Three sisters and little brother part 2 – Heero Yuy

Three sisters and little brother part 2 – Heero Yuy This is part to of the series, I know part one was written terrible but I got some positive messages and I thought to myself let’s try again. This time I tried to write it better I hope I succeeded. Rate my story and give … Read more

Harry Potter and the Ring of Salazar

Here is my first Story I’m a Harry Potter Fans but i love aslo extreme sexual fantasy about Potter universe. This story contain Character of JK Rowling Book two last thing before you read this first i’m not English Native Speaker so be easy on me… maybe soe part of my text are all wrong … Read more

Filthy femdoms: forced oral-part 7

After my unfortunate breakdown…and refusal to obey direct orders given by the guards…I was driven into a world of terror, dread, and remorse. Not the remorse of regretting what I had done…but remorse for placing myself in line for severe punishment for my serious infraction. I didn’t sleep well that night…the horrors of what lie … Read more

Close Encounters of the Turd Kind

My Mistress looked on as three of her gorgeous, naked handmaidens made the final adjustments. One of them, a cute little brunet who couldn’t have been over 18 years old with the body of a voluptuous cherub, snugly inflated the watertight seal around my neck. My head was now securely sealed inside the clear glass … Read more

A Long Night’s Journey into Cuckoldry

She was by every measure an innocent beauty AND a simpering whore; her body both the holy temple of her soul and an open sewer of repressed sexual depravity. This was all apparent to the discerning eye; it aroused anxiety and confusion in the chaste but the compulsion to defile, flog and torture in more … Read more

Business Trip Chapter 12

“Hi.” Jane was there, looking as if she had just come out of the shower, robe half open over breasts and groin that were still full of little drops of water. “Do you need …?” “Toys? No I got some.” “Kids are asleep.” Which proved not to be quite true. “Daddy, Daddy.” It was their … Read more

The Escort Pt 2

Lars lead Laney back to his room. It was time to collect. He watched her walk around as men stared at her. Knowing she was naked beneath the short dress drove him insane. Several times tonight, he’d reached beneath the short skirt and cupped her pussy. She was hot. He was certain he was not … Read more

Smoke Break, My House_(1)

Kaylie texted Ashley “SBMH” which meant “smoke break, my house” which meant that they would meet on Kaylie’s dad’s patio, smoking cigarettes and hang out. Their two houses backed up to each other in the neighborhood separated by a small greenspace and they’d been living there since birth. They were inseparable since the age of … Read more

Dirty Little Secret

I am a 24-year-old man. I am in shape, have a professional career, am successful so far and have a beautiful girlfriend of 4 months. At this point in our relationship, we decided a holiday together would be the icing on a so far sex-filled honeymoon period cake. A quick look online and we found … Read more

Sara’s new life

Chapter 1 Sara fumbled with the camera, trying to fix it in such a way that it would not be seen on the inside of the toilet. It had become somewhat of an obsession for her to film other women using the public beach facilities over the past 3 months. It had started when she … Read more

Lisa and Master Mark

Lisa and Master Mark We arrived at Mark’s house, which was situated in a tiny and secluded Surrey village at about 8 ‘o’clock that Saturday night. We knocked on the door Lisa was looking very apprehensive; he opened the door to us almost immediately. He was according to his letter, a retired Army Major. Aged … Read more

Slave Pet Harry – 1

Harry P.O.V. I stood there as I watched Ron and Hermione leave in the carriages for Christmas Break. Yet again I wasn’t leaving for break and this time I would be the only one in Gryffindor tower staying at Hogwarts. Once the last carriage left I pulled my cloak around me and walked back into … Read more

A Dark Journey into Cuckoldry

She was by every measure an innocent beauty AND a simpering whore; her body both the holy temple of her soul and an open sewer of repressed sexual depravity. This was all apparent to the discerning eye; it aroused anxiety and confusion in the chaste but the compulsion to defile, torture and mutilate in more … Read more

To Be A Tart once More

One day, whilst bemoaning the fact that she had lost her tart, Linda sat listless, sipping her cappuccino among the planted palms and faceless patrons sipping overpriced coffee in the corner caf?y her apartment. The sun filtered in through the window near Linda’s table and highlighted her tartlessness in silhouette. Other than the fact that … Read more

Master Always Knows: Part Two

Katy was having a hard time waking up. Her eye lids were heavy. She just couldn’t lift them. But she was freezing cold. Where was her blanket? And she was dying for a glass of water, he throat was so dry. She tried to move an arm but it wouldn’t move. Was it chained in … Read more

One Night In Dublin_(0)

It was March of this year in Dublin Ireland, I decided to take an impromptu vacation to the island, but lacked the funds necessary for an adequate AirBNB, so I decided to try something I never did before… Stay in a hostel. I booked a male only room that housed up to 8 guys, and … Read more