Richard’s Tales: Scoring the Coach

After Richard’s experience with the young girl he didn’t go into his area for a while. It had been two weeks since his experience. He has seen her in the hallway during the day, and she would wink at him when he passed her. He was starting to get the itch to fuck a girl … Read more

Agatha Allbut & The Bimbo Squad Ch 02 Agatha Starts College

Agatha arrived on campus a day late, missing orientation. She ended up going to a state school because Bryn Mawr gave away her spot when she missed the deadline for tuition payments while dealing with her inheritance and trying to cope with the loss of her beloved Grandparents. Pinto, the retired Magazine editor, and her … Read more


The young school-teacher fled desperately down the corridor, the flat slapping of her shoes echoing sharply in the silence. Panting for breath, she ran past deserted classrooms, none of which offered any hope of refuge or escape – she was on the third floor of a long block, and even if a window would open … Read more

The Power of Science (Chapter 4) – Claire’s New Life (continued)

Previously: Evan told Julianne about his ability, as well as what he did to Claire. He let Julianne enjoy using Claire, but she suddenly acted up and defied one of Evan’s orders. Needless to say, she needed to be punished for her disobedience. ===== Evan dragged the rope lightly across Claire’s skin. His cock was … Read more

Editing Reailty Book 3, Chapter 09: Transformed Reality

Steve Davies The BEEP, BEEP of my alarm clock went off, drawing me out of sleep. I felt my bed moving. “Too early!” Sam, my youngest daughter, cried out. She snuggled up against my side. “Mmm,” I groaned, my eyes opening. “Don’t go back to sleep,” my wife said. She was on the other side … Read more

New Neighbor: Part 3

New Neighbor: Part 3 Kayla has fun with not just her neighbor. Gahhh, I know it has been forever but as my name suggests, I am in college and college is surprisingly demanding. But anyway I hope you love this story because I sure do =] Thanks for the comments and suggestions! Kayla bounced up … Read more

The Creators Chapter 9

Chapter 9 I sat on the couch awaiting a response from Luca to whether she would live here or not. “ yes I’ll live here” “really?! No thinking about it before hand or anything like that?” I said honestly surprised not expecting the answer so quickly. “no I don’t need more time I already knew … Read more

Hermione and the threesome of forecumming

[b]You slowly crept out of the warm downy feather bed, and slipped into her rather nice slippers, which were a present from Mrs.Weasley. (Homemade of course.) Slowly creeping down the tarnished worn out steps, your long rather curly hair bobbing against the rythm of your step. Upon entering the kitchen, Mrs.Weasley sat you down, and … Read more


[b]39 R & R GOES FAR The Tigers are back. The Cubs remember and respect the Tigers. Michael and Karim return. “Karim, I don’t want you pitching today. Let’s be safe and wait ‘til next game for that…. Jose, I want you to coach today.” “All right! I’ve been wondering if you’d give me a … Read more

(Harry Potter) – Ron Blackmailed to fuck

She looked at him from the green satin armchair next to the window. His handsome body was hit by the faintest rays of the moonlight, but she didn’t need her eyes to see him through the dark. She knew where his muscles and his bones were; she knew where he liked to be touched when … Read more

Tarnheim Academy Pt 1

Tarnheim Academy, Part One My name is Heather Gringsworth, and this is my story. I was raised by my parents in Essex, in the very lap of luxury. I lacked for nothing, and enjoyed all the privileges of wealth and status. My parents indulged my every whim, which only served to embolden me to demand … Read more

School Life 4

“Jessica! I’m sorry! Please, I have to explain to you! She forced herself on me-“ “I don’t want to hear it Aaron!” Here is the girl of my dreams, me at her doorstep, apologizing and trying to explain to her how in the hell she saw me fucking the lead bitch of our school after … Read more

Flasher Girl

I’m Pepper and please dont judge me too much for grammar and all that because Im not a professional writer and I don’t wana get all bogged down seeing if I did everything right. I mean jeeeeze, if you wana have great writing and sex then how about just going to your local library and … Read more