The mind’s eye

I watched as the huge gleaming disk rose. As it climbed higher, I started to curse. The damn thing should have exploded by now. It was almost out of sight, when there was a titanic blast and light show that appeared to be several miles up. A sad smile crossed my features as I bowed … Read more


New lands were viewed as a strange world to my eyes laying in the everclear blue liquid wich resembled substance of thick marmalade. I looked in to my new suroundings looking and capturing every litle part I could manage to take in. To many this would be seen as paradise on earth I was no … Read more

The Mosquito Burrow: Final Part

Sebastian is still under the worms’ drug effect, being milked constantly is a demanding job for him now the alien worms have changed his body structure. Making him more resilient to extreme temperatures, his hairy testicles have grown bigger to store more little swimmers so the worms can eat them later, his nuts are also … Read more


This is part 4 of what I expect will be a 12 to 16 part Novel. If you have not yet read any of the previous parts you will have trouble following this story. For those of you that want to proceed without reading any of the previous material, I will give you this bit … Read more

Apocalypse Chapter 26 + 27

apocalypse chapter 26 Morning broke as the bright tropical sun began to shine through the window on Adrien and Carry sleeping in their bed. Carry’s eyes opened to the light piercing through the room and waking here to life. She sat up and stretched and looked over to the hybrid boy she had come to … Read more

The mind’s eye 4

Bell appeared in a lush tropical forest, the smell of plants surrounding her. Not more than ten feet in front of her was a male, native to the island. “Hello,” Bell said, a smile on her face. The male turned, a look of at first fear, then anger on his face. “How did you get … Read more

The Maintenance Man (1) ?

The Maintenance Man (1) ? ——————————————————————————————————————– Mark had come a long way. Starting at the bottom he had learned everything that he could. As a child he had been concidered tall and clumsy, many of his classmates had made fun of him when he walked as he wasn’t able to walk in a straight line. … Read more

Repopulating the Earth

The year is 2053 and the human race is no more. War had overtaken the earth in 2048, a small conflict snowballing into an apocalyptic world war, which due to biological weapons being used and spiralling out of what little control there was, led to humans as a race being wiped out. By 2053 peace … Read more

Red Hawk the Spear Maker(Part 3 The Great Meeting Ground)

This takes place on the planet Surnova during the end of their dinosaur period. The human’s here evolved faster than did their counter part on Earth. “What is this wild dog and those camels doing here?” Wolfgard asked me. “The dog is a valuable member of our clan, and I will show you later, on … Read more

New Enceladus – chapter 4

late 2216 En Route to Ptolemy-1 Third Officer Evan George Robert Charles O’Connor-Davies the 4th – I was cursed, being born a descendant of the 1st Viscount of Brey and Rhonteen, Major General Sir Alberic Evan George O’Connor-Davies, VC, KCB, OBE, and double DCO. For two centuries, my family has been trying to redeem ourselves … Read more

The Dead Zone chapter 06

As Cait entered the bridge after hastily wiping herself down and pulling her shorts and singlet back on, Rhys was hunched over the comms console arguing with someone. “You said I had six hours!” “I lied, Nichols.” It was unmistakeably the voice of Montague, the captain of the pirate vessel that had hailed them earlier. … Read more

Red Planet: Jean’s secret

Red Planet: Jean’s secret In 2022 the first mission to mars started the great migration by 2122 a hundred years after the first landing thousands of people had migrated to the red planet with the promise of a new life… Jean had not expected to see her fiend from the city in the Hub let … Read more

Waves Part Two

Coming too once more, this time I the very hospital that I was in yesterday morning when this investigation started. The difference now a nurse in a uniform that definitely was too tight on her was holding my left wrist, checking my pulse. Noticing i’m awake “Well detective Gorwin we were wondering when you come … Read more

Nikita’s elves

First time story didnt know whether to continue it or not so some good feed back is always good. 3 main races on the planet, red blood, blue blood and humes. There were many other races but none in such vastness, for instance the raiders of the north who lived in the mountains and a … Read more

Star Wars: The Restricted Files – Chapter 8 – Ahsoka Tano vs. Asajj Ventress

While Leia Organa Solo and Mara Jade Skywalker took on the roles of slave girls in order to break the trafficking of slaves near Hutt Space, Jaina Solo furiously slammed two of her fingers into her pussy as she finished watching the holovid of Ahsoka Tano using her sex appeal to sway the mind of … Read more

Aliens – Breeding and Birth

My name is Lt. Emily Hadley. I am a crew member of an interstellar spacecraft. We are light years from Earth and were exploring a solar system that been identified as a source of some recent alien aggression. There had been some minor attacks against some of the member planets of the Federation we belong … Read more

Harry Potter 13 Added Security at Hogwarts by

Harry spent the next two days with Ginny until classes started up again. The first class Harry, Ron and Hermione had was Transfiguration. Prof. Radcliff was not taking it easy on them either. Since they were taking N.E.W.T.S, they were now up to changing live monkeys so they can change themselves soon. Hermione was actually … Read more