The Passion Of Two Friends- Chapter 2

To my surprise, Rod began to slip his pants off. My heart started to race uncontrollably. He started to take his underwear off when he stopped and looked at me. “Ken, I need to jack-off. Please go downstairs.” “Come on man, we are best friends, just do it in front of me. I don’t mind.” … Read more


“Malia… Would you please focus on the task at hand?” asked my frustrated mother as she lifted a box from the truck and carried it into the new house. “Aren’t the movers going to do that?” I asked. “Yes. So get your tree and the two boxes that you have left for your room.” I … Read more

Rule of Woman Chapter 2

Rule of Woman Chapter 2 When in Rome; Run The needle pierced skin as it slid into the flesh of Jared’s arm. Suppressing a wince, he watched as a petite female attendant in a lab coat push the plunger down. The liquid went painfully into the muscle of his arm. An arm that was sculpted … Read more

The Beach House – Revisited

I’ve had countless requests to do another segment for a story I did at the beginning of the Summer (2011), and finally had the time and ambition to write something. For those of you who haven’t read the original story, I suggest you click on my ID at the top of the page, and read … Read more

My Amazing Mason 3

Weeks and weeks went by and I was doing so so good with my therapy and stuff. I got to hear from Mason a couple of times a week and I got to talk to mom a few times a week. It got to where I knew when Mason was going to call me and … Read more

Second Chances – Part Last

Early the next morning, Ben was already getting ready for another long drive. He snatched his cell phone up and without looking, turned the volume up in an autonomous motion. He prepped his log book and fired up the rig checking the oil pressure gauge for a few moments. He would just reach Tuscaloosa, Alabama … Read more

Predatrix One: An Education

After rushing through some toast and cereal, Michael casually threw the bottle of Predatrix in his bag and ran out the door. Today, of all days, he couldn’t afford to be late at school. It was the first day of the Parent Teacher Conferences. Throughout the cab ride to school, and all the while he … Read more

An Office Affair_(1)

Nina worked for me, part of the team in the outer office. I inherited her from my predecessor, and at first I found her work to be proficient, if a little perfunctory, as if she always had something better to do. But the standard of her work had less and less interest for me, as … Read more

A Family Man: Part 5 Home Cumming

After driving all afternoon and into the early evening, Bonnie and I reached Wausau, in upper central Wisconsin, where the hospital my uncle was born in was located. I wagered that even if my uncle’s family didn’t live in Wausau, they wouldn’t live too far outside it. After asking for directions at various gas stations, … Read more

a night to remember_(21)

It seems fitting to post this on the same day it happened. It was two days after Christmas; we were 15 and had just gotten back from skating at Rockefeller Center and having fun in the city. My parents were going to a wake and staying over at a hotel there. It had been so … Read more

A Family Betrayal Chapter 31

A couple days after the intrusion my family were able to calm down as things returned to normal. The kids started to be themselves with Adam helping them through the emotional strain that all four showed. The rest of the family dealt with their own emotional awareness stating ‘No one was going to break our … Read more