days. My grandparents had a big ranch with cattle. It was the first time I saw real cows, and … Read more


Gwagogoo! – Teen Titans lemon for Tank Cop’s contest. Raven gave a cough as she shivered on a bed under a huge blanket. A thermometer flew from her mouth to her eyelevel from her command. “Hmmm, I’m not ill acoarding to this.” she thought as the sheet she was laying under, suddenly hovered up. Raven … Read more

Sexfight League: Bayley vs AJ Lee

AJ smirked to herself as she skipped down the ramp to the ring. She was confident. Sure she’d lost the Women’s Championship the month before. But she just had to win this number one contender’s match against some nobody whore to get right back in the race. It wouldn’t be long before this new girl … Read more

Misadvetures part two

Part two from The Misadeventures read part one first to get this one. I start walking my way back home from the restaurant eager to get out of there, all those eyes watching. I start to hear footsteps behind me; I look behind me no one is there. “Get a grip you’re being paranoid” I … Read more

My Box… (pt.2)

Nasir shoved his 9 in. dick up my ass. I tried to break free but Tony had me in a good grip.  “Why you didn’t listen” Tony whispered in my ear.  “Please stop” I pleaded. Tony chuckled. Nasir rammed my ass about 10 more times before Tony said stop. By now tears were streaming down … Read more

“Molested at the Park”

It was a sunny Saturday morning, and I had decided to take a nice long bike ride. I had been wanting to get some training in before the “Breast Cancer Awareness” 20 K bike riding marathon. School was out and it had been a moderately boring summer recess so far, and the marathon was going … Read more

A chance encounter_(2)

She walked out of the store and he followed behind her as silent as a ghost, as she walked to her car and reached into her purse for her keys. As she dropped her guard he struck, quickly raising the gag to her mouth and grabbing her as she fell to unconsciousness. He carried her … Read more

Amy gets turned

Amy gets turned Back in the late 90’s my then girlfriend Amy and I decided to walk around a large reservoir in Kent. It was a hot day and we had got about half way around the 18 mile lake when we stopped for our picnic in a secluded inlet. Amy was 22yrs old 5’102 … Read more