Memoirs of the Kosmetics Killer (Entry #3)

Diary of the Kosmetics Killer (Entry # 3) It has been 2 months since the last killing. The first two victims had provided great joy to me before and especially after their deaths. I will never forget the sexy body of the young woman I strangled and the smell and taste of the second one … Read more

Rose 1: Terminal Navel Rape

After waking around 9:00 AM with the usual hardon that for once pissing did not soften I knew I was ready for Rose in the guest bedroom. I gave her the usual wakeup call on the Google Home, then grabbed the heavy Maglite from my side of the bed and walked through the house nude … Read more

Memoirs of the Kosmetics Killer (Entry #5)

Diary of the Kosmetics Killer (Entry # 5) After the last death, I had to lie low for some time as police stepped up patrols and young, pretty women started to take precautions like not being alone at home at night. I had to wait for more than a year before the next opportunity was … Read more

Memoirs of the Kosmetics Killer (Entry #6 and #7 Final)

Diary of the Kosmetics Killer (Entry # 6) I was rather guilt ridden for a while after what I did to my pretty young and unsuspecting step niece. For a while, I tried to stop having dark thoughts about beautiful dead women but in the end, I could not control my lust. Two months after … Read more

Guilty Fantasies 01: Using my wife’s face.

Categories: Consensual – Subject a willing participant, goal is satisfaction of me or both I and subject(s). Non-Consensual – Subject not a willing participant, but passive. There is little or no effort to resist. Includes subjects too scared to resist, unconscious subjects, and those too drunk/drugged to resist. Rape – Subject not a willing participant, … Read more

Gotta Break ‘Em All part 2: He wants to be the very best

The fan, who had not known what the Machoke truly wanted to do with him, approached the buff Pokémon at his beckon. As he came, the Machoke wasted no time in exposing his stiff erection. Naturally, the male human that had come close, and everyone else who saw the impressive penis and testicles of the … Read more

Memories of A Mortician: Virgin Conception/ Concrete Love

Name: Y.J.Y. Age: 18 Cause of Death: Blood loss from incision on abdomen. Severe damage to internal organs. Other Injuries: Slight chloroform burns on lips and nose. Time between death and delivery to mortician: 13hrs Notes: This young woman was the victim of a violent but somewhat sexy occult ritual. Your belly was cut Impregnated … Read more

Guilty Fantasies 02: Using my wife’s ass

Rape – Subject not a willing participant, there is effort to resist. The goal is sexual violation, violence is a tool. Possibly some excess violence as a secondary goal. Brutalize – Much more violence than is needed to overcome resistance. Inflicting pain is a goal, not just a method. Snuff! – Death of the subject … Read more

Crystal’s On The Prowl

Crystal on the Prowl It was two months since Crystal disposed of Jason and began transforming the place and herself to more suit her needs. Unless someone was really looking close you’d never know she used to wear lip and nose rings. She removed them immediately after deciding to make this place her own. Her … Read more

Lakeview Discount Meats

Lakeview Discount Meats Joseph Hurley was a wealthy man looking for lucrative ways to increase his wealth. Often the least legal paid the best dividends. As his limo entered the gate of Lakeview Discount Meats slaughterhouse for a meeting, he thought to himself, “No one would ever suspect that anything was going on here. The … Read more

Whore Sister 6: Vengeance

For the next three days my sister, nieces, and I locked ourselves in their shitty apartment having fucked-up sex. Every single part of my body penetrated every orifice they had. Whenever I was finally spent and no longer able to perform, the three women would turn on each other like wild animals. I thought I … Read more

The Annihilator: Part 5

“Mrs. Sato! We’re gonna kill everyone, but you get to feel good. Two dicks, and all the muscle you never had back home.”, Jake stepped away from Sam’s corpse, showing off his body alongside Tanner. The teacher was too afraid to run, but it also took her time to start unbuttoning her dark red blouse. … Read more

A Night With Kari (an Homage to Jeff)

Conversely, if this is your cup of tea, so much so that you think you should try hurting someone in real life, please reconsider, as you are too stupid to get away with it and too soft for prison, where you will be raped more savagely than even my twisted mind could imagine. If, however, … Read more

Sydney Scanned 1: 18th Birthday

My job at the Second National United Christian Bank is a particularly unique one. A few years ago, our R&D department came up with a particularly interesting discovery: a small device, about the size of a camera, that could scan and replicate anything placed in front of it! Complicated electronics? Duplicated in a flash. Need … Read more