Sam 32

Solar time unit = year planetary time unit = day —————————— Sam was heading away from the IP world as fast as he could. Thankfully the draining had stopped and the sun was getting him back to feeling normal. A look at the fleet showed that the wave that he and Thantas had used knocked … Read more

College Affairs

Cheerleading practice was over. Janet and Bianca waited in the locker rooms until everyone else left. They had flirted with each other during the last few weeks, hesitant about taking the first step. When they did, there was no stopping them. Janet looked out the door, making sure they were alone… “I thought they would … Read more

Gray Jedi Ch. 4

Gray Jedi Ch. 4 “There it is,” Malik said, pointing at the star map.  “I’ll program our route to the Dagobah system.” “Excellent,” Serra replied.  “Oh, incoming transmission from Alderaan, encoded.” “I’d bet that it’s Bail Organa.  Put it on screen.”  As his face appeared on the monitor, Malik said, “Senator, I apologize for our … Read more

the great war 3033 part 2

When Jack had just finished on the shooting range when “Jack how are you able to fire that weapon every one that has fired that weapons has been ether burned from the inside out or they were just killed out right.” Jack now noticed that he had been Found out and just said” I picked … Read more

Bug control: Evolution

Dr. Vivian McLeod was carefully retrieving a bug from the container. There were still a few specimens alive since she brought them back from Miranda’s apartment. The doctor could still remember the night she received the call. “You have to come over and see this!” her boss said over the phone. Since then, five blocks … Read more

Gray Jedi Ch. 6

Gray Jedi Ch. 6 “That is my official designation. But as you well know, my friends call me Rex.” “Yes… Captain Rex of the 501st legion,” Malik replied. “The same, sir.” “Also the legion that slaughtered all our friends in the Jedi Temple,” Malik seethed, gripping his lightsaber tightly. “I had nothing to do with … Read more

Absolute Power 6

Chapter 6 I took a deep, cleansing breath, trying to capture everything Big Leo ever said to me, then loud and clear said, “No point in arguing, gentlemen. All those drawings are wrong.” I paused to wait out the storm as Darryl crumpled the paper, throwing it on the ground as he yelled loudly, “Dirty … Read more

The Bonds – Chapter 1

It’s the year 2050, 12 years after scientists discovered cognitive use of 100% of the human brain. Since then, humans have been able to do certain ‘tricks’ with only their willpower. Certain uses of the brain, such as Telekinesis and Telepathy have created a new power-based hierarchy, and not just a few wars. The fact … Read more

Timelooper – Chapter One

This is Chapter One of Four chapters. This is either a Sci-Fi story woven through a BDSM story or a BDSM story woven through a Sci-Fi story. If you’re a Sci-Fi geek who doesn’t want the BDSM stuff, just skip through that to the Sci-Fi story. If you’re a BDSM freak who doen’t care about … Read more

The Man In The Grey Suit – The Candle

It was snowing when he closed up shop. He looked up into the grey sky, trying not to feel anything. The snow always reminded him of Julie. Just another reason to hate this time of year. He shook his head and yanked the gates over the glass doors with a bit more force than necessary, … Read more

Leben 12

Angelika – Like an angel Truda – Fighting woman Varick – Protecting Ruler Harman – Man of the army Angelika arose from the other couch and walked over to Alan on unsteady legs. Varick, Truda, and Harman became concerned when her face twisted into a more worried look. “Are you alright sister,” Varick asked. “For … Read more

Awakenings 8

Awakenings 8 —————————————————————————————- Natasha was bored, the doctor had totted on for the last 4 days, how great he was and that this plan would finally pay that traitor Tahir, back for all the pain he had put the doctor through. Natasha didn’t really care all she wanted was to get Tahir in bed, if … Read more

SLuT9 part 7

CHAPTER SEVEN “DeeDee” Monday, December 18th Dave was up and off to work the next day just like normal. He still had what had happened between he and Emily on his mind but he managed to push it to the back while he was working. Traffic was terrible on the way home because it had … Read more

A new world

Allen was standing out in his backyard cooking some steak on his BBQ. It was a calm summer night with clear black skies and the sound of children in the distance. Allen was reminded of those nights when he would be making burgers for his family then they would hang out together and play party … Read more

Ruptured Reality

It was January of my senior year in high school. Things should have been coming to an end. My classmates were primarily focused on things like senior trip, college applications, prom, and graduation rather than schoolwork. At least that’s how it was before the accident. My parents were both professors at a nearby college. Their … Read more

Space Farm

Leila and Carol were saying goodbye to their mother as her small carrier gained altitude and headed to the closest bazaar to bring provisions. The three women were part of a small group of ranchers that settled in the seventh planet of the Dogada system. The local species of the planet were perfect to commercialize … Read more

Sam 21

Sam accelerated away from the station, gaining as much speed as he could. Finally, feeling he was far enough away he opened a wormhole. ‘Damnit, I hope that I gave her enough for her to survive this trip,’ Sam thought, placing his head closer to her chest. He was relieved to still feel her heart … Read more