Becoming the Neighborhood Whore: the Humiliation of C Pt 1

It was late afternoon on a Saturday, and Callie sat in her apartment, waiting in anticipation. It had been two months that she’d been officially divorced from her husband of five years. A few days before it was finalized, she had moved out of their spacious four-bedroom home and into a cozy one-bedroom apartment. It … Read more

The Girl – Book 1 – Chapter 10

*spoiler*: A multi-part story that goes from rape, to consensual torture and slavery, with an happy ending. — “I want you to own me.” — she said. — “Completely.” — “I think we do.” — said Hank. — “Yes.” — she responded. — “But I want you to own me in every sens.” She dumped … Read more

Down on the Farm 08

Sunday morning, Nicole was awakened by a commotion outside. She looked at the clock. It was only 6:30 in the morning and Annabelle wasn’t in bed. Nicole hurried into the kitchen and then yelped slightly. Annabelle, Frank, and three farmhands were sitting around the table drinking coffee and eating donuts. “It’s OK, cowgirl,” Annabelle said … Read more

A Night in a Moorish Harem part 2

We lived in Kerala. When I attained the age of sixteen my parents promised me in marriage to a wealthy British gentleman, whom I had seen but twice and did not admire. This also meant I had to convert to Christianity from my earlier religion Hinduism. My love was already given to Vimalesh, a handsome … Read more

The Dog Fucker – Part 1: Planet K-9

Prologue It started with a flash of pink light. I yelped, the cry echoing throughout the small room that had been my home for the past three years. It wasn’t much, but it was better than what most of the orphans got. Still, I could not help clinging on to the hope that my parents … Read more

Hell’s Brother Part 2

The girls were lined up across a wall next to one another. Handcuffs bound their hands together and chains were used to keep their arms raised above their heads to prevent them covering themselves. Cum coated their naked bodies and leaked from their holes which had been fucked roughly over and over again. Mia, Tabitha … Read more

ERIKA THE SEX SLAVE (chapter 4-6)

The next morning (day 3), I walk into the kitchen and find Erika making breakfast. She is in a black bra and lace thong. I walk in the kitchen and slap her ass, hard. I pull down her thong and spread her legs. I unzip my pants and grab her hair. I shove my cock … Read more

The Elf Ranger and the Wolf

Eshenesra pulled the travelling cloak tighter around her shoulders. The night was a bitter cold and although her leather armor was tough, it did little to keep the chill from setting in. The farmland surrounding the village of Wealdstone stretched around her as far as the eye could see, with only occasional small homesteads dotting … Read more

The Fall of Brooklyn – ch12- The After Party

Brooklyn was shaking with fear again as the younger Miss and a maid helped her down from her display stand. Was this it? How was he going to do it? Was he going to let his girlfriend strangle her? At least it wouldn’t hurt that much. They bound her hands behind her back and she … Read more

Diary of a Pain Slut – Week Four of Five

Maddi’s Diary, Day Eighteen, Monday Dr. B can be so frustrating. He practically ordered me to have Mom watch me do one of my Beat Girl webcasts, and then he wouldn’t talk about it. Last Wednesday, he said he would wait until he had read my write-up. I wrote it all up for him and … Read more

Kneel or No Kneel Pt. 02

Chapter 2: After the Show I couldn’t see a thing. I was living in a world of inky blackness with only sound and the pain in my abused little body to keep me company. I wasn’t deprived of sight due to a blindfolded nor was it the result of the fogginess in my brain but … Read more

Beltworld Ch.1_(0)

Recently edited for minor corrections and revision. On the belt, they have a saying: Minerals are controlled by capitalists, flesh is controlled by entrepreneurs. They say it’s because people preferred the competition of smaller businesses and therefore put corporations at a disadvantage to small businesses. However, it was actually a government regulation put in place … Read more


I was in my twenties when The States split off into two separate countries. It was only a matter of years before Rightica easily passed the Female Submissive Bill of 2080. I remember checking off “Yes” in the ballot box: Title: Female submissive Right of Male Dominant Act. Be it Hereby Enacted by Rightica Congress. … Read more

REVENGE OF THE CYBER-QUEEN: Ch.2: At The Mercy Of The Harem-Amazons !_(0)

Chapter 2: At The Mercy Of The Harem-Amazons ! As the Harem-Amazons moved towards them, they started removing their armor, revealing their tanned, muscular-yet feminine flesh. Toned and taut with hard nipples and completely shaved pussies. The Harem Amazons were now completely nude except for their leather thigh-high boots. Even as Johnny and Lucinda defensively … Read more

Three J’s and an S Go Skiing – Day 3, Part 2

The six sat around the table as if they were three couples – Kevin and Julie, Ron and Judy, and Joan and Sara. After they had finished dinner, Sara asked, “Would anyone like any dessert?” Julie said to Kevin, “I think we should wait until later for some desert.” Judy poked Ron and said, “Yeah, … Read more