The Man In The Grey Suit – The Candle

It was snowing when he closed up shop. He looked up into the grey sky, trying not to feel anything. The snow always reminded him of Julie. Just another reason to hate this time of year. He shook his head and yanked the gates over the glass doors with a bit more force than necessary, … Read more

The Fiery Doctor Part 1 reboot

I’m rebooting this story to fix my fuck-ups. Comments please. Chapter 1 Here she was yet again, walking through a village in Afghanistan with the Marine unit that she was attached to. She was a navy corpsman and damn proud of it. She also filled the role of the unit’s FET member and also was … Read more

A Family At Odds Chapter 11 Final?

Two weeks went by and in those two weeks there was a few incidents that occurred and even threats by a few people Karl knew well. The first was a few days after Karl was arrested. Seems some one mistook someone as my father and ran into his bike. The biker only had a few … Read more

Honeymoon Cruise of Briana and Uncle Jake

This is the continuation of the first part to this fictional story. It is purely fiction, it is a story. It involves love between a man and young girl, if you do not approve do not read. These are fictional characters, any real life similarities are strictly coincidental and unintended. Not a life life was … Read more


I was shopping with my wife one afternoon–a frigid day in early January. We had just left Walmart and I drove past a homeless man leaning against a stop sign with a handmade sign exactly like the one I describe here. I have often wondered how people become homeless and why so few of us … Read more

Boy am I glad I don’t golf…

Let me start out by saying I make it a rule to avoid coveting another man’s wife. But for my brother-in-law’s wife, I had to make an exception. I’ll be honest, I’ve lusted after her form the first day I saw her. I always assumed that my desire would be nothing more than fantasy; I … Read more

Online Love

This story took place back in 1998, when it first started. Jim was a 42 year old, just recently divorced man for the second time. He left his first wife after finding out she was screwing his one friend. Then a couple of years later married, who he believed, was the perfect woman. But after … Read more


Part 1 Yufuin has a special place in Reina’s heart. It is where she spent her honeymoon, not her real honeymoon, that was Italy, but the Italian trip was so busy with sightseeing and shopping and eating everything in sight, by the time they returned to their hotel room each night she and Brad were … Read more

The Cove Ch 4

Will had made his way back home from where he left Amber and Jackie on the cliff, not far from the Cove. His mind struggled back and forth with the anticipated pleasure of making love to Amber, and hopefully Jackie too, and the worry of what pain he might have to endure by the cock … Read more

Biker Vets Lose a Righteous Brother

Rick woke to find himself naked and alone in the middle of what appeared to him to be an A-Team encampment. He recognized the encompassing mountainous terrain as being very similar to that of the central highlands, a geographical region around Pleiku in the former Republic of Viet-Nam. The encampment was surrounded by wire and … Read more

A Family Betrayal Chapter 33

Writers Note’s: Hey all just to let everyone know the anonymous comments are turn off. If you want to comment PM me. I am sorry for the inconvenience for this action. I am also sorry that I posted Chapter 1 of the next story after A Family Betrayal. Just wanted to give everyone a peak … Read more

A new world

Allen was standing out in his backyard cooking some steak on his BBQ. It was a calm summer night with clear black skies and the sound of children in the distance. Allen was reminded of those nights when he would be making burgers for his family then they would hang out together and play party … Read more