The Good, The Bad and the Molly – Chapter Seven

“I think that just about does it.” I confidently stated as I inspected my work. I prodded the wooden frame staring down at me and nodded. “Yup, we’re good. I think the mattress can go back on now.” “Are you sure?” Molly asked me, arms close to her chest in hesitation. I rolled my eyes, … Read more

The Story of Ann Chapter 7 Love and the Devil

The Story of Ann Chapter 7 Love and the Devil My kiss did not awaken Jack. I press his face against my shoulder as I looked up from the floor. Janet and Susan are standing over me with tears streaming down their faces. I looked to see others standing with their heads bowed as if … Read more

Perchance to Dream Pt. 2

“Caught Up In A Dream” Melanie found some of my daughter Alice’s looser fitting clothes and struggled into them. The Uber driver was two minutes away. Maybe, I thought. Just maybe, we can get Melanie out of here without a major scene with my hungover wife. I creaked open Alice’s door and peered out into … Read more

IHNC 7.5 – Cats out of Bags and against Doors

IHNC 7.5 – Cats out of Bags and against Doors (These events are from the viewpoint of Becky Whitman, the student/pregnant adulteress of Edward Font) Yesterday Lisa told me about her near-rape by Mr. Pressman. That asshole was going down. I hadn’t known Lisa very well until I though she wanted to hit on Mr. … Read more

Gray Jedi Ch. 10

Gray Jedi Ch. 10 “Serra, what’s our status?” Malik asked. “Just broke through the atmosphere, but Imperial fighters are hot on our tail.” “Rex, let’s man the guns,” Malik said. “Better idea: Rex and Laranth. I need you here, Malik,” Serra replied. “Good call, that girl’s a sure-shot.” “I’ll fetch her,” Rex said, jogging out … Read more

Beauty and The Beast: Chapter 3

As the days passed, life fell into a familiar rhythm. The Beast would cook for her and tend to the house’s grounds, while she gradually transformed its interior through the determined application of a soapy cloth. In the afternoons, their reading lessons progressed, and Rose soon began to make her way through Little Goody Two … Read more

Beauty and The Beast: Chapter 5

Summer gave way to autumn and The Beast’s attitude towards Rose slowly mellowed, although the moments of genuine cordiality between them never quite returned. He made awkward conversation, took occasional walks with her in the garden, and started sitting beside her again during her reading lessons, which now focused on a book called The History … Read more

Narrow Escape (The Mission 8)

Ally felt numb, she couldn’t believe that she might never hear her best friend Allie again. Charles had been working on Allie’s circuits for over 2 hours, he’d almost had to shut part of cici’s circuits off, he’d been begging Charles to save Allie. Charles had been through it’s systems almost twice, though he’d replaced … Read more

Thank God for Science

Gotta love science Graduating from UC Berley in 1982 with a Doctorate in Chemistry and molecular science with a job recruitment offer from a research and development company specializing in human behavioral science. My first assingnment was research in the neurological studies of sexual behaviors, DNA and nerve studies. It was found that the DNA … Read more

Broken Birds, Part 13, Beloved

Part 13 Beloved Michael watched the effect of Alice’s words. His women moved as if in a synchronized ballet. Shoshana and Rafaela, who had never been in a “Harem Night” were fascinated. Beth who had been at the foot of the bed, waved Shoshana over. “Shosh, I think you may like this position. I’ll join … Read more

Cherished Girl 2

Carissa didn’t know how she felt about what she was doing. It was degrading of course…but it also had her libido on overdrive. She had to admit, Anders’ little gift’ to her wasn’t as bad as she’d feared. It was anything but ‘little’ too. Was he watching the live stream even now? The lithe brunette … Read more

I found my sister stripping Ch 7 (really)

Let me start by saying that there is a LOT more story in this chapter, and a bit less sex. For those after only the sex, I’m sorry, but I hope you like the 3-4 page sex scene that is in here. Also, there is no actual incest in this chapter, but it is referenced, … Read more