The Girl – Book 1 – Chapter 02

*spoiler*: A multi-part story that goes from rape, to consensual torture and slavery, with an happy ending. — “Are you searching for something little one?” — She heard a voice — “Yeah. I lost a phone somewhere in this alley” — She said — “You lost a phone? Is that right?” — The man said, … Read more

Bk 1, Ch 4: The Beach

Chapter 4: The Beach Alena couldn’t believe she’d drawn guard duty on Harvest Day. She’d turned seventeen a few weeks ago, so she was finally old enough to find a partner to celebrate with. Well, she got off shift at sundown. Maybe she’d be able to find a nice guy during the night bonfire. Alena … Read more

Devilish cruelty

It all started when my wife and I were watching television one night; it was one of those police detective shows that proliferate across the weekly viewing, in this one the villain had a sadistic kink and was capturing young girls and tormenting them. We watched it through and then went off to bed. We … Read more

Bk 2, Ch 2: The Calm Before the Storm

Chapter 2: The Calm Before the Storm After that first sparring match on the third day, I made a point of talking with Emmy at least once a day. Sometimes it was for only a minute, sometimes it was for a half an hour. Sometimes we talked about her life, about Viking culture, and about … Read more

Even a Demon has needs…

John was, without a doubt, one of the luckiest men to ever live. Here he was, driving down Route 101 along the Pacific Coast in a convertible and a beautiful woman. He looked over at his new wife, Sherry, and smiled. She was stunning, and not just because he loved her. She was tall but … Read more

Bk 1, Ch 6: War and Peace

I took a seat at the foot of the stage, exhausted. In front of me lay a middle-aged man wearing a cloak of embroidered gold. I figured he was probably the village lord. His spine was crooked and an arm and both legs were broken. No doubt he had been trampled to death in the … Read more

Sexy Shenanigans of the Trump Regime: Hope Hicks

It was the kind of black tie event that is mandatory for the power elite in Washington. The ambassador to Iran was celebrating a new economic treaty and high-ranking officials from the multi-national corporations benefiting most were in attendance. Politicians who rely on contributions from the big companies were working the floor and trying to … Read more

The Unfortunate Cyclist

Part 1 I saw the cyclist from quite a long way back on the straight country road. As I got closer I was fascinated by the movement of the cyclist’s buttocks moving in rhythm with the legs and pedals. I observed the blonde ponytail hanging below the helmet and the way her tight three-quarter length … Read more

Vampire Omicron: Chapter 1 – Home Invasion – Updated

Just reposting this chapter with edits See the link in my profile to find all my stories and more chapters to this story DISCLAIMERS -I’m just trying to be helpful with these disclaimers. I don’t want to spring things on anyone! -My writing is SUPPOSED to be gross and wrong, which is what makes it … Read more

Vampire Omicron: Chapter 6 – New Life

Start at Chapter 1. See the link in my profile to find all my stories and more chapters to this story Each chapter is like a ‘stealth mission’, with lots of slow build-up and pervy creeping around. The protagonist’s mission is always to rape and abduct his victims, adding to his harem of vampires. Then … Read more

The King in Yellow Chapter Eight

MAGDA’S SUBMISSION “Good morning, Doctor. Where is Dana today?” asked Dmitri, as Katya entered the room and took her seat in front of him. “That is not your concern.” she replied, “You are to answer my questions this morning.” He did not let his face betray his satisfaction and was also quietly pleased at her … Read more

Queen of the Sex Slaves

To my muse, E.O.M., who knows why. 1-Hub She tried to evade them for years, but in the end, they finally caught her, Tisya Achoka, and they brought her here. It is a fact widely agreed upon throughout the galaxy, that this place, the piratical slave traders’ planet of Aghara-Penthay is one of the best … Read more

Jenna’s Turn To Cry

At 6pm Jessica could be smelled all over the neighborhood by this time she was dead and almost ready to be served, “Ok we need to get the pig moved over to the prep frame now” Susan said as she picked up a large knife and walked over to the prep frame, “Hey Ted” Steve … Read more

Porno Tape Roast

For a long time I really hated my parent’s, they were always away, it seemed that every weekend I can remember since I was a baby they were always out on some great far away weekend get away, get away from what?, that was always my question. Get away from what? It occurred to me … Read more

The End of Volodymyr Zelenskyy

Somewhere in 2022 after Putin’s Russian forces swiftly crushed Volodymyr Zelenskiy’s militaries, forcing them to surrender; his wife had left him whilst they were in hiding in Lvov… Volodymyr checked his face in the bathroom mirror one last time. His lips, enhanced by collagen injections, had been painted in their sexiest cupid’s bow pout. His … Read more

Eat Me

I’ve always fantasized about becoming meat. Being cooked up and eaten just sounds so erotic to me. I could never really do it, as it’s illegal, but I think about it any time I get horny. When it’s really hot out, I like to imagine that I’m in an oven on low heat. When we … Read more

The Neighborly Thing To Do!

Noise and the rumbling of a truck coming to a stop can be heard from outside the house, “Looks like someone finally bought the Wilks house next door” Steve said looking out the window as the new neighbors unpacked the moving van, “I wonder what their like” was the reply from Susan, Steve’s wife who … Read more

Mistaken Display

Jessica woke up this morning to the sound of her mother calling her from the kitchen, “Jessy, Jessy dear come on down here” She called, forcing Jessica from a wonderful dream, she slumped out of bed gave nude body a quick look in the full length mirror, looking in the mirror her hand went down … Read more

The King in Yellow Chapter Seven

DREAMS Back in Katya’s apartment, they sat by the fire, wrapped in shawls and sipping sweetened tea. Neither had spoken much during the drive back from the countryside and they stared blankly into space until Katya broke the silence. “We are in danger” she said softly. “We were too close tonight, too involved”. “I laid … Read more