My First College Hookup

I guess I was a pretty typical eighteen-year-old girl on move-in day—excited, nervous, happy, sad…in other words, a bit of a mess. It was the first time I’d really been away from my family, with the exception of the occasional weekend with friends. I was scared to move away. After all, my school was nearly … Read more

Tarnheim Academy Part 3

Tarnheim Academy, Part 3 Our story continues… My initiation to the Tarnheim Academy had been astounding. I had been dominated and ravished by Headmistress, followed by the head girl, Adrienne, and the towering twins, Inga and Greta. At the tender age of sixteen, I could never have imagined being subjected to such awful indignities, nor … Read more

08] Gay Beginnings Part 1.

Readers… is with some hesitation that I am posting this story. It took much soul searching to decide to allow complete strangers to have a peek into my life. But this is who I am and what I was…..If you are offended by gay sexand youthfull explorations please dont read it. If you do read … Read more

Time Manipulation Mind Control Chapter 12: Sex Slave’s Naughty Plan

Aurora Pritchard “I wonder where Krystal is off to in such a hurry,” I said to my fellow sex slaves—Rebecca, Petra, Tracy and I were sitting at a table in our college’s cafeteria—as Krystal, our Master’s little sister, and her girlfriend, the Korean Ji-Yun, rushed out of the cafeteria. “Maybe they’re going to go fuck,” … Read more

First Time Sex Stories #4: Coming Into Summer

First Time Sex Stories #4: Coming Into Summer By Missy Younglove Author’s Note: This work is based on a true experience that was related to me via email. One day in 5th grade, my friend Summer started flirting heavily with me. Although I’d played with her almost every day during recess, she’d never acted like … Read more

Amanda Likes Japanese Girls

Amanda Likes Japanese Girls by Vincent Part 1 Amanda was in her bath robe sitting on her bed, waiting for the sound she’s waited for every night this week. Amanda had a crush. She knew it was the real thing, because when she met Hina for the first time her teeth tingled. It was a … Read more

I Dream of Jeannie

Roger Healy pulls his car up in front of Maj. Anthony Nelson’s house in Cocoa Beach, Florida, on a beautiful sunny Monday morning. For years Roger and Tony have been riding together to the NASA base several times a week. Roger sees that Tony’s car is gone so he figures that he’s already left. Roger … Read more

My Sexy Bad Boy pt.1

The sun beat down on the track around the football field as Max watched the track team running around it, but was watching one boy exceptionally. His name is Carson Bones; he is a 16 year old bad boy and six months older than Max. Max has a major crush on Carson he had something … Read more

Mutual Benefits – Chapters 1-5

*lot* of buildup before it gets to the sex! All characters depicted sexually are in their senior year of high school and are eighteen, throwing that in for the mods. I hope you enjoy the story! All feedback is welcome. Chapter One I would have traded anything in the world for another life, one where … Read more

The Adventures of Samantha Part 3

As is always the case with these series, make sure you read the first parts before you read this one! —————–____________________——————————-__________________———— After my session of fun as a man, I took a quick nap, then went to the tutoring center where I worked. When I arrived, I was surprised to learn that Colin, the boy … Read more