Bk 1, Ch 3: Destruction

Chapter 3: Destruction It was time. As much as I would have liked to watch the ritual’s conclusion, we needed to attack while the townsfolk were distracted and their backs still turned. The shaman raised a steaming bowl of guts above his head and the crowd cheered in response. I raised my arm up and … Read more

Bk 2, Ch 3: The Stage is Set

Chapter 3: The Stage is Set It was day sixteen. Before me lay the beach, the water some two hundred paces away. Dozens and dozens of ships crowded the fjord, each packed full of warriors. Blue-green banners flapped gently above furled sails, emblazoned with a white tower castle. Hundreds and hundreds of spearheads glistened in … Read more

Bk 1, Ch 8: Cleaning House

Chapter 8: Cleaning House From the steps of the warrior hall, I watched a red-headed girl writhe until her body heaved and her struggle ceased. It was too bad really—from where I stood, the girl looked very pretty. Well, no sense crying over spilt milk. Even with the help of the townsfolk, the task of … Read more

The Pit_(0)

The Pit ****************************** Roy Mitchell slapped a mosquito, rolled bloody ruin down his neck, and figured things couldn’t be much worse. “Scout!” He cried into the trees. He whistled. “Here, boy!” No answering bark came. “Scout!” The sun was all but set, and the dusk between the trees was the color of cobwebs. Scout, the … Read more

Youth Stolen

Heather lay in wait, concealed from the little dirt trail by a stand of bushes. A black ski-mask covered her wide smile as he heard the patter of footsteps drawing near. Just minutes earlier her friend Melissa had texted Heather saying how happy she was to have her daughter, Kelly, home from college for the … Read more

An Amazon Anaconda Attack

I’m in Brazil at some touristy clothing-optional resort in the middle of the Amazon.  There are specific times that they take us on a boat into the jungle to show us the wonders of the rainforest.  These tours are not clothing-optional, because of all the dangers of the jungle.  The resort itself is in a … Read more

Demonic Dealings

The Malecroft family has been prosperous for six generations, successful in all their endeavors, whether it was a new business venture or a bid for political power. The men in the family always find beautiful, wealthy woman to marry and those women only ever birth sons. But that family has a very dark secret, and … Read more

The Rape Run

The Rape Run Written by Olga Anastasia The Runners: Melena de Santo – The Colonel Ja-alixxe – The Bounty Hunter Aireela – The Amazon Elionara – The Dancer Palonae – The Princess (Princess Palonae Noonian Aurora Tonova) Tasha Castelaine – The Career Woman Jasmeena – Daughter of the Sands Cara Haston – The Model Leesha … Read more

Debt to pay : Chapter 1

This is chapter 1 of the Debt to pay story. This Chapter went much longer then I intended, I will try to scale back the next chapters. Currently I plan to add 4-5 more chapters but, it might go longer than that, depending on how much I can shorten them. Please comment and message me … Read more

The Daily Grind

“So, what do you think of Riley?” Corbin had taken the new employee on the grand tour, and they had just left the girl’s office. “She seems super nice,” Roy said. “Everybody does so far.” Shame he didn’t remember anyone else’s name. Riley would probably stick, though, being the only girl he’d met today. “Do … Read more

Summoning a Demon

“Nomi is that you?” Naomi’s boyfriend shouted, from his garage, as she knocked on the front door. He used her families pronunciation of her name, rather than the normal one. Naomi had spent her whole live correcting people when they said her name the usual way, rather than the ‘Nomi’ of her family. Ian had … Read more

Bk 1, Ch 2: First Harvest

Chapter 2: First Harvest There were still a few hours before first light when we arrived in the woods outside the town. I had already sent Baldar and Inger ahead to neutralize the land-ward sentries. They appeared like ghosts out of the darkness. Inger grinned evilly, her hair slick with the blood of her victim, … Read more

Sexual Shenanigans of the Trump Regime: Tomi Lahren

You’ve heard about it in the news once and not after because the White House’s inside team will make sure nothing about it is leaked out to the press. This is one of the many dirty secrets that have never been allowed to leave the ‘Führerbunker’…until now. Guest-starring perverted middle-aged politicians from the Trump Administration. … Read more

Bk 2, Ch 1: Interlude

Chapter 1: Interlude Alena experienced life in fits and spurts as she slipped in and out of consciousness. One second a vaguely familiar man stood over her, the next, she felt herself being carried. She heard strange voices, muddled as if she were underwater. Something tugged at her, and she was vaguely aware of someone … Read more

Intro – A Quick Raid_(1)

It wasn’t the cleanest raid I’d ever led. Rolf, that rookie bastard, made a huge racket killing one of the sentries. The idiot had stabbed her instead of slashing her throat, and her scream echoed up and down the beach before she was finally silenced. Confused villagers drifted out of their homes and milled about … Read more

Vampire Omicron: Chapter 3 – Campus Raid

Start at Chapter 1! Links to all my stories and more chapters to this story in comments. DISCLAIMERS I’m just trying to help with these disclaimers! I don’t want to spring things on anyone. Back out now if any of this doesn’t sound like your kind of thing! The POINT of my writing is to … Read more

Taylor Swift Goes to ‘That Stupid Club’

31 December 2016 Taylor Swift couldn’t wait for the party. Dan Dymtrow had told her that an executive producer of Weinstein Company was holding a New Year’s party and needed someone for the main event of the night. Dan had mentioned her and she got the job. She would finally get a chance to display … Read more