Dreams towards the Furture

I was a mild layback teen. It was hard for me entering Highschool but more then that I was bi. I didnt notice untill half way my highschool years before that I was confused. Going on I was kind of milddle ness for hight in ran in my family. I grew up Christian & Cholic … Read more

Teacher’s Pet_(2)

Teacher’s Pet Moving and having to transfer during your senior year of high school is quite difficult to do. I had to leave all of my friends behind and start in a new school which would be difficult for anyone but when you are pretty much just an average guy ( not an athlete or … Read more

Teacher Training

Chloe Hunt felt the bitter shaft of sunlight pierce the curtains and run lengthways down her naked body, illuminating the thatch of golden hair at her middle. The bed sheets discarded some time during a night of unbridled passion, her body was glazed in a film of sweat and heated by desire. Opening one eye, … Read more

learning in the school girls room

It was the first day of school, and I had been looking forward to freshman fuck day for the past three years. I had my eye on this one girl who looked so pure and innocent it just didn’t seem right. She was wearing a grey wool miniskirt with a white button down shirt, white … Read more

Isabelle Chapter 4

In the weeks that followed that night in my room not much happened. We were definitely changed people (emotionally), but basically it was the same routine that we had: School during the week, with a few make out sessions afterwards, weekends consisted mostly of my mom and dad taking us out to do tourism things … Read more

Webcam Boys Chapter 3

Chapter 3: A Slow Fall John was getting worried. Every single day he saw his best friend trudge along the school corridors with the air of a disinterested hobo. Aside from the fact that William was often late these days, he attended classes as if he clearly did not want to be there, and worst … Read more

How to train your fratboy (Ch5)

SNICK Piggy awoke to cold hands roughly removing his his collar. The last time he remembered passing out was at t-minus 12 minutes, but now the clock was gone, along with Mistress Gina and Queen Tifa. A mischievous looking Auburn-haired co-ed knelt before him now, her attention on her work. She’d brought him a new … Read more

The Crash, part 1

“Could I have a diet coke please?” I looked at my iPod, and skipped to the next song. I took a look at the ticket, which read “ARR 2030” on the side. I was flying home for the holidays from school, finally break was here. Home in Chicago was boring, but I loved the family … Read more

Teacher’s Pet_(3)

“It was Nicholas Copernicus who first proposed, in 1543, that the earth moved around the sun. His book, De Revolutionibus Orbium Caelestium or in English, On the Revolution of the Celestial Orbs, created a revolution in science that brought scientists such as Galileo into conflict with the Catholic Church. Even Kepler believed the heavens a … Read more

A Properly Trained Tongue. 01

When Brandy had first walked into my life, a couple of years back during college; I never could have or would have anticipated the depths, of absolute sexual depravity that would accompany alongside her innocent smile. Looking at her you would be hard pressed, to tell she’s the kind of girl that she truthfully is … Read more

I was Four and he was Five

I was Four and he was Five St. H—’s Preparatory. Kingston, Jamaica. “Give it back!” he cried out. “But it’s mine”, she protested. “Nooooo! It doesn’t belong to you. Gimme! The little boy screamed crying. “Children. What’s going on here” Mrs. Jarrett asked hurrying over. The classroom went quiet and the children turned in their … Read more

Earthquake Opportunity

Warning, this story is not for everyone. It contains snuff and rape. If this is not your cup of tea, do not proceed. You will not find what you are looking for down below. If however you are looking for something like that, then enjoy. All characters are above the age of 18. They called … Read more

Bullied (Part 1)

My name is Kora. I have lived in the US since I was 5. My mother abandoned me in North Korea to live with my aunt and uncle when I was 2. I was all my aunt had after my uncle died and she decided to give me a happy life. She saved up all … Read more

My first rape_(1)

Um this is my first story ever I also typed it from my ipodtouch tell me what you think. Hi my name is Malik, I’m one of those guys everyone seems to like. I’m in 8th grade. I’m black about 5’9 people say I’m tall but I don’t think so. I’m extremely fit beat runner … Read more

My Teacher_(0)

I took latin for 3 years in high school. I was kind of a nerd or dweeb or whatever you want to call it. I wasn’t really unpopular but I didn’t play sports, I was kind of a class clown. I was on the quiz bowl team. At 17 I still hadn’t had sex with … Read more


Nelson was working out in the back yard, with his best friend when he started to hear yelling. He got up while his friend cody continued to workout. Nelson slowly made his way to the wooden fence when he suddenly heard his friend gabby yelling. She was screaming yelling like someone was hurting her . … Read more