Flip The Switch

Josh parked in the drive way and wondered why he was here. He could have been at the beach with his girlfriend Theresa, but no his kid sister calls so right after his last class at the University he drove the three hours back home. She did say it was an emergency, but as Josh … Read more


S.H.E.I.L.A. – synthetic, humanoid, enlightened, inquisitive, living, android ——————————————————————————————— Sheila seemed to be momentarily distracted after we had stopped. Sitting there I waited for her report when she was done. Timur was rolling on the ground feeling like his face was on fire. He also noticed that his left arm and cheek hurt like hell. … Read more

Return to Earth – 02

Daniel tossed and turned. The screams were coming from everywhere as he watched helpless people burning. He couldn’t help them. He tried to get to them but they got farther away. He was in space. The station was miles away. Its black and silver shell reflecting the sunlight as it turned on the axis. Five … Read more

Mind Fuck

I guess I should begin at the beginning. It all started with Fred at Jack’s Place. I had been stopping in at Jack’s Place for a couple of years whenever I was on planet. I liked it because it was close to the spaceport and relatively clean. And more importantly, it was quiet. There were … Read more

The Princess and the Captain (2)

Jim laid beside Amber basking in the afterglow of their love making as an idea began to form. “Amber how long do you have to claim the throne before they make their move,” he inquired. “Well, from from all decrees I have seen” as she reached to lovingly grasp his rapidly softing cock, “six months … Read more

Leben 19

Angelika – Like an angel Truda –    Fighting woman Varick –   Protecting Ruler Harman –   Man of the army Still shaking slightly Alan arose unsteadily to his feet. Teetering Alan was surprised when Helga grabbed him guiding him to a couch. Shaking his head he got a moment of clarity then it was gone. “As … Read more

S.H.E.L.I.A. 4

I awoke with a jerk then regretted it as the back of my neck started to throb. Getting up I could see that I had fallen asleep on the key board. Looking around after relieving myself I was a little concerned as to where Sheila was.   Shrugging my shoulders I went back to the … Read more


Killjoy group ————- Ruslan (short blonde hair, 6’7”) – Leader Serafima (dark red head) – support/medical Karina (blonde Hair) – Sharpshooter sniper Timur (Dark hair 5’2”} – computer/hacker expert Egor- Electronics expert Stas – Explosives expert Pibald group ———— Evelyn (Auburn hair) – Leader former wife of General Gance/sniper Christine/Chris (blonde) – personal combat expert- … Read more

Cheer Raider & SABRE Panther Episode 2

Matt thought he’d been obsessed with Cheer Raider before, but it was on a whole other level now. Ever since that night, he couldn’t get her out of his head. It was very distracting, especially during class. It was close to the end of the class period before lunch, and most of his classmates were … Read more


Killjoy group ————- Ruslan (short blonde hair, 6’7”) – Leader Serafima (dark red head) – support/medical Karina (blonde Hair) – Sharpshooter sniper Timur (Dark hair 5’2”} – computer/hacker expert Egor- Electronics expert Stas – Explosives expert Pibald group ———— Evelyn (Auburn hair) – Leader former wife of General Gance/sniper Christine/Chris (blonde) – personal combat expert- … Read more

Bait and Switch Ch. 12

Thanks to garbonzo607 for his insightful edits. =================================== I was depressed over the next few days, as all I could think about was Lela’s pregnancy, and how sad she’d looked as she’d left me. Lela still took me every night that Gina didn’t sneak into my room, but never showed herself again. If my math … Read more

Leben 4

Angelika – Like an angel Truda – Fighting woman Varick – Protecting Ruler Harman – Man of the army Alan had just gotten to his feet when he felt the intrusion and impending fight outside his door. Growling he appeared next to Harman who had a wicked smile on his face that became even bigger … Read more

Sheila 7

Synthetic, Humanoid, Enlightened, Inquisitive, Living, Android – S.H.E.I.L.A. —————————————————————————————————–   I awoke with a start as Sheila was gently shaking my shoulder. “I’m afraid that we have to go Doctor Gance.” She told me. “It appears that the town is being evacuated, I detected a message about an operation gas. It fits all the parameters … Read more