Waves The Conclusion

Great not only am I stuck walking to own but I can’t call for help, since my phone was in the car. Just my luck not a patrol car in sight and of course the only phone booth along the way is out of order. Forty minutes later I find a person on a bike … Read more

Escape (Complete)

Chapter 1 Getting a sponsor War had been going on for almost five years. I was eighteen and had completed both regular school and a advanced school in engineering. I was home on Cloud before I submitted an application for the fleet marines. A lot here was still being researched because of the properties. I … Read more

Destination Mars, Part 3 (The University)

It was the very next day after Hardy Cochran had spent the evening with the dean of the junior college of aeronautical studies that a messenger arrived at his dormitory. It seemed that the general needed an aide and since Hardy Cochran was clearly the top of his class the dean felt he could take … Read more

Absolute Power 7

Chapter 7 Bailey was kneeling next to me with her cheek resting against my hip, her warm palm cupping my balls while she unhurriedly fisted my half engorged cock. Unconsciously my fingers combed Bailey’s soft curls, in time with her leisurely caressing. Hannah caught my eye as she pushed her sunglasses up into her blonde … Read more

Amy and Clara: Prisoners in Space 2

Amy Pond held Clara Oswald tight, as much for her own comfort as for Clara’s. The brunette, having just been subjected to a vicious sexual assault, was passed out in Amy’s arms. Clara’s body was warm and wet, her brown hair messed up and stuck to her face. Amy looked up at the computer screens … Read more

Time for Love and Murder.

Did you ever have a crush on your teacher? I did. For me, it was Miss Greenway. Though it was more than just a crush, it was pure, true, love. A love which burned brighter than a billion suns. Unfortunately, of all the subjects she could be my teacher in, it was English. My school … Read more

Tales of the eKids Chapter 03

Part 6 Elle Adkins lay with her eyes closed; her face grimaced as if in pain. Her fingers were slowly caressing her small round breasts as she worked her pink nipples in time with Eamon Turner’s tongue. She was alone in her bedroom. A few meters away in an adjoining bedroom Emma Adkins and Eamon … Read more

Tales of the eKids Chapter 02

Part 4 Eamon Turner woke from a restless, dream-filled sleep. As his eyes opened slowly he realized he had his hand wrapped around a raging hard-on. ‘This is ridiculous’, he thought. ‘I’m going to go crazy at this place. This girl is driving me nuts!’ He pulled his fist off of his pecker with disgust. … Read more

Elle’s Revenge

“Come on elephant get your fat ass moving you’re holding us up!” The snide thin athletic girl yelled at Elle from the top of the hill. Oh how she loathed that nickname, was it her fault her stupid parents named her Elle, knowing perfectly well that her family did not exactly have a history of … Read more

Boarding School Encounter 01: Henrietta Molested

Merita tried not to panic as the alarms blared in her tiny space shift. She manipulated the controls with her hands and four purple tentacles. She stared at the blue planet before her It filled the curved screen. She was caught in a decaying orbit and her engines had malfunctioned. “I’m going to crash,” she … Read more

What’s Wrong With Me? – 1

Also, there are references to fictional characters from real tv-shows – which I used without permission from the owners, nor do I claim any rights to anything but that which came from my own mind! And just a word about the setting. I was imagining a world similar to the later incarnations of a very … Read more

Experimentation Goes Right

Conspiracy theories about aliens had persisted for so long that nobody really believed abduction stories anymore. It was the perfect cover, sow seeds of doubt and infiltrate under the cover of darkness. Their world was dying and they couldn’t stay there any longer, so they started searching the stars for a new place to call … Read more

Tom’s Parallel World – 8

Reader, if you haven’t already caught up with Tom by now, you will need to read previous chapters or some of the references may not add up for this chapter. Nothing beats a comment or a PM, if you have a constructive criticism, or just leave a +ve vote. This chapter is a little longer … Read more

Phoenix Pt 3 Ch 04

‘NO!’ Béla awoke with a start. The curtained canopy overhead told her she was in her own bed at the manor. She looked down at herself. Her belly was smooth with fresh, new skin. Remembering what she looked like before, Béla realized that someone had done a really good job of cleaning her up. She … Read more

The Herd

The first contact with life from another planet was almost catastrophic, nearly turning humanity into a slave race. But salvation came from the sky as well, a different species with very different cultures. They offered help if we helped them in return. We accepted. The aliens came to stay. Since then, Earth became part of … Read more

Jamie and them

I had married my wife even though she had a problem we only reluctantly talked about. When she was thirteen she was in a car accident and as a result couldn’t have children. Jamie was 5’ 4” about a hundred twenty pounds with red hair and b-cup breasts. She kept in shape due to working … Read more

A Thief’s new start

My name is, James William Silver. My mother had been a platoon leader for one of the space marines elite commando units on a detached mission. My father had been a starship captain. They both made the mistake of crossing paths with and embarrassing several heads of very large corporations. I was born shortly after … Read more

Rebuilding the Union chapter 2

Chapter 2 “A Guard patrolling the area saw a few Mutant Bruisers.” Terrie told April as she was catching her breath. “Bruisers…crap thats not good. The deserters were locked up by some Bruisers they have to be going back to get them.” April knew the Guards could handle the Bruisers if they get in cover … Read more