Phoenix Pt 2 Ch 10

Béla floated in the air, some distance from the great ship. Looking down, she could see clouds moving across the landscape far beneath her. She traced a ribbon of blue from where it emptied into a glistening lake, back across little brown squares and dark green areas, back to its source, a large patch of … Read more

Phoenix Pt 4 Ch 14

The great ship was passing Earth’s moon. They were only hours away, now. ‘We should go down to the arborium!’ Beth cried in Béla’s mind. ‘One last time, Sister!’ An anxious lust accompanied her thought. They teleported down to the arborium to see what they could find to use on each other. There was nothing … Read more

Wrinkles in Time Part 3 (long)

Part 3 Chapter 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sheila Belloq lay in blackness on the dusty stone shelf carved into the catacomb wall. She had barely managed to hide and turn off her light in time as her nemesis, Zachary Jones, entered the burial chamber. She rolled back against the mummified corpse sharing her narrow shelf space as … Read more

Phoenix Pt 2 Ch 03

Béla opened her eyes. The room she was in was dimly lit and very cold. She turned her head and looked around. She was in some sort of glass case. Her father stood outside with some other people she didn’t recognize. He was looking at her and pointing toward the ceiling. ‘Go up, Child,’ she … Read more

Flavors of Enchantment

In the course of history, scientific breakthroughs have been made with the promise of changing life as we know it. Few actually achieve their intended purpose, giving little more than false hope only to be ripped away by an unexpected and unintentional side effect. But for Dr. Oliver Goodson, that hope was still quite alive; … Read more

Phoenix Pt 2 Ch 12

The storm had passed and the crystal sun was shining brightly once again. Jeff gave Béla some of Greta’s clothes to wear. Surprisingly, they fit. Béla considered herself extremely petite and was hoping the clothing Jeff offered would be too baggy to wear. Then she could have convinced him to let her run naked; at … Read more

Timestop: The Train Ride Chapter 3

CHAPTER 3 A bit later, I still lay there admiring the mess next to me, she’s sweaty underneath expensive white sweater. “How did I not get you out of that yet?” I guess I was too hasty, rushing straight into things and forgetting to really explore her entire body. I cuddle up next to her, … Read more

Employee Discount

– As I closed out my report for the previous week, I heard my partner Brian finishing up his last call of the day. “ … and make sure your problem daughter is wearing a skirt or dress when we arrive at four tomorrow. Hide all her pants and panties tonight. I’m sure your replacement … Read more

Phoenix ch 13

“In the top news this hour – A landmark Supreme Court decision to reverse underground performer Vince Doesmore’s conviction in the widely publicized Brandy Wine murder case. “As most of you already know, Brandy Wine Tasting Productions and Vince Doesmore were charged and convicted of the premeditated murder of its executive producer and former underground … Read more

New Beginnings – Pt 3 Ch 01

The Adventures of Béla, the Vampire Girl Book 5: New Beginnings Part 3 Chapter 1 He was lying on a hard surface. He moved slightly and moaned through his closed mouth, suddenly realizing his head was throbbing with a dull, then acute pain deep inside his skull. Opening his eyes, he was able to gradually … Read more

New Beginnings – Pt 2 Ch 10

Béla squirmed around, trying to make some room for herself in their cramped sleeping quarters. At the end of the previous day, Tia and Tara had visited Béla and Jake and ended up, not surprisingly, spending the night. The four of them had been getting together regularly ever since the ‘T’ girls had offered to … Read more

New Beginnings – Pt 4 Ch 04

Elaine, Annalisa and the human twins, Murielle and Miranda stood in the grove, holding hands to form a circle. “Now, here’s how it works, girls,” Elaine was saying. “We form a circle and we mind-link together. I will suggest the object to concentrate on. When you can see that object in front of you, let … Read more

Earth: Tentacle Breeding Ground – Chapter 7

A’luhr led the rest of the group as they slowly made their way through the winding, fleshy tunnels of the Krinis hive. Adam was still passed out from exhaustion, so she carried his trembling, naked body over one of her shoulders while Sarah leaned on her other one for support, trying to regain her energy … Read more

New Beginnings – Pt 4 Ch 07

It was hours later. The conversation was more relaxed and had turned again to their favorite pastime, hunting. But instead of the guys hunting the girls, Annalisa wanted to reenact the gunfight that Jake had told her about during their first night together. “Well, we’ll need guns,” Tabatha said after eagerly volunteering to be the … Read more

Earth: Tentacle Breeding Ground – Chapter 8

Alarms blared, amber lights flashed, and the Brightdark’s hull shook madly as the ship plummeted towards the Earth. The overwhelming butterflies in Sarah’s stomach made her tense-up and clench her jaw, desperately trying not to pass-out from the g-forces slamming into her. Black smoke could be seen billowing past the windows, briefly blocking the view … Read more

New Beginnings – Pt 2 Ch 3

“I’m sorry,” Alicia said quietly as they walked along the dirt path. “What for?” Jackie asked. “You didn’t do anything. Besides, I thought your explanation of hyperbolic acceleration was very… educational.” “I’m apologizing because you got stuck with me instead of someone you could actually talk to,” Alicia explained, her face turning a little pink … Read more

Open Late, Part 2

In the future, robotics and advanced A.I. become a ubiquitous part of society, aiding mankind in all facets of everyday life. However, they still retained the cold impersonal look of a machine until a new development rocketed over the uncanny valley. Grown rather than built, this new kind of being was made possible by hacking … Read more

Earth: Tentacle Breeding Ground – Chapter 9

It didn’t take much time for A’luhr to outfit the rest of the group with the remaining weapons and some satchels, which slung over their shoulders, and seemed capable of holding plenty of any supplies they might find. A’luhr remained equipped with her two daggers along with one of the three remaining impulse detonators, the … Read more

Phoenix Pt 2 Ch 09

Béla was on the bridge, again, mostly searching for a distraction from the problems in her life that she was having trouble solving right now. She was surprised at how calm she felt after spending an hour crying into Elaine’s shoulders. She smiled as she thought about how much Elaine loved her. Even though her … Read more

Bikini Ski Bunnies

In the future, robotics and advanced A.I. become a ubiquitous part of society, aiding mankind in all facets of everyday life. However, they still retained the cold impersonal look of a machine until a new development rocketed over the uncanny valley. Grown rather than built, this new kind of being was made possible by hacking … Read more