Breaking the Cheerleader

Breaking the Cheerleader Jessica awoke in a daze. She blinked her blue eyes, trying to focus on any shape in the darkness as she struggled to remember where she was. There had been a party last night. She attended with one of the football players from her school. There were drinks and dancing and…nothing. “I … Read more

Dirty Little Slave

The sun rises slowly on the coast of Charleston, South Carolina. A dim but growing light slowly weaves its way through the open window of John Willington’s master bedroom as he wakes from his slumber. He quietly opens his eyes. Another day has begun on his immaculate plantation by the sea. Salty air drifts in … Read more

Sara’s new life

Chapter 1 Sara fumbled with the camera, trying to fix it in such a way that it would not be seen on the inside of the toilet. It had become somewhat of an obsession for her to film other women using the public beach facilities over the past 3 months. It had started when she … Read more

A Favor for Danny Boy – A Halloween Story

It takes a lot to surprise me, but having a six-foot tall leprechaun dressed in a green baseball hat, green running shoes, green sweatpants, and a white Notre Dame sweatshirt ring my doorbell did it. He didn’t look like a leprechaun, but I knew that’s what he was. I’d recognize Danny Boy anywhere. Especially since … Read more


My name is Alyssa, I’m from the Philippines, I stand 4’11”, slim and with fair complexion. I have very large breasts for my height and my nipples are bright pink with small areolas. And most of all, I’m now a full pledged SLUT. It all started when I was only 14 years old. I grew … Read more

Senior Year Pet – Chapter 2

Chapter 2: Making a Sex Slave That next day in class I sit at a desk alone again, and sure enough as Sarah walks through the door and sees me, she makes a b-line to sit beside me. Looking less confident then she has on Wednesday she says “Did you struggle that much on the … Read more

Bus Ride – Part 5 – New Beginnings

When Gaby finally opened her eyes she blinked as she looked around the small private hospital room before her gaze reached Colin, her newest Master who was sitting in the corner patiently waiting for her to wake up. He walked over to where she was lying. “Hello baby!” He smiled and Gaby grinned back. Gaby … Read more

Hell’s Brothel Part 1

I watched from my chair as my staff once again examined the new merchandise. Kidnapped from all across the country, each girl had varying features and qualities that separated her from the girl chained up beside her. They did however have certain similarities in the fact that they all currently found themselves in a situation … Read more

A guy and his…? 39 Physical

Jake turned slowly hearing the familiar female voice behind him. Finally he was face to face with a beautiful, wide eyed, dark haired Amira. “What do you mean it still may be possible? A shocked Jake told the royal princess. Bowing low to Jake she stated, “For all that you have done Master Jake, anything … Read more

The Compound – Part 1 by

Dan shifted slightly, his foot going to sleep and something sharp poking him in the back, but the small noise made him freeze, his gaze fixed on the light in the downstairs window. A shadow moved in the room and the light flicked off, that was their cue. As a unit, the black clad men … Read more

The Queen, the Slave ch 1-4

Ch 1 An idea is the most powerful thing; stronger than the sharpest sword and more resilient than the deadliest virus. Nothing can stop an idea when combined with the strongest emotion. Desire. It was this combination that allowed Alec to enslave Diana, the Queen of the relm. The trumpet blared throughout the hall, signaling … Read more

A New Bride

“What’s it like?” Chrissy looked at me with her wide, sympathetic eyes and smiled warmly. “Well,” she said, “It hurts, but only the first few times, then you get used to it. Sex is kind of like eating ice cream. You know how you get a headache when you eat it really fast but you … Read more

Revenge served Hot Part 1

11 am, time for my run. Ever since I started packing on the freshman 15 at Johns Hopkins I’ve been running at least 2 miles every day. I was going to stop once I lost the extra weight, but I love what it’s done to my body so much that I just kept going. I … Read more

Innocent Asian Teen Turned Into A Slave Chapter 3

“Wear a skirt on Sunday. No bra or panties.” Sophia read the curt text and sighed. She had essentially been forced to give up everything else in her life just to pleasure Master Liam. Instead of going to culinary club on Thursday during lunch, she spent the time sucking on his balls in the Tesla. … Read more

Slave Slut Sisters Face the Music

Chapter 1: The Tulsa Twins “Which would you like to use today Master?” Deborah Tulsa asked with a sparkling white smile as she obediently held up a gleaming silver tray that contained variety of different sized dildos. The vast array of toys came in a host of colors ranging from pink and red to black … Read more

Our Only Hope, Chapter 03

Taking Down Master Rodriguez As we drove away from the club, Natasha said something to the driver that didn’t seem to go over very well. He and Natasha began to argue, then she said something very forcefully and the driver shrugged and reached up to the dashboard and flipped a switch. A solid partition rose … Read more