Genetic Modification

Genetic Modification Today was to be the day. All of the tests, the hypotheses and fights with ethical groups had been, either worked out with scenarios considered, probed and prodded, or just discarded. Elaine, or just Laney to her group of friends, was ready. A small thrill of fear and doubt coursed through her, but … Read more

Return to Earth – 09

Okay here is the next installment. I have lost my direction for the story so Its not entirely to my liking. I am working on getting it back on track and perhaps a little more action here and there. I have left comments on and welcome them, although I can deal without the constant advertising … Read more

Prison World

Chapter 1 A ring of smoke sails into the air, crashing into the wall dispersing in different directions. I sit at my computer, as smoke continues to drizzle from the freshly lit joint. The smell of inflamed cannabis fills my nostrils. Another puff sends me into a coughing fit. The bar to the loading screen … Read more


THE MOON STONE, (Part 3) Michael was freaked out and Danielle knew it. She had told him all about Gab-el when she explained how she acquired the Moon Stone but it’s one thing to hear about an alien encounter and quite another to find one at the foot of your bed in the middle of … Read more

Klaatu Barada Nikto

Chapter 1 “Happy birthday to you,” the attractive woman sang. “Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday, dear Klaatu, happy birthday to you.” Klaatu Smith opened his sleep-blurred eyes and glared at the unwelcome intruder standing at his open bedroom door holding a gift-wrapped package. A glance at the clock told him it was much too … Read more

Galactic Vendetta character list and story set up.

Galactic Vendetta character, vehicle, and location list Below is a listing of the characters, vehicles, and locations featured in the story. This is intended to help the reader keep track of the various characters, vehicles, and locations throughout the story. It also allows the story to began without a long drawn out story setup. While … Read more

Anakin & Ahsoka Part 1

It had been a long day fighting off Separatist forces. As clone fighters soared overhead and night descended on the recently-liberated planet, Ahsoka Tano began settling into her makeshift bedding for the evening. “Snips, what do you think you’re doing?” her master Anakin Skywalker inquired impatiently. “What does it look like, Master?” Ahsoka replied, bemused. … Read more

BeC Clothing Company; Jeremy’s story

<The BeC Clothing Line, advertised for frustrated mothers everywhere> Jeremys’ mother finished tidying up after a visit from their neighbour, Mrs. Gonzales. Could it really work? Could Francesca Gonzales be telling the truth? She had heard of those tiny machines lately, noonites or whatever they were called, being able to change people, but a whole … Read more

New Beginnings – Pt 2 Ch 6

“Elisabeta…” the soft, sinuous voice snaked its way through her head. Lisa stirred, and sharp agony answered the slight movement she’d tried to make. “Wake up, my darling Elsa,” the loving, venomous voice whispered again. “I’ve have a surprise for you.” “S’prize?” she murmured, still half asleep. “Whaz’it?” She took a breath to try and … Read more

The Collar 8

Jenny took him home and opened the front door without knocking. “Hi, Jenny.” said her sister brightly. “Who’s this?” “This is my friend Mr. Miller.” she said. “Maria, this is Brian. He wants to be friends with you, as well as me.” Maria looked at him skeptically. “You want to be my friend? Why?” “Because … Read more

New Beginnings – Pt 2 Ch 5

The hatchway read ‘Sick Bay – Lab’. Frank opened the hatch and pulled himself through. “Hello, Frank; Ember,” Frank Senior said, greeting the engineering officer and his son. “How’s it coming? Did you find out anything about the device that dead soldier was holding?” “Hello, Mister Tabor,” Ember, the Chief of Engineering, said. “I sure … Read more


She runs, running, running, she had been running for hours from a hidden pursuer. Serine had been separated from her squad when they had fallen under attack from an unknown enemy. Her squad leader Duran had told her to run away and get help. Sgt. Jared Duran, he had helped her from the beginning once … Read more

Dire Action – Part 2/3

Diris followed her commanding officer, Jake, down the hall towards the medical wing. “Sir” she began. “Jake” he insisted. She walked up next to him and spoke, “Jake, what do you mean when you say that this procedure is “intrusive”?” He didn’t slow his pace, “I believe it would be more appropriate if Kaidi explained … Read more

Naruto’s Leaf Village Adventures! Part 4!

Obito sat alone in a solitary cave used for his base. He was thinking as he often did. However at the moment he was thinking of who he would act as when he joined the akatsuki so far he had the idea of acting completely out of character. He would be childish, funny and silly. … Read more