Mellian in Space I

Space Voyeur She stepped out of the cockpit and looked around. Things were as they should. She walked along the deck of the cruiser and headed for her quarters. In the highly polished finish of the walls she could glimpse herself as she strode past. She looked good. She knew this as just another fact … Read more

Space Saga ~ Prologue

I felt as the nanite reserves in my spine spread through my body shutting it down as they went. As the little nanites did their thing I thought back on how everything had come out to this situation. My name is Peter Grimm, I am a royal Lord Knight to the emperor himself. This was … Read more

Amazonian Womb Worms (Womb Feeders Chapter 4-7)

Chapter 4 — Hysteroscopy After getting off the phone with Claire, my core spasms from womb worm flipping inside of me. My heart is jackhammering in my chest and I’m hyperventilating while I hurry to get dressed. Even though I’m freaking out and having a panic attack over the fact that there’s a giant, parasitic … Read more

the great war 3033 part 3

It’s been 2 days when Lucie saw the army helicopter’s in the distance and what made it worse was that they weren’t their to rescue her they were their to kill her, Lucie had to think of something and fast however, she only had an hour to 2 hours until they were upon her. Jack … Read more

Jade’s new life

Hi everyone, this is my first story. And I hope to make this a series. Please do comment whatever you feel about the start. Good or bad both comments are welcome, and please do inbox me if you want another kind of story. I would love to write on request. And please do like the … Read more

Cat Fight 19 (Space Battle)

tinton  – 2 1/2 seconds specton – 2 1/2 minutes Toton –   2 1/2 hours minton –  2 1/2 days daycon –  2 1/2 weeks Malant –  2 1/2 months quant  –  2 1/2 years galant –  2 1/2 centuries Metson  – 2 1/2 inches maclon  – 2 1/2 feet heckson – 2 1/2 miles … Read more

The Princess and the Captain (3)

Amber walked into her chamber Jim trailing close behind her, “feeling better?” He inquired a worried look on his face. “Yes Jim,” she sighed “I”m not a baby” “No, but right now you need to take it easy” he replied “Jim I am about to be crowned emperoress I can not afford to take it … Read more

Return to Earth – 6

It was almost last week when they got a message from their professors. Due to the extensiveness, they were going to be reviewing their project after classes the following day. Neither of them was concerned. Overall they were done. All they were doing now was maintaining it. “Daniel,” Cynthia called from the other side of … Read more

The Curer 2220 part 2

“Since none of you have ever received treatment before, this may be… uncomfortable initially. I’m sure you’ve heard stories about this from others. Are you ready to be stretched girls?” I asked watching their faces for hesitation. “VERY ready, Master!” Replied Belinda with enthusiasm. “Yes… Master…”, replied Tiny Slut tentatively. She knew what she signed … Read more

Invasion of the body snatchers

“Zorg, are you ready to report!” “Yes, my Lord! I have even brought back samples from the planet, they call Earth.” replied the lizard-like creature as he bowed his head in homage to his master. “ Is it a viable place? Can we transplant there?” “Yes, my Lord, I believe we can. I also think … Read more

Friends Saved (The Mission (9)

Charles tried to open his eyes, a small groan erupted from his dry throat. Christ what in the hell hit me he thought, feels like I’ve been hit several times. “Alatem,” He heard a sexy voice say, “he’s awake dermal regeneration at 95%, all ribs have been set and are now at 79% I estimate … Read more

harry potter 16 The War Ends by

Harry awoke some time later to the felling of a cool rag pressed to his head. He tried to get up but he was pushed back down onto his bed. “Just lay there. You need your rest.” Harry heard Ginny tell him before falling asleep again. He awoke the next day to loud talking in … Read more

Tales of the eKids Chapter 05

Part 16 The Vice President of the United States looked across the conference table at the Attorney General. He let the A.G. stew in his own juices for awhile. Somewhere there was a leak. He hated leaks. Someone was going to get his balls cut off. Finally he spoke. “Bill, we can’t have this. It’s … Read more

Halo: Last Stand

this sotry is based on HALO the video game, it was the first story i ever wrote so, it proabably sucks, its like my Death Province, no sex, mostly jsut science-fiction war, i hope you like Last stand: prologue 8-12-2545 I was sitting in a recliner, looking down at my chest and looking at the … Read more

Return to Earth – 07

I made some classical errors in writing this chapter, and hope I mange to get them fixed. I’m not 100% thrilled with how it came out. So for all you English professors out there reading, if you want to complain about the grammar or a few incorrect spellings, save it for your students. I’m doing … Read more

Marooned on gronk

The Major just couldn’t see a thing. The cockpit was a blinding orange, even her flight visor struggling to diminish its brilliant intensity. The bird rocked around like a bronco pitching and banking the Major wrestling with the controls. For the first time in her distinguished career she had doubts that she was up to … Read more