Kneel or No Kneel Pt. 02

Chapter 2: After the Show I couldn’t see a thing. I was living in a world of inky blackness with only sound and the pain in my abused little body to keep me company. I wasn’t deprived of sight due to a blindfolded nor was it the result of the fogginess in my brain but … Read more

Journey of a Pain Slut – The Prequel … Her First Whipping

Her First Whipping – Part 1 Bear with me, ‘coz this is the very first time I have tried writing something like this down, especially on a web site like this, but I did promise! So (deep breath – here goes), last week I was pretty busy at uni, but, with the encouragement of my … Read more

Breaking the Cheerleader

Breaking the Cheerleader Jessica awoke in a daze. She blinked her blue eyes, trying to focus on any shape in the darkness as she struggled to remember where she was. There had been a party last night. She attended with one of the football players from her school. There were drinks and dancing and…nothing. “I … Read more

Dirty Little Slave

The sun rises slowly on the coast of Charleston, South Carolina. A dim but growing light slowly weaves its way through the open window of John Willington’s master bedroom as he wakes from his slumber. He quietly opens his eyes. Another day has begun on his immaculate plantation by the sea. Salty air drifts in … Read more

Senior Year Pet – Chapter 2

Chapter 2: Making a Sex Slave That next day in class I sit at a desk alone again, and sure enough as Sarah walks through the door and sees me, she makes a b-line to sit beside me. Looking less confident then she has on Wednesday she says “Did you struggle that much on the … Read more

A Spectacle of Agony (Ch. I: The Tour)

Chapter 1: The Tour From the outside, the building looks innocent enough. The wealthy merchant Armando wonders if he has found the right place to fulfill the dark desires he is ready to pay well for. He had half expected to hear screams of agony emanating from within, or at least for the place to … Read more

Our Only Hope, Chapter 03

Taking Down Master Rodriguez As we drove away from the club, Natasha said something to the driver that didn’t seem to go over very well. He and Natasha began to argue, then she said something very forcefully and the driver shrugged and reached up to the dashboard and flipped a switch. A solid partition rose … Read more

Another life for a farmgirl

Riding had always seemed to me to be a very erotic experience. The repeated thumping of the hard saddle against my crotch stimulated my clit and my imagination. With my legs spread wide apart across the thick body of Max, my stallion, I could close my eyes and imagine the hips of a gorgeous blonde … Read more

To the Victor Go the Spoils. Pt: 1

“She’s too fat,” David’s boss asserted as he glanced down at the surveillance photos spread across his cluttered desk. “If she tones up a little, she’ll be hot. Besides, you think all women should be anorexic.” David said in Sara’s defence. Sara was short, only about 5′ and not at all heavier than she should … Read more

Garbage Dump Gangrape Part 4

Jack grabbed Jessica by the throat and told her in no uncertain terms that disobeying them would lead to more terror. To make his point Jack picked up a piece of broken cement and punched the teen in the stomache with it. This nearly knocked the teen out and she quickly grabbed the skimpy clothing … Read more

Vickie’s Abduction part 4

Vickie’s Abduction part 4 People that know him call him Cowboy. Unknown to them he is a serial rapist that abducts pretty, single, mature women rapes them taking what he wants and makes them like it. His victims call him Gentle Rapist. Vickie, Julie, Tina and Teri are four of his victims that have discovered … Read more

Step Daughters’ Desire chapter 5

Step Daughters’ Desire chapter 5 We ended chapter 4 with slave Sandra waiting for punishment for acting like a bitch. Slave Sandra waits in the basement play room naked, kneeling, legs, spread, hands clasp behind her back, forehead pressed on the floor, crying with pain in her heart for disappointing Master Frank and making him … Read more

Harriet Brimmerton seduces Rachel

HARRIET BRIMMERTON SEDUCES RACHEL Mrs. Brimmerton had aged well. She was now 65, straight and dignified, with distinguished gray hair, almost if not quite blue. Her body had sagged, but she kept it in pretty good shape. Her breasts had sagged appropriately, but she had ignored the siren call of cosmetic surgery, feeling that most … Read more

Johanna Morgenthau and the Search for the Cinnamon Ice Cream Chapter 04

==== Chapter Four: The Villa ==== == Thomas is Delicious == It’s the Easter holidays. Johanna has invited Thomas, Sören, Sarah, and Marie to help her move. She lets them into the apartment five minutes after Elke has left for the shop. The five of them swiftly pack Johanna’s belongings into boxes and load them … Read more

Johanna Morgenthau and the Search for the Cinnamon Ice Cream Chapter 05

==== Chapter Five ==== == The Educatiоn оf Lisa == Meeting Lisa The week at school has become nothing but a blur. Johanna’s focus is barely there. Yet, her mind feels unusually clear, enabling her to often give a good answer, despite 90 percent of her thoughts being preoccupied with Michael, the villa, and Barbara. … Read more

Daytime Diversion

I’m back dear readers, with another wanton tale of lust,, pain and pleasure….and that’s the fun part of the story! The music blares loudly out of the Bose speakers, thundering AC/DC as it adds to his being disoriented. I like him better that way, besides, the noise covers up my…stealthier movements, and allows me to … Read more