Lust in Space S1E1: The Crash

John’s well muscled back flexed. He panted as his hips pushed forward in time with the ship’s engine. Judy tightened her legs around his waist, pulling his cock deep into her pussy. He put his hand behind her head and pulled her face to his. Their lips pressed tightly together as John repeatedly sawed his … Read more


I was barely surviving when I turned thirteen. I was nothing and no one, a street rat with no home or family. With puberty came power, only not like others. I could move things with my mind and later I could make them disappear and appear somewhere else. They called it psychic powers, telekinesis and … Read more

The Sleep Device 4

The Dorm My experience at the sleepover had convinced me of the benefits of having several females available at the same time. Just thinking about what I had been able to do that night had me aching with the desire to repeat the experience. Unfortunately no conversations about sleepovers happened where I might hear them. … Read more

I was never the same and nether was she

First story please comment I was human before the experiments and I joined it for the money. The money I had saved while in the army was gone even with work what side jobs I could get. There was going to be a 20k pay out at the end of it. The experiment was supposed … Read more


By Hardrive Several days passed since Danielle’s encounter with the police officer. She used that time she experiment with the Moon Stone and got to know how to use some of its powers. The alien’s gift was amazing and there was much more to learn, but she had other obligations. There were deadlines to meet … Read more

Lust in Space S1E5: Takeoff

Maurine sat leaning against the wheel of the Chariot, with Judy laying across her lap and suckling at her breast. She absently ran her fingers through her daughter’s tuft of pubic hair as she enjoyed Judy’s tongue on her nipple. “Mom, why didn’t we do this a long time ago?” Maurine looked down at Judy … Read more

Star Wars: The Restricted Files – Chapter 1 – Meeting Ass-hoka Tano Part 1

“Come on Anakin… You said you could hack into C-3PO’s restricted files!” the fifteen year old Jaina Solo scolded her younger fourteen year old brother. “Dad’s gonna be back soon and if he catches us tampering with C-3PO’s memory, he’ll have a fit!” “Give him some room to work Jaina; he’s the only one that … Read more

Time of Eden and Elves chapter 1 part II

continue….. “You don’t seem happy to see me.” She said, her green eyes twinkling. “Should I be?” Martin asked. “I know why you are here Anja. I don’t like it; not one bit. There is nothing wrong with me or my people, and you know it.” “What do you mean?” Martin stepped closer to her. … Read more

Absolute Power 4_(0)

My eyes opened. I was in an altogether delightful position, spooned up against Angel’s back, with Bailey tucked tightly behind me, her hand lightly resting on my hip. My hard cock nestled against Angel’s athletic butt, while my hand cupped her breast, with my face buried in her blonde mane. Raising my head slightly, I … Read more

Reapers 2

2 Kail paces the length of the tent, anger rising off him in waves of visible heat; John rummages through some paperwork, the title reads “Death Certification”. “We can’t just assume she’s dead! We need to know for sure! We have to find proof!! Aren’t you even the least bit concerned that your daughter may … Read more

The Breeder

I woke up. Unable to think straight I opened my eyes only halfway. It was foggy. I blinked slowly a few times to clear my vision staring at the white shiny floor. White! I hated white. While I stared at the floor I noticed my male form was totally naked. And tied up. My legs … Read more

Emperor’s Bodyguard (Complete)

Chapter one Landing The insystem liner released the shuttle with a jarring thud that shook the entire ship. I glanced over my readout one more time, “How does it look Tinker?” My engineer growled, “She is an ancient bitch but we are still in the green. Just stay away from that damn brat.” I grinned … Read more

Phoenix ch 10

“Now, Katie, this won’t hurt a bit,” Dr. McCarty promised cheerfully. Fifteen-year-old Katie flinched back anyway as she glared at that wicked-looked ‘thing’ held delicately in the doctor’s white-gloved hand. “Now, sweetie,” Tanya said in the sugary voice she often used on her youngest daughter. “Frankie had his last year; now it’s your turn. I … Read more


S.H.E.I.L.A. – synthetic, humanoid, enlightened, inquisitive, living, android ——————————————————————————————— Timur was still cursing when they pulled off the road. “Comrade? What has you so agitated?” Timur’s head snapped up as he looked at Ruslan with a startled look. “I have encountered something I have never seen before.” Timur said with great confusion in his voice. … Read more

VIRUS SURGE: Chapter 3

Chapter 3 Containment Breach. March 27, 2016 5:19 pm. “Warning to all research teams and military personnel, according to reports from the mainland there is a high probability that we may encounter a hurricane in the next two to five hours. All personnel who are rotating back to the mainland are to leave for the … Read more

Return to Earth – 4b

The first week went smoothly. They worked together on their assignments during lunch and then over the com system. By the end of the week Cynthia had to explain to her parents that she need to spend more time working in person. They agreed and she had up to four hours past the last class … Read more