Timelooper – Chapter Two

This is Chapter Two of four chapters. This is either a Sci-Fi story woven through a BDSM story or a BDSM story woven through a Sci-Fi story. If you’re a Sci-Fi geek who doesn’t want the BDSM stuff, just skip through that to the Sci-Fi story. If you’re a BDSM freak who doesn’t care about … Read more

Honor thy Father and slut (Camp Slut Series- Chapter 9)

Honor thy Father and slut (Chapter 9) I was out in the workshop trying to isolate a particularly bothersome card fault when I heard the chime indicating someone was coming down the driveway. I flipped the TV to the security feed to see an expensive looking luxury car easing its way down the gravel, and … Read more

my college slave 1

It was my first day im college, after I setteled down in the dorm and put my room in order I took two chairs and headed down to the garden surrounding the dorm. I sat there reading some novels I get for my free time, suddenly this amazingly beautiful girl is standing near me “ … Read more

How to train your fratboy (Ch 7)

Brad started awake from torturous dreams to the soft skin of his mistress’s inner-thigh. The golden glow of the morning sun illuminated the underside of Sir’s satin sheets, lending an angelic quality to her already flawless skin. He lay face-down between her legs. His cheek against her thigh; her fingers still tangled in his hair … Read more

The Fall of Brooklyn – ch06 – Shipping

As the woman pushed open the door and walked though Brooklyn almost had to run to get through as it swung closed behind her. It was a large well appointed kitchen with all manner of implements and equipment hanging from racks or sitting on the counters that ran around it’s edge. In the middle was … Read more

Fucking Molly Weasley

A flock of birds took off from a nearby tree. It was September. An hour later the sun rose from its horizon giving out it first rays of summer light that day. Everything was still. Sounds of people rising from the nearby house were distinguished from the sound coming from nearby places. It was the … Read more

The Fall of Brooklyn – ch04 – A New World

Pushing open the door to the bedroom he led his new toy into the bedroom. It was quite the sight, him well dressed in a tweed jacket and waistcoat, with nothing on his lower half, and a teenage girl on a lead crawling behind him. “Stand up fuck toy.” Looking up she saw she was … Read more

The Blind Servant part 2 of 4

GRAPHIC CONTENT WARNING Jack’s home was a huge, modern designed, two-room apartment, where the kitchen was connected to the dining room though a half window/wall and the dining room to the living room through two dark-wood steps, all across the floor’s length. Most things in Jack’s place had a contrasting dark-and-white palette to them that … Read more

Slave girl punished

Anisha was a pretty little slave girl. She had been born and was being raised on the plantation of James Brandywine. It was a large cotton plantation with many slaves to work the fields and serve James and his family of four in the big manor house. The Brandywine plantation was one of the largest … Read more

Jaded pt 3

Jaded part 3. Jayne tentatively eased her tongue among the folds of Miss Cathcart’s sex, it was Thursday evening, she had work to do, a presentation to finish, and yet somehow she had gone from returning a set of play handcuffs to the sex shop for a refund to licking the owner’s sex in less … Read more

The Georgia Peach – Part 01

The Georgia Peach – A Story of the American Civil War. “Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth, upon this continent, a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. Now we are engaged in a great civil war …” From The Gettysburg Address, … Read more

The Photo Booth part by

The Photo Booth part 1 Wendy was a beautiful young girl, she and her boy friend had engaged in some heavy petting, she had barely been able to remain a virgin, and was left with unsatisfied thoughts and urges. Having just graduated from high school and turning 18, she had decided to spend the day … Read more

TXR-92U-2280 – Call Name: Sara – Part 2

In a society that otherwise resembles our own, mass slavery has persisted into the 21st Century. It is a common and accepted feature of public and private life. Males and females of all ethnic backgrounds are held thrall, without status or legal rights. They are quite literally living property, and may be bought, sold and … Read more