New Beginnings – Pt 3 Ch 11

Two matching sets of almond-dark eyes gazed quietly at each other over Jake’s hairy chest as he lay gently snoring in the center of the bed. Two dark-haired beauties lay, one head on each of his shoulders as they rested. Although Jake was exhausted from their sexual romp, the two vampire girls were not. ‘I’m … Read more

Star Wars: The Restricted Files – Chapter 4 – Aayla Secura

Jacen, Jaina and Anakin Solo were on their way to the planet Bilbringi to meet their Jedi Master Uncle, Luke Skywalker, before travelling back to the Jedi training facility on Yavin 4. That wasn’t the big news however; the Solo siblings had found a most peculiar piece of historical data. A data chip with several … Read more

Deputy Morpheus (Complete)

Chapter 1 Recovering a fugitive My life began with my older sister. We were sold to a… school when I was still a baby. Even when I slept they used a sleep teacher to make me learn. Everything from chemistry to engineering, by the time I was fourteen I could have been anything; doctor, engineer, … Read more

An Alien Abduction

She awoke in a dark gray room. The lighting was dim, almost dark. She looked around herself slowly. Her head was throbbing, feeling like her skull was going to be split in two. Every tiny movement of her neck sent shooting paints through her entire head. She pulled herself up slowly, looking around at her … Read more

Private Raider

All my life the True Republic has been at war. It has been going on for almost twenty years. Before that was only ten years of peace and before that was almost thirty years of civil war. I was born on a mining station and grew up around some of the toughest men and women … Read more

New Beginnings – Pt 1 Ch 4

“Let me out!” Alicia screamed down the empty hallway. She shook the bars of her cell door. They rattled noisily. She anxiously paced the length of her narrow cell a few times, then plopped down on the bare, ratty mattress. ‘How the hell did I get into this fix?’ she asked herself, fuming, and closed … Read more

Sam 20

Sam felt the portal open as he moved forward. He had an idea where the counsel was though he hadn’t been there yet. As he moved through the tunnel, he was thinking hard as to how he could take down the counsel. He’d already decided that a direct attack was out of the question. As … Read more

Privateer (Complete)

Chapter one Making a name All my life I have fought for everything I had, food, clothing, education and finally my position as a space pilot. I shifted the power setting again as the huge barge glided above the third asteroid belt towards the next ore dump, “the second reactor just died Lorenz.” “What else … Read more

A life in the service – (Complete)

Chapter one Basic Training I was born Author Geoffrey England. My mother and father were both well know scientists. Even with a very high IQ I had dreams in another area. At the tender age of seventeen I enlisted in the space forces. I was just over two meters tall with brown hair and blue … Read more

Becoming a Ranger (complete)

Chapter one Passing the Test I am Simon Joseph St James and sat in the speeding copter and thought about my life and what had brought me here to this time and place. I was twenty years old and the last four had been spent working to reach this point. First were the martial arts … Read more

Phoenix Pt 2 Ch 14

Béla was back aboard the great ship, confined to unfamiliar, cramped quarters after turning herself in for killing a landowner. The Bard Geoffrey and two of her sisters, Dawn and Jolene, were currently managing the estates that she’d acquired from Robert LaCrosse, whom she admitted murdering. Over the last month, the daughters of Sibilius had … Read more

Cat Fight 3o Family Final

TERMS tinton – 2 1/2 seconds specton – 2 1/2 minutes Toton – 2 1/2 hours minton – 2 1/2 days daycon – 2 1/2 weeks Malant – 2 1/2 months quant – 2 1/2 years galant – 2 1/2 centuries Metson – 2 1/2 inches maclon – 2 1/2 feet heckson – 2 1/2 … Read more

Guardian (Complete)

Chapter 1 My name is Charles Samuel Knight and I am sixteen. My father started me on the life I have. He was an Archeologist and studied the thousands of derelict spacecraft in Grer system. My mom had been an Archeologist too, but had left us to teach at the college on Miros. There were … Read more

Program Alpha-Omega 10 by

Episode 10: Programming Assistant When Zack awoke the next morning, he was snuggled very tightly against Gabrielle. He smiled at the thoughts of their night together, which had been very enjoyable, to say the least. He couldn’t really move without disturbing her, but he really needed to use the restroom. He tried to turn carefully, … Read more

The Maintenance Man 4

The Maintenance Man 4 ——————————————————————————————————————– Mark jerked awake as he felt Nisse move behind him. Reality began to dawn on him as Nissie pressed her bare breasts up against his back. “Umm, master good morning” she whispered as she stretched her thin smooth body out to her full length her breasts proud, her nipples standing … Read more

Cat Fight 15 (Battle)

tinton  – 2 1/2 seconds specton –   2 1/2 minutes Toton –   2 1/2 hours minton –  2 1/2 days daycon –  2 1/2 weeks quant  –  2 1/2 years galant –  2 1/2 centuries Metson  – 2 1/2 inches maclon  – 2 1/2 feet heckson – 2 1/2 miles tetson –  2 1/2 acres … Read more

Retired but Alive (Complete)

Keys The world of Keys was a tropical paradise, ninety percent water with hundreds of thousands of islands. One of the better things to happen here was the accidental release of Tuna. Unlike on old earth they thrived and grew. They grew much larger than anywhere else in fact. A full grown Tuna could weight … Read more

The Human and The Gliesen

Author’s note: Here’s a story for furry/non-human fans. All planets/moons/stars mentioned in the story are real – except the planet Gliese-H. I think this is a cute story. I had fun using my imagination. Chapter 1 Ryan sat alone in the cafeteria eating a horrid combination of what he surmised to be thawed preprocessed food … Read more