The Producers

Warning: this story contains graphic rape and murder. Don’t read it if this isn’t your cup of tea. Conversely, if this is your cup of tea, so much so that you think you should try hurting someone in real life, please reconsider, as you are too stupid to get away with it and too soft … Read more

Club Fatale, Pt. 9

Chapter Eighteen – Machinations The private jet slowed and gradually pulled to a stop. The whine of the twin engines swiftly dissipated. The door popped open and the Commodore emerged; he swiftly hobbled down the stairs. He greeted Emmanuelle first: a big hug. Then a handshake for Mr. Lloyd. And, finally one for myself. “How … Read more

The Van 2

Conversely, if this is your cup of tea, so much so that you think you should try hurting someone in real life, please reconsider, as you are too stupid to get away with it and too soft for prison, where you will be raped more savagely than even my twisted mind could imagine. If, however, … Read more

Temple of Torture – Vanessa’s First Journey

Synopsis: Three slavegirls (“a ponygirl, a painslut and a snuffette”) became attractions at the “Heaven’s Gate Exhibition”, an extreme and exclusive underground torture fair. Their deliciously cruel Mistress guides them to unknown hights of suffering. This is a loose sequel to “Temple of Torture” (that can be found at the public story area of this … Read more


“Now listen,” I said, looking Foster in the eye, “when she sees us she’s going to either scream or bolt. We need to quickly get her bound, gagged, and tranquilized before she attracts too much attention. If we see anyone else we abort immediately. Understand?” Foster nodded. He knew that if I was going to … Read more

The Boys Get Lucky

THE BOYS GET LUCKY Scott and Bruce had been in the van for the better part of two months, always on the road, on the hunt. They were finicky, though, and cautious, and most nights they slept unsatisfied. They tried bars all across the country, trendy upscale bars and whitetrash bars alike, dance clubs, they … Read more

Rebecca’s Moment

In particle physics there is a set of measurements known as the Planck units. These measurements are extrapolated from the physical constants of reality, such as the speed of light and the Boltzman constant, which describes the mathematics of entropy. A Planck length is the distance a massless particle will travel at the speed of … Read more

The Captive -5- Nailed Hard

Dirty, sunburnt, welted from the belt beating, the pathetic teen hung from the beam by her wrists, only toes touching the ground, stretched helpless. The gang whores were at her while the guy bangers watched. Jenna begged but they showed no mercy. Hands ran up and down her body as the girls watched the tortured … Read more

A Burglar’s Bonus by

I only intended to do the usual. Break into a flat, see what was there – TV, laptop, PlayStation – steal ’em and leave. I knew two student nurses – Leanne and Claire – lived in this flat. However I thought they were both still away on holiday. I was wrong. I sneaked in a … Read more

Hell Knight Rampage – 1

The Hell Knight aggressively walked through the halls of the Mars Facility of the Union Aerospace Corporation. His powerful muscles contracting and then relaxing as he formed fists with each powerful step on the metal flooring. He had maimed, torn, and destroyed his way into being one of the first demons to be sent into … Read more

Club Fatale, Pt. 2

Club Fatale, Pt. 2 Chapter Three – Rise and Shine I woke with an extreme discomfort in my groin. Something was encasing my cock. I rolled over and my cock slid from Karina’s mouth. Her head flopped around, limply, and her eyes were open and lifeless, staring at me. “Good morning, sleepyhead!” came Jana’s chipper … Read more

Little Sister Shana – chapter 1

– CAUTION – This story has supernatural beings, mind control, a little magic, and LOTS of incest. Later chapters include smoking, alcohol, drugs, group sex, and impregnation. You have been warned. This story does not follow ‘Succubus Canon’, if there is such a thing. – “But I’m HUNGRY Alex! Please, big brother?” “Sorry, Shana, but … Read more

Let’s Make a Movie

Let’s Make a Movie Brad approached the two girls waiting outside a bar. He recognized the scene. They were underage and waiting for someone to buy them some booze. “Hey, girls. Nice night. Would you like to party?” They looked him over, and then looked at each other and agreed with their eyes. Melissa spoke … Read more

Darkness Within: Chapter 1, Beginnings

I’m a good man. Ask anyone. I am active in the community, a supporter of humanitarian causes, a dependable friend, and a responsible (and very successful) businessman. Just last month I received a prestigious award for my contributions to assist victims of human trafficking and sexual slavery. I accepted the award and gave a stirring … Read more

A Night With Maria

He had been watching her dance for several nights at the seedy strip joint that was a few miles outside of the town that he was sent to work. A small town with a population of under 20000, but the bar always had a large crowd of mostly average looking men who liked to drink … Read more