Awakenings 2_(0)

Awakenings 2 ——————————————————————————————————————- Tahir reclined back in his easy chair. He’d been here on the west coast for over 2 months now. So far noone had approached him, he hadn’t seen anyone from before but for some reason he felt that the doctor wasn’t about to give up. Sighing, he hadn’t used any of his … Read more

Leben 8

Angelika – Like an angel Truda – Fighting woman Varick – Protecting Ruler Harman – Man of the army ——————————————- They had walked for maybe twenty minutes when they turned a corner and were on the outskirts of a small village. Truda and Angelika squealed like little girls when they saw the open market set … Read more


Ray knew that he was going to have to talk to Nali before he did a single thing to the Queen’s daughter. Though he hadn’t realized it he was starting to love both of the beings that inhabited Elizabeth’s body. Shaking his head he hadn’t notice that Miahally had been trying to gain his attention … Read more

Awakenings 4_(1)

Awakenings 4 ———————————————————————————————————– The Captain was upset. The east division had reported that they had lost several agents. Looking over the reports again, he knew that it was the work of the doctor’s group. Sighing he picked up the phone calling for Tahir. This was only 2 days after Tahir had eliminated the group’s four … Read more

Awakenings 9

Awakenings 9 ——————————————————————————————————- The Captain read the reports with tight lips. He had counted at least 30 bodies or what was left of them. Thank god Tahir had rescued half of those left but the body count was starting to mount. Washington wasn’t that pleased but after the horror stories of those he had rescued … Read more

Tom’s parallel world – 2

Tom relaxed in the basket chair as much as he could; his blood was now starting to run riot again, that sweet aroma of Sarah on heat was starting to work its magic again. He looked into Sarah’s eyes that shone luminescent green back at him, willing her to take his penis into her mouth … Read more

Lost Empire 72

001 – Tempro 0003 – Conner- Thomas 0097 – Ace – Zimmel 0098 – Lucy 0101 – Shelby (mother ship) 0125 – Lars 0200 – Ellen 0250 – Tendra 0301 – Rodrick 0403 – Johnathon 0667 – Marco – Brown 0778 – Jan 0798 – Celeste – Shelby (human) 0805 – Toran 0808 – Radella … Read more

Awakenings 5_(1)

Awakenings 5 ————————————————————— Tahir and the Captain were pouring over the reports that were coming in. Apparently, Tahir’s earlier actions had put a short stoppage to the doctor’s groups plans for a time. They had been at it for a couple of hours, when Tahir noticed a report of a body. It took him a … Read more

Lost Empire 17

Derrick jerked awake, ah Christ his head hurt, the light was so bright, ugh! Looking around he could see that E had integrated back into the system. Sitting up a thought filled his mind, E? Why in the hell had he just called Shelby E? Then again where in the world was she? She never … Read more

The Black Willow (2)

The Black Willow (2) By demand part 2 of the Willow/Mary story ——————————————————————————————————————- After succeeding in their mission they were in high demand. Mary was pissed that they didn’t let her and Jim work on their tech much, she had many ideas and wanted to get on them. As the months passed many of the … Read more

Queen of the Sex Slaves

To my muse, E.O.M., who knows why. 1-Hub She tried to evade them for years, but in the end, they finally caught her, Tisya Achoka, and they brought her here. It is a fact widely agreed upon throughout the galaxy, that this place, the piratical slave traders’ planet of Aghara-Penthay is one of the best … Read more


Alan appeared not far from the Queen’s palace reaching out he started to search for Hopix. Ah! There she was safe and … not all that sound after the dream, but Alan would soon fix that. Reaching out again, he began to search for the Lizard guy shaking his head Alan thought this guy really … Read more

Keily’s Plant

Chapter One: The Discovery Keily liked to explore the corridors and rooms of the large old castle where she had lived for the past two years. The property was a huge building donated to the city by an eccentric millionaire several years ago, and part of the castle was adapted to be used as the … Read more


<Alright I’ll be there soon,> Ray told Miahally as he looked at Nali and Elizabeth. <Damn it I have to go, Nali help her to practice you both need to go back for a little bit then come back and practice more the Chorton just told me we may have a problem I’ll be back … Read more

Leben 20

Angelika – Like an angel Truda – Fighting woman Varick – Protecting Ruler Harman – Man of the army Finally able to get out of bed Alan started to push everyone harder. They may not be as strong but he was damn sure going to make sure if they went down, they went after inflicting … Read more

Sam 23

.For those that want to know Solar time unit = year planetary time unit = day ———————————————– Thantas’ mouth was still hanging open. Sam had healed all of them, then without really thinking about it, had gone after the Tetricons. Shaking her head she tried to retrieve her memories. So many were there though, she … Read more

Amy Gets Her Fill of Doctor – Chapter 1

Gallifrey disappeared. The Daleks, caught in each others’ crossfire, decimated themselves as the Time Lords were transported safely into another dimension. The Doctors had won. They all needed a good rest after that, and the Tenth Doctor had the brilliant idea of taking the lot of them to the Zaggit Zagoo bar, an intergalactic tavern … Read more