The School Spinster Takes A Chance

The School Spinster Takes A Chance (An Original Story by rutger5 – Copyright 2012) ____________________________________________________________________________________ “I’m telling you under the circumstances you’re doing the right thing Julie” her friend said to her as they sat sipping their coffee. “I know you’re right Lauren, but it’s so difficult. After all these years, heck my whole life … Read more

Kaylee’s hair peeks out

“You know, I can see your … hair,” whispered Gina, before dissolving into giggles. “GINA! You are AWFUL!” Kaylee clapped both her hands over the front of the yellow bikini bottoms. She stood still for a moment, holding back a giggle, chewing her bottom lip. “Ummm … Can you really?” Kaylee slowly dropped her hands … Read more

A Family Betrayal Chapter 19

?????? POV: Friday night around 8 p.m. It’s been two days since I have been house sitting for Heath Thompson. A mutual friend of Kaye and mine set me up in this situation to give me a chance to collect on a old bounty that eluded a bondsman 20 years ago. I have been after … Read more


Low grey storm clouds were scudding across the sky above the slate roofs of the ‘New Town’ district of Edinburgh. They matched Veronica’s temper, as she paced the living-room floor of the two-bedroom apartment, in a foul mood which she was working up into an even fouler one. The flat was very well situated, occupying … Read more


CHAPTER 4 I was at work the following morning reviewing some bookkeeping for a small electronics firm when my phone rang. “Tim, Mr. Reinhardt wants to see you at two o’clock this afternoon. Be on time—he only has fifteen minutes.” “Okay, Cheryl—any idea what he wants?” “Sorry, I can’t say. Just be here on time. … Read more

A Geek in Mind

The area of the city that I worked in was a fairly typical corporate hub. The building itself was another glass fronted office block in a forest of glass fronted office blocks. Anonymity through conformity. Inside it, on the many floors, I.T. staff serviced contracts for banks and insurance companies, petrochemical conglomerates and trading houses. … Read more

Jessica’s Scarf and the Old School Copier_(1)

Jessica’s Scarf and the Old School Copier Revised version: Much improved and 10% longer — fixed spelling, verb tenses, improved wording, sex scenes extended, more dialog,… Cast of characters: Jessica Roberts — 23 years old —- Newest science teacher. Stunningly beautiful, smart, lonely. Annoyed at being ignored. Mr. Skinner — 34 years old —- High … Read more

A Family Betrayal Chapter 30

After four days away from the beach house it was so nice to be home. Wednesday morning I woke up feeling recharged from all the thinking and planning for my families future. I explained everything during breakfast in which I got smiles from all my family members that were there. They asked when the house … Read more

A Nun Defliled_(0)

A Nun deflowered The sun shone. Leaves rustled gently in the breeze. The brook babbled noisily. Lambs frolicked and played. I was bored. Two hours to spare. Everyone working hard when they saw me approach, then slacking I was bored frustrated and angry. I wanted a plump wench, though not a plump wench’s inevitable offspring, … Read more

Gray Jedi Ch. 1

Greetings, readers! I had so much fun writing my recent Star Wars story, “Of Scavengers and Smugglers,” that I decided to start up another. This one I plan to be a longer-running series. Just how long, I’m not certain yet. At least as long as ideas keep flowing, I suppose. Anyway, this story starts with … Read more

Perchance To Dream Pt. 3

“Sweet Dreams Are Made of This” I took the tongs and carefully placed the chicken breasts back into the bubbling sauce. As I ladled the sauce over the chicken, Melanie seemed to think I went deaf. “Did you hear me?” she asked. “Yeah, I did. That’s awesome. She’s a lucky girl.” I grabbed the cast … Read more

Wartime Comfort House Diary – Day 3

Day 3 Miss Yamaha’s turn Instead of wearing her traditional kimono, Miss Yamaha wore western style today. When she bowed as always, I couldn’t help but noticed her cleavage from her low cut v-opening blouse. ‘General Tanaka, good news. I made great progress. She has come around after I showed her the good life compared … Read more

Kiara Joins the Military – Chapter 1

Kiara was shy. She had never been popular at school and had chosen a new career in the military as a way of building confidence and starting again in life. Away from her home town, she wanted only to keep her head down and make her way in life and had made a promising start. … Read more

Apocalyptic Lovers: Life Begins to Revive

Apocalyptic Lovers: Life Begins to Revive (I suggest your read Apocalyptic Lovers before getting into this sequel.) Following the massive meteor strike near Kansas City, a strong earthquake had moved in a wave across the entire North American continent. Megatons of dust, rocks and dirt had been hurled into the atmosphere. The resulting dust and … Read more