Scheherazade Imaginaria Part 4: Tentacle Impregnation

I opened my eyes, the light dim and red-tinted with no readily identifiable source, the heat and humidity feeling like a sauna on my naked, sweat-slickened skin. The floor on which I lay was soft and yielding to the touch, pulsing rhythmically beneath me, the walls and ceiling of the small, domed chamber in which … Read more

Scheherazade Imaginaria Part 1: Ogre Captivity

I opened my eyes to darkness. Not quite complete, but almost so—I could make out the dim dome of the natural cave above me, maybe fifteen feet high in the center, and the thick timbers of the door barring my escape, the grated porthole allowing the barest flicker of firelight from the passage beyond. I … Read more

The princess and the Captain

Jim jumped as the proximity alert start shrieked a a warning. “God damn tourists” he muttered as he opened communications. “unidentified craft this is station prime one, you have entered restricted space, divert your course NOW!” The com crackled a shrill female voice pleading “prime station HELP! the pilot and co-pilot are dead.” “Shut down … Read more

Fulfilling Lust

I’m a writer. I am debating if I should put sex scenes in my story, this is just a snap shot of what one might look like what do you think. Any feed back is welcome Victoria let out a loud moan of pleasure “OOOOO” as she rode Evaron up and down his cock slipping … Read more

Artificial Affection

Artificial Affection It sounds like a lie but I was so close to developing a real-life love potion. Obviously, it wouldn’t work exactly how it does in the movies and it was created using science, not magic, so it’s more of a chemical than a potion. Regardless, I was close to making it a reality! … Read more

Sweet Dreams Part 6 – The Light From Yonder Window Breaks

— Sorry for the delay, it’s been a long couple of weeks. An anonymous reader posted an excellent comment about the characters, so I thought I would take some time to explain the basic concept behind the series, but since some of you likely won’t care, I made it a forum post for those who … Read more

Rh’aan…the beginning…

The evening sun shined through the room’s window down upon her crossed legs, casting a golden hued shine upon an already richly browned tan… Now then, just like you have been first taught…settle the breathing and focus to clear my mind… Eyes the color of richest honey-mead slowly eased their way closed, beholding for a … Read more

Prisoner of the Tookees, Part Three

The Tookees control massive amounts of power, but they don’t know how it works. They know only that certain special women, captured with their ships in deep space, can be used as triggers to control the power. The spark needed to ignite the power comes during sexual climax. But something goes wrong when the Tookees … Read more

Naked In Las Vegas

Julia DeMarco was a genius, a scientific protégée, and an extreme techno-nerd. She could read and write well before her third birthday, had graduated from MIT before her fourteenth birthday, and received her third doctorate before she could legally drive at the age of sixteen. The breakthroughs in long distance holography which she developed while … Read more

XeneRoberta Lives Forever

It was XeneSusan9984 that gave me the idea to write this. We were playing one night and I had driven her to her twentieth or thirtieth orgasm for the night. Susan is a painslut and I had her tied up tightly against a Saint Andrew’s cross and was flogging her with a Devil’s hair flogger. … Read more

Phoenix Pt 4 Ch 11

Jake stood and stared at this marvelous, malevolent female poised in his shower stall. She looked like Athena bathing in the mists as the swirling little showerheads surrounded her voluptuous form with hot steam and water. Realizing she was mesmerizing him, *again*, he abruptly turned away and strode into the bedroom. He stopped, trying to … Read more

Progenitor 1: The Beginning

Unexpected Resurrection Once, I was a man. I lived, loved, laughed – and died. My life gave me no complaints; it was a good one, and a long one. And when I finally died, neither angels nor demons would’ve surprised me. To be honest, after my life a case could’ve been made for either. Imagine … Read more

A Game of Basketball Pt. 2

The next day in class, Nicole wouldn’t even look at me. Worst of all, rumors spread through school like a wildfire. I overheard several conversations about her after English class. They called her a tranny, shemale and a slew of other transphobic slurs. At lunch, my teammates wouldn’t shut up about her. Especially Finn… “We’re … Read more

The Man in the Gray Suit – The Watch

The Man in the Gray Suit – The Watch Just as David was finishing up washing his dinner dishes, his sister, Kate, snuck up behind him and dumped hers in the sink. “Wash mine too,” she said. “What?” fifteen-year-old David asked. “Do your own fucking dishes!” “David,” came their mother’s rising inflection of warning from … Read more

New Beginnings – Pt 3 Ch 07

Kitchen sounds from the room below gently clattered in his mind. He turned over to let the tired flesh he’d been lying on for the last several hours receive some badly needed fresh blood and rolled up against a soft, warm body – definitely female. An unfamiliar but erotic scent drifted gently across the bed. … Read more

The After Seeding a Second Wave 1

The After Seeding a Second Wave 1 ——————————————————————————————————— One year after the Seeding 4 Mille had been having a hard time controlling their daughter, though she had the enhancements like her husband John, she still didn’t have the control that he did. Now at 8 1/2 months, their daughter’s mental powers were far above what … Read more