Future Harry Potter Adventures: Chapter 1 – A New Beginning

This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, or have any affiliation with the author. Chapter 1 *2 months later* ‘Happy Birthday, Harry!’ cheered the occupants of the dining table in the Weasley household, as they all raised their goblets in celebration of Harry’s 18th birthday. ‘Thank-you everybody,’ replied … Read more

Bait and Switch Ch. 01

Author’s note: This story will consist of multiple chapters. Some chapters will contain subjects that some may find objectionable, such as incest, anal, and perhaps even violence. While this first chapter doesn’t contain any of these, you are here forewarned not to get into this series if these subjects bother/offend you. All characters are over … Read more

S.H.E.L.I.A. 5

My mind was racing as I was trying to process everything that I had just realized. Then I was looking at Sheila as the look of pain was still there on her face. I had to do something quick before… why was I acting as if I had hurt the feelings of a real woman? … Read more


Hopix was exhausted. She’d healed Alan for almost an hour, though she felt she’d barely given him the energy to recover. She laid her head down, she’d not felt this tired in over a thousand years. Alan had to fight this; he was far stronger than she thought. She fought the sleep for hours, accepting … Read more


S.H.E.I.L.A. – synthetic, humanoid, enlightened, inquisitive, living, android ——————————————————————————————— I couldn’t say a word as all I could do was stare at Sheila. Shaking my head I tried to wrap my mind around what I’d seen. {I love you Roger. Please don’t leave me.} She loved me? How was that… I stopped as I remembered … Read more

Lost Empire 16

It had been almost 12 hours and Mary had been following the progress of Rear Admiral Joseph Hartwell. After sending him to Abrir Oculta Providence to retrieve Derrick’s family she could only wait. Checking in on Derrick every few minutes there still hadn’t been any improvement. Not really one to worry that much Mary was … Read more

The Seeding 3

The Seeding 3 ——————————————————————————————————————– Two days later, John was out in his field checking to make sure that no stray leech ferns had gotten through. About half way across his property he got a home proximity alert outside the west gate. Clicking on his comp he saw it was Millie, asking permission to come over. … Read more

Bad Seed CH.3

With only an hour to go to the appointed meeting point, Wren slipped into the training area. Taking a deep, cleansing breath, Wren tried to center her energy. So far, she had managed to increase her power, though her energy use was far too high. She was missing something, though for the life of her … Read more

Return to Earth

Weapons fire on a space station was normally cause for concern in more ways than one. One shot in the right spot and the area opened to space. Then this was station six. The lowest of the low and every manner of criminal element came here. There were still laws, but on station six, many … Read more

Tom’s parallel world – 5

Dear Reader, hopefully you will enjoy my story, it will help if you have read the previous episodes. If you like this, then please read my others. Please read this chapter after reading the previous chapters. I am happy to receive comments and PMs. I welcome constructive criticism. ——————– It excited Tom at long last … Read more

The Aftermath (4)

Jim’s week had been too long, after destroying the last of the Krong, he begun to destroy all the planets that held the bug like creatures that had infused spies on the imperial planet into weaker humans. True it had been a shock to find out that there were different species of them, still it … Read more


THE BLEMS ————————————————————————————————- The end of another day was drawing to a close, Ray sat on his porch staring at the night sky. Sighing he stretched his thick frame and ran a hand through his thick, curly, dark brown hair. Stepping inside he went to the cupboard to get something for the headache that was … Read more

The Maintenance Man another repair 2

Mark Jerked awake, what the hell? Last thing he remembered the drones had just touched down with him, oh yeah that’s right Sam was mad at him, judging from the look on Nissie’s face she wasn’t too happy with him either. Mark tried to sit up in the bed and immediately fell back a low … Read more

The Aftermath 2

The Aftermath 2 ——————————————————————————————————————————————– The next morning Jim was on his way to the hospital when he recieved a strange call. “I’m trying to reach a Captain Stock, I was there years ago when he and his family liquidated the Krong race.” “I don’t go by that name anymore, not many know who I really … Read more

A Super Life – Chapter 2

Hello, I want to say thank you to everyone who has been reading my stories and commenting on them. I focused on writing this next Chapter as a direct result of the comments and many PMs asking me to please do this. I am not a professional. I am certain, despite my best efforts, that … Read more

Sam 31

Sam watched the progress of those with him, he had to go a lot slower as he and Thantas were the only ones who open the worm holes. Then again, Thantas wasn’t that used to it as she’d only done it twice. She still wasn’t projecting as much power as was needed to get more … Read more