[b]45 REALLY FEELY When they arrive at Black’s Beach, Jeff helps Roberto set up his new privacy fence. Jeff asks Maria to put sun tan lotion on him. Sweetly, “Only if you do me.” “Of course, marvelous Maria!” Jeff lies on his stomach inside the fence. Maria starts with his neck and works down. Maria … Read more

Prelude to Shattered Memories

You know, there’s this one quote that’s kind of always been stuck in my head. It’s a pretty famous quote. You know it, it’s from one of the physicists who worked on the Manhattan project. I think the guys name was… What was it… Robert Oppenheimer. The quote goes something like this. “… We knew … Read more

Chance Meeting

Chance meeting on the street It was a cool morning for the fall in her part of England. The clouds above let her know it may rain later. That is why she wore her black rain jacket tied at the waist and her black wool cap. Her red hair flowed out of it. Her black … Read more


Graduation Moving was always painful and it seemed like all we did was ever moved. My mom was recently moved to a small town in Iowa. Everyone knew everyone or at least almost everyone. I had lost dozen of friends before until I had finally just stopped even trying to make new friends. I lost … Read more

The way to fame by

It was 12 o clock Jack was sitting behind the bar as he watching the patrons of his bar. He looked away at the clock. The band that would play tonight was late. He walked out of the bar to the dressing room. The guitarist of the band was on a chair by the door … Read more

First GYN Exam –And My Fantasy Come True

MY FIRST GYN EXAM — MY FANTASY COME TRUE Doc Murphy is my pal–always has been, a buddy! Yeah, I’ve had other friends, but they often changed, I moved, or they moved, they found new friends or I did, whatever. But I could depend on Doc Murphy as my friend–to the death! Well, by that … Read more

Rosie and Steve – Part 6_(1)

Adventures in Rosieland 6 It was quiet in the house; Beatrice was at school, Rosie couldn’t believe her little girl was sixteen now. Melissa, Bea’s half, and now step-sister was also at school. People often remarked how much the two girls looked alike, but never in front of John; there were rumours around that he … Read more

As Twiligh Tide Draws Nigh

Josef awoke, and soon realized that it was early and that today he was on duty. Already bright sunlight was streaming in through his window. He loved this time of day; so fresh, so full of opportunity and promise. As he lay there he caught the faint smell of lavender coming from somewhere. “Was it … Read more

Joe’s pets

Neither of them knew how long she’d been around if you asked them. When he inherited the house, she was just….there, part of it. Not that either complained about it, far from it. She had been employed to keep it clean, maintain the garden, cook and be a companion for his Grandmother when she had … Read more